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The English Farm website will be offline from 5:00 p.m. Monday 23rd September to 5:00 a.m. Wednesday 25th September (Japan Standard Time).


A woman in the whisky business

Bessie Williamson (1910-1982) was a woman in a man's industry. She ran a whisky distillery in Scotland at a time when women weren't managers in any business, let alone the whisky business. But Williamson worked her way up from a typist to the owner and CEO of the Laphroaig [lah-FROYG] distillery, becoming a well-respected boss and highly successful manager. She brought Laphroaig distillery through difficult times during WWII and began a far-reaching modernization process before retiring.

Williamson was known in the business as the "Islay Labour Exchange" because she found a job for almost everyone who needed one. And if workers didn't have a pension plan, she kept them on well past the usual age of retirement. Her employees were always first in her mind, even in the hard times.

Bessie Williamson's most important legacy, however, is showing that women can be as successful as men, even in the traditionally male whisky business. It was quite an accomplishment in her time, and she remains an inspiration to women today.

Please summarize this article in three sentences. Do Homework
Why do you think the whiskey business was thought of as "a man's business"? Do Homework
What do you like to drink? If you drink whiskey, are you familiar with Laphroaig? Do Homework
Can you think of another business leader who has broken stereotypes? Do Homework

The importance of close bonds

According to The New York Times, research shows that close friendships are necessary for optimal health and well-being. A key to close friendship is intimacy, and a big part of intimacy is being able to be fully yourself and be understood by others.

If close friendships really are vital to people’s well-being, one might assume we would be able to make them easily. However, it turns out that the opposite may be true: close friendships are important to people because they are so difficult to form.

According to John Cacioppo, a social neuroscientist, humans evolved a natural bias against easily making friends because, in the past, avoiding an enemy was more important than making a friend. If a person mistook a friend for a foe, then that would not endanger their survival, but mistaking a foe for a friend could lead to death.

Culturally, modern people are also more focused on career success, financial accomplishments and family milestones than we are on connection with others. Sue Johnson, one of the leading psychologists in the fields of bonding, attachment and romantic relationships, points out that when someone lists their life goals, making close friends or getting closer to existing friends rarely get mentioned.

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
Generally speaking, is it easy for you to meet new people? How about to make close friends? Do Homework
Is there a difference between how people from foreign countries and people in your country approach friendship? Do Homework
Aside from intimacy, are there some other key elements to creating a close friendship? Do Homework

Task: Sell a crowdfunded item

Crowdfunding campaigns have been getting more and more popular in recent years. 

They can be great for small groups of people starting a new business, or smaller companies raising money for new products.

A popular crowdfunding website is Kickstarter. You can find all kinds of interesting products and services—who knows, maybe you could discover the next big thing! If you'd like to find something more unusual, I recommend the “Food & Craft” section.

Start by finding a featured product on Kickstarter's homepage.

Next, try to "sell" this product/service to your teacher. What are the positive selling points of this product/service? What's attractive about it?

Once you have successfully sold a product to your teacher, you can discuss it. What are the overall pros and cons of this product? Do Homework
What do you about think crowdfunding? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Do Homework
If you were to come up with an innovative product/service, what would it be? Do Homework
What would you say is the most creative product/service in the world? Do Homework

Visuals: Children's dream jobs

Adecco, a Japanese company providing human resource services, conducted a national survey asking 900 elementary and junior high school boys and girls what job they wanted to do when they grew up. Many children showed an interest in jobs that involve digital technology, which is no surprise since they have been surrounded by the technology since birth.

The detailed results of the survey are shown below.

elementary [adjective] /el-uh-MEN-tuh-ree/—simple or early stages of studying

Are there any differences or similarities between the choices that girls and boys made in the survey? Edit Homework
Did children's job choices change with age according to the survey? If so, what do you think caused these changes? Edit Homework
What job did you want to do when you were a child? Why? Edit Homework
Will the jobs that people do in future be different to those that are done today? Edit Homework

The platypus

When the first platypus specimen was sent back to England from Australia in the late 18th century, the scientists who examined it thought that someone was playing a trick on them. The zoologist George Shaw wrote in the first scientific description of the platypus that he thought the specimen was a mix of a few different species.

The platypus is one of the most unusual animals on the planet. It is a mammal that lays eggs. Instead of a stomach, its esophagus connects directly to its intestines. Also, the main function of the platypus's tail is just to store up to almost half of the animal's body fat in case of a food shortage.

A platypus's bill has thousands of cells that give it a sort of sixth sense, allowing it to detect the electric fields generated by all living things. It’s so sensitive that the platypus can hunt with its eyes, ears, and nose all closed.

With a bill like a duck’s, a body like a hamster’s, and a tail like a beaver’s, the platypus truly is a creature like no other.

specimen [noun] /SPES-uh-muhn/—something shown or examined as an example

esophagus [noun] /ih-SOF-uh-guhs/—the tube in the body that carries food from the mouth to the stomach

sixth sense [noun]— an ability to know something without using the ordinary five senses of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste

Have you ever heard of the platypus before? If so, what did you think about it? Do Homework
Can you think of any other unusual animal? Please describe it. Do Homework
Do you have a favourite animal? What is it? Why is it your favourite? Do Homework

The benefits of living abroad

According to studies commissioned by the Harvard Business Review (HBR), international experiences can enhance creativity, reduce racial bias, and promote career success.

HBR set out to examine how international experiences can transform a person’s sense of self, specifically self-concept clarity, or the extent to which someone’s understanding of themself is clearly defined, and consistent.

Self-concept clarity has been linked to multiple benefits, such as psychological well-being, the ability to cope with stress, and job performance.

The studies found that people who had lived abroad reported a clearer sense of self than people who had not. That is because when people live in their home country, they are often surrounded by others who mostly behave in similar ways, so they are less likely to question whether their own behaviors reflect their core values or cultural norms. In contrast, when living abroad, HBR’s data found that people’s exposure to new cultural values and norms encourages them to engage with their own values and beliefs.

Having a clear sense of self clarifies which types of career options best match one’s strengths and fulfill one’s values, and enables people to be clearer and more confident about their career decisions.

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences. Edit Homework
Have you ever lived abroad? If so, where did you live? Do you feel that living abroad strengthened your sense of self? Do Homework
Would you like to live abroad in the future? Do Homework
Are there other inherent values to living abroad? What are they? Do Homework

Moss helps cities breathe

The Amsterdam company Respyre has developed concrete and plaster that support the growth of moss. These materials can be used for new construction, as well as on existing buildings. The moss then acts as a respiration system for the city. It takes in water and CO2 from the air and releases oxygen.

Moss has other benefits, too. Watch this short video to find out more.



How does moss work to help cities breathe? Do Homework
The speaker is Dutch. Do you have a hard time understanding him? Why or why not? Do Homework
Some cities use greenery on their walls and roofs to help clean the air. Are there any in your city? Do Homework
Can we solve our environmental problems with technology before it's too late? Do Homework

My trip to Taiwan

Travelling can be a lot of fun. I have lived abroad for over two years in Asia and Europe. I take trips for different reasons. One of them is food.

When I lived in Vietnam, I decided to go visit Taiwan for a week. I knew the food would be great since I had watched food shows about Taiwanese food. However, I did not realize just how amazing it would be. I tried stinky tofu, different Taiwanese soups and Dan-Dan, a spicy dry ramen dish. I sometimes ate two breakfasts or two lunches because I wanted to try everything at the markets, so I was never hungry. At the end of my week in Taiwan, I had gained five kilos (10 pounds)!

I decided to move to Taiwan six months later, but I became a lot more careful about weight gain.

abroad /uh-BRAWD/ [adverb]—in or to a foreign country or countries

kilo /KEE-loh/ [noun]—a kilogram

gain /geyn/ [verb]—to increase in weight

Do you like traveling? Do Homework
Where would you like to go next? Do Homework
Why do you travel? Is it to relax, or go on adventures, or learn about a new culture, or something else? Do Homework
What is an interesting food you have eaten abroad? Tell an anecdote about it. Do Homework

Do we need to replace the GDP?

The standard measure of economic performance, the gross domestic product (GDP), measures the value of goods and services produced within a country over a given period. However, the GDP doesn’t measure social factors like income inequality, domestic violence, drug addiction, or the impact of today’s actions on future generations. It also ignores sustainability and environmental destruction. It’s a very short-term view of market factors without respect to what’s happening on the social and environmental levels. As a result, the GDP gave us no warning of the impending global financial crisis in 2008.

But we continued to base our economic predictions on that metric. And it began to show economies recovering and growing—so everything’s going well again, right? But what if we factor in social and environmental realities?

Alternatives to the GDP, like the Fordham Index of Social Health (FISH), the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), and the United Nations Human Development Index (UNHDI), add social welfare and environmental health to the equation. They show that while the GDP has been rising, the other indicators have fallen. Since social welfare and environmental sustainability have a direct impact on the economy, it’s essential to include them in our assessment of economic health. Without them, we are heading straight for another crisis.

Summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
What impact do social welfare and environmental health have on the economy? Should they be included in economic indicators? Do Homework
"Societies only value what they measure." What does this statement mean? Do you agree? Do Homework

Visuals: Nature Magazine evolves

Nature Magazine is one of the world’s most important international weekly scientific journals. According to its website, it publishes “peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.”

The first issue was published in 1869. Since then, the magazine has changed quite a bit. Have a look at the graph below and discuss with your teacher how the content has evolved over the past 150 years.


Take a quick look at the graph. Which fields have become more common in Nature, and which less? Do Homework
Present the key changes as if you were speaking to a small group. Do Homework
What type of people do you think read Nature Magazine? Do Homework
Would a mathematician find this publication useful? Do Homework

Women workers united in the 1800s

The city of Lowell, Massachusetts, was famous for its textile mills during the Industrial Revolution. In the 1830s, around 8,000 women worked at the mills. The working conditions were terrible. The air inside the mills was full of dust. Women worked 13 or 14 hours a day for very low pay.

In 1834, the mill owners decided to pay the women even less. The women were angry and joined together to fight the owners. They went on strike (refused to go to work) until they got their wages back. But the owners wouldn’t agree, and the women had to go back to work. 

The women kept fighting for better pay and working conditions for the next few years. They never won, but they were the first women's union in the country and they inspired many other workers across the country to organize. At a time when American women couldn’t even vote, the Lowell textile workers showed the world how strong women can be when they join together.

textile /TEKS-tahyl/ [noun]—cloth made by hand or machine in large quantities

inspire /in-SPAHYUHR/ [verb]—to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

In 3 sentences, tell your teacher what the article is about. Do Homework
Have there been any worker strikes in your country? What were they like? Do Homework
What other examples of strong women can you think of? Do Homework
[Higher-level students] What do you think about labor unions? In what ways are they good and/or bad? Do Homework

The origin of the English pub

Atlas Obscura, a publication about travel and culture, notes that a pub has always been more than just a place that sells beer for the British. The pub has brought communities together for centuries, and the tavern tradition of spending the evening with your peers continues to this day. Few know, however, that pubs became popular following the plague known as the Black Death of the 14th century.

The Black Death killed nearly half of England's population after it reached the British Isles in 1348. By the 1370s, it had caused a critical labor shortage. Eventually, this proved a boon for the peasantry of England, who could demand higher wages for their work and achieve higher standards of living. As a result, households selling or giving away leftover ale were replaced by more commercialized, permanent establishments set up by the best brewers and offering better food.

“The survivors prioritized expenditure on foodstuffs, clothing, fuel, and domestic utensils,” writes Professor Mark Bailey of the University of East Anglia. “They drank more and better quality ale, ate more and better quality bread, and consumed more meat and dairy produce. Alongside this increased disposable income, they also had more leisure time.”

And so, the English pub was born.

Summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
Please describe the drinking culture in your country. Do Homework
Can you think of any traditions or customs in your country that were started during times of crisis? Do Homework

Animals speak different languages

Onomatopeia is a fancy way to describe words that sound like what they mean. For instance, in English, bees "buzz" and cats "meow". Words for animal sounds are almost always built on how the animals actually sound to listeners. But that can be different in different languages. Since each language has its own set of sounds to work with, they hear animals based on those sounds.

For example, a rooster's crow is translated as:

  • "Cockadoodle doo!" in English;
  • "Kikiriki!" in Spanish; and
  • "Kok-e-kok-ko!" in Japanese.

This video shows people from all over the world saying animal sounds in their language. How would you write the sounds the animals make in your language?

onomatopoeia /on-uh-mat-uh-PEE-uh/ [noun, uncountable]—words made up of sounds that are similar to the sounds the words refer to.


How well do you think the different languages in the video imitate animal sounds? Are there any that don't make sense to you ("It doesn't sound like that at all!")? Do Homework
Explain why different languages interpret animal sounds in different ways. Do Homework
How does learning onomatopoeia in the language you're studying help you improve your pronunciation? Do Homework
Choose 3 other animals and discuss (or write for homework) the sounds they make in your language. Do Homework

The fastest path to becoming a CEO

According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), common wisdom says that CEOs attend elite MBA programs, land high-powered jobs right out of school at prestigious firms, and climb the ladder straight to the top while carefully avoiding risky moves.

However, HBR conducted a 10-year study in which they assembled a dataset of more than 17,000 C-suite executive assessments to analyze who gets to the top and how. They discovered a striking finding: sprinters—those who rise quickly—accelerate to the top by making bold, at times risky, career moves.

The study found that a few types of career "catapults" were common among the sprinters, and 97% undertook at least one of these experiences. First, over 60% of sprinters have taken a smaller role early in their career. Then, more than one-third catapulted to the top by making “the big leap,” often in the first decade of their careers. 

At the end of the day, using these career catapults may not require an elite MBA or a select mix of inborn traits. What it does require is a willingness to make lateral, unconventional, and even risky career moves. 

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
Can you think of an example of a career catapult? Do Homework
Have you ever undertaken one of these career moves? Do Homework
Are there any other career moves that could catapult you or your colleagues to the top of your organization faster than the average? Do Homework

Visuals: The world gets better

The Conversation, a publication that promotes academic debate, posits that not only do many people across advanced economies have no idea that the world is becoming a much better place, but they actually think the opposite. This is no wonder, when the news focuses on reporting catastrophes, terrorist attacks, wars and famines. These subjects simply make for more exciting coverage than stories about how more than 300,000 people a day get access to electricity and clean water for the first time.

The Conversation states that globalization has helped lift hundreds of millions of people above the global poverty line.

Take a look at the three graphs below and discuss their meaning with your teacher.

Take a look at the graphs. What do they show? Present them to your teacher. Do Homework
How has income distribution changed between 1800 and 2015? Do Homework
Which continents have made the most gains since 1975? Which have made the least? Do Homework

The many faces of Indonesia

Indonesia has over 17,000 islands. If you ever go there, you will see how different some of the major islands are. For example, Bali is the only island where most of the people are Hindu. It attracts a very large number of tourists. It is known around the world as a great place for a holiday.

However, Sulawesi, an island to the north of Bali, has very few tourists. Here, most people are Christian. There is very little made for tourists on the island. Makassar, the main city, has only one hotel. You will also have to take public transportation to get around.

Most Indonesians live on Java and are Muslim. It’s the only island with a train network. That's a good thing because you have to cross large distances to visit World Heritage sites such as the Borobudur temple and Mount Bromo.

Is your country diverse, with lots of different religions, lifestyles and levels of infrastructure? Do Homework
What are some good things about a diverse society? Do Homework
What are some difficult things about a diverse society? Do Homework

Gas crisis in Europe

A group of oil rigs in the ocean

War in Ukraine has created a major global energy crisis. It has affected many countries worldwide. In fact, many people believe Russia is using the gas supply to control Europe.

Recently, Russia closed down a turbine on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, which cut down the amount of natural gas they send to Europe. Nord Stream 1 pipeline stretches from Russia to Germany, and it can send up to 170 cubic metres of gas per day. This pipeline is owned by Nord Stream AG. Its major shareholder is the Russian energy company Gazprom.

Last July, Gazprom shut down Nord Stream 1 due to maintenance work. After reopening it, they diminished the amount supplied to 20m cubic metres. The German government says Gazprom has no valid reasons to limit their supply. 

After Russia’s announcement to restrict the gas supply, gas prices in Europe soared by 10% in one day. Gas prices are now significantly higher than last year. As a consequence, European countries are looking for other alternatives. Italy and Spain, for example, want to import gas from Africa. Germany started buying gas from Qatar and also increased its use of coal. Experts predict these effects could slow down European economies, accelerate a recession and push up inflation.

Please summarize this article in 2-3 sentences. Do Homework
"Russia is using the gas supply to control Europe" What do you think about this statement? (I removed the second question and reworded this one) Do Homework
How is the energy crisis affecting your country? Do Homework
How do you think your country or people would adapt if changes such as these impacted your country? (maybe shorten it to something like "How is your country responding to or handling this crisis?" (My suggestion is also because I think ALL countries are now being affected by this crisis (am I mistaken about this?), it also sounds like a follow-up to the previous question. Do Homework
Abstract question e.g., : What could exporting gas mean for Africa? (you can come up with your own, this is just an example) Do Homework

Forest bathing stress away

National Geographic answers the question: what is forest bathing? The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise called shinrin-yoku. It can mean “forest bathing” or “taking in the forest atmosphere”. The purpose was to offer an ecological antidote to tech-boom burnout and to inspire residents to reconnect with the country’s forests.

The Japanese quickly embraced this form of ecotherapy. In the 1990s, researchers began studying the physiological benefits of forest bathing, providing the science to support the idea that time spent surrounded by nature is good for us. The concept at the heart of shinrin-yoku is not new. Many cultures around the world have long recognized the importance of the natural world to human health.

Forest bathing is not just for the wilderness-lover and distance hikers. The practice can be as simple as walking in any natural environment and consciously connecting with what’s around you. All one needs is a pair of shoes and a willingness to spend time outdoors.

Please summarize this article in 2-3 sentences. Do Homework
Do you enjoy spending time in nature? If so, is there a place that you keep returning to? Do Homework
Should there be more green space in large cities around the world? Do Homework
Living in a large city can weigh on someone’s mental well-being. What kind of activities do you engage in to release daily stress? Do Homework

Make your freezer your friend

We're all so busy these days that it's hard to make meals at home. Some of us get take-out for lunch and then get take-out again for dinner. But eating this way regularly is bad for your health, and your wallet! So how do we find time for home-cooked meals?

Make your freezer your friend!


  • Make a big batch of whatever you cook and freeze what you don't eat. That way you'll have several more meals ready in the time it takes to make one.
  • Buy fresh vegetables and freeze them. Before freezing, blanch them to seal in the nutrients and keep them crisp. They only take a few minutes to prepare, and then a few minutes to unfreeze and cook when you're ready to eat.
  • Divide large amounts of veggies and meats into meal-sized portions so you only unfreeze as much as you need for one meal.
  • Look for healthy options in the frozen food section at the store—unsweetened fruit, thin-crust veggie pizza, or fish. Most grocery stores now carry frozen vegetables that you put in the microwave, bag and all, to steam for 4–5 minutes. It's an instant healthy meal! 

If you don't have a freezer, you can buy one cheaply in whatever size will fit in your home. You'll quickly recover the cost by not eating out all the time!

What tips do you have for eating healthy at home? Discuss this with your teacher.

several [determiner]—more than two and fewer than many.

blanch [verb]—a cooking process in which vegetables are put in boiling water for a very short time before freezing them.

nutrient /NOO-tree-uhnt/ [noun]—any substance that plants or animals need to live and grow.

How often, on average, do you eat at home during the week? Do you make your own lunch to bring with you to work? Is it common for people to bring their own lunch? Do Homework
Do you consider yourself a good cook? What is your favorite thing to cook? If you don't cook, would you like to learn? Why or why not? Do Homework
"Cooking is love made visible." What does this saying mean? How do you feel about it? Do Homework

Chopsticks become furniture

People throw away more than 80 billion pairs of chopsticks every year. Most of them have only been used once, like the cheap wooden ones you get in restaurants. All of those chopsticks end up in landfills. In China, environmental activists have documented rates of over 100 acres of deforestation every day to keep up with demand.

One start-up has decided to tackle this problem by using discarded chopsticks as a construction material. ChopValue, based in Vancouver, Canada, collects about 350,000 used chopstics every week, just from the Vancouver area. They then use the chopsticks to make things for the home and office, like bookshelves, cutting boards, coasters, and even desks. Founder Felix Böck explains,

“In Vancouver alone, we’re throwing out 100,000 chopsticks a day. They’re traveling 6,000 or 7,000 miles from where they’re manufactured in Asia to end up on our lunch table for 30 minutes.”

Böck launched ChopValue in 2016. As of June 2022, he estimated that they had saved over 66 million chopsticks from landfills. More companies, like the chain restaurant Thai Express, are signing on to their project, increasing the number of chopsticks they can recycle.

Have you ever thought about what happens to the chopsticks that you use in restaurants? Do you throw them away, or save them to use at home? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of single-use chopsticks? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of using bamboo as a replacement for wood? Do Homework
Deforestation is a serious problem across the globe. With the increase in demand for bamboo, many farmers are destroying forests to plant bamboo instead. What are the effects of this practice? Do Homework