Site upgrade September 23rd - 25th

We will be upgrading The English Farm website in two weeks. The site will be offline from Monday evening (23rd September) to Wednesday morning  (25th September) JST while we migrate to a new platform. Your data and content will be available on the new site. All your future lesson reservations and learning history will also be migrated.


During the upgrade, the website will be offline. If you have lessons scheduled for those days, your teacher will be in touch about how to take the class.


The new website includes a new ecommerce system, new booking system and an upgrade to our online classroom—TEFtalk. Much of the website will look and work the same, but with much improved performance, security and stability. There will be some changes to the booking interface and your dashboard will change. This new platform also enables us to develop new features much faster in the future. If you have ideas or requests, please let us know!


We are not going to offer the homework system anymore. Any homework points you have will no longer be valid after September 22nd. If you would like to continue to get your writing checked, then use our English writing service Poligo (use code TEF for 10% off).


If you encounter issues with the new site, please email and let us know. If you have any questions about the update, please also contact Support.