Guide to memory: Why just repeating new information isn't effective
What do you when you learn something new? Do you repeat it over and over again to make sure you don't forget it. The big question is, is this effective? Read this blog to find out!
What do you when you learn something new? Do you repeat it over and over again to make sure you don't forget it. The big question is, is this effective? Read this blog to find out!
Conditional sentences are often used in daily conversation but it's very easy to use them incorrectly. Read this guide to learn how to use them correctly.
Do you say, "I recommend you to..."? If you do, then you should read this simple guide to using recommend.
Do you know the three most common mistakes students make in the GCAS test? In this blog, we talk about these mistakes and how to avoid them.
Are you taking the GCAS test soon? If yes, the strategies and tips in this blog will help you prepare effectively for your test.
Reasoning helps people understand your ideas better. It shows them why you think the way you do. Learn more about reasoning.
Should you say, "There is much rain in Paris"? What about "How many" If you don't know why that's unnatural, then read on.
In this blog, we explain how much we value working with people from different parts of the world and why this is so important to us.
Speaking. like. this. is. boring, but speaking like this makes you sound more natural and interesting. Find out more about intonation and why it's very important when speaking English.
Learn how to use the articles a, an and the with this simple guide.
Pronunciation is often students' lowest score. It's also tough to improve. However, understanding your score more deeply is an important step towards getting better. Let's take a look at the pronunciation section.
Global communication styles differ. Therefore, we have to know these styles if we want to communicate effectively.
Remembering information can be difficult, so how can you improve in this area? Here's a guide with two practical steps.
The Peter principle is the business concept that workers rise to the level of their incompetence. But why does it matter, and how can you solve it?
Sometimes the reason we say words wrong is because we don't know the right rules. There are actually two ways to pronounce "-ate" words: /-eit/ (as in "eight" or "ate") and /-it/. To know the correct pronunciation, you have to know the function.
When discussing your travels, there are many terms you can use to describe the nature of your trip.
Learning a second language is one of the hardest things you can do. A big, life-long project like learning English needs powerful habits and motivations to keep you going.
We remember the ending more clearly than the rest, so a memorable conclusion is a key aspect to a strong answer.
Many non-native English speakers make a mistake choosing between get or become, but there is a simple rule you can follow.
Use this post to discover your reading speed and learn how to read more quickly.