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Empathy and business transformation

According to The Harvard Business Review, studies on organizational change show that if you want to lead a successful transformation, communicating empathetically is critical. However, most leaders do not actually know how to do it. In fact, a survey of over 200 leading company executives found that 69% of respondents said that they were planning to launch or are currently conducting a change effort. Unfortunately, 50% of these same executives said they had not fully considered their team’s sentiment about the change.

Here are a few steps a leader must take to smoothen a transition:

Profile your audience at every stage. Change consultants typically advise leaders to create personas of various audiences when they kick-off a change initiative. Considering that people’s wants and needs will evolve throughout the process, managers should reevaluate these personas during every phase of the journey.

Tell people what to expect. While you may need to keep some facts private during a transition, the general rule is that the more informed your people are, the more they’ll be able to deal with discomfort.

Involve individuals at all levels. A transformation won’t succeed without broad involvement. Incorporating ideas about how a change would affect every member of an organization and their unique responsibilities helps every impacted individual understand their part.

Please summarize this article in three sentences. Do Homework
Do you agree that empathy is needed for a smoother transformation? Why or why not? Do Homework
What are some elements that would help with a business transformation missing from this list? Do Homework
Have you ever been part of a business transformation initiative? If so, please describe it. Do Homework

Roof gardens on taxis in Thailand

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed down tourism in Thailand, thousands of taxis were abandoned by their drivers. No tourists equals no taxis. Drivers lost their income and couldn't afford to pay the rental fees for their cars. Companies struggled to stay afloat. The Ratchapruk and Bovorn Taxi co-ops together ended up with 2500 (out of 3000) cars sitting idle in parking lots. The Thai government offered no financial support.

Faced with this situation, the Ratchapruk and Bovorn Taxi co-ops decided to join forces to create rooftop gardens on the idle taxis. They built bamboo frames and stretched black plastic bags over them. The frames were then filled with soil. Co-op staff have grown a variety of crops in these small gardens, including tomatoes, cucumbers and string beans. 

The produce doesn't make up for the loss of income, but Thapakorn Assawalertkul, a co-op executive, says, "The vegetable garden is both an act of protest and a way to feed my staff during this tough time." He added, "Thailand went through political turmoil for many years, and a great flood in 2011, but business was never this terrible."

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
Should governments give financial assistance to businesses during times of crisis? How much? For how long? Do Homework
How is creating gardens on taxi rooftops an act of protest? Do Homework
Do you think the pandemic will cause permanent changes to tourism and the tourist economy? What good changes might come out of this crisis? Do Homework

The idea of Universal Basic Income

According to Vox Media, the idea of a basic income was, for decades, something of a policy fantasy. However, the last few years have seen it become less fringe and more mainstream. In fact, we now have many limited basic income programs running around the world.

The general idea—that the government should give every citizen a regular infusion of money with no strings attached—has been around since the 16th century. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has given the idea fresh momentum, with the crisis generating significant financial loss and uncertainty.

Critics worry that UBI will disincentivize work and hurt the economy. They also say that it is unaffordable for the government to pay every citizen enough to live on, regardless of whether they work. So far, the evidence has not supported these critiques.

Proponents of basic income argue the best way to end poverty is by simply giving everyone money. Some also say it will help society cope with a coming era of automation-induced joblessness. And the evidence so far suggests that getting a basic income tends to boost happiness, health, school attendance, trust in social institutions and many parts of the economy, all while reducing crime, hunger, and extreme poverty.

Please summarize this article in 2 or 3 sentences. Do Homework
Do you tend to agree more with the critics or proponents of universal basic income? Do Homework
Are there other benefits or risks associated with universal basic income? Do Homework
Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society? Do Homework

Diversity of research sources

According to PhysOrg, a scientific publication, scientific knowledge used in international studies is predominantly sourced from English-language documents, as it is assumed that all scientific knowledge is available in English. However, according to research scrutinizing over 400,000 peer-reviewed papers in 326 journals, published in 16 languages, scientific papers written in languages other than English may hold untapped information crucial to the conservation of global biodiversity.

These findings have important implications for global efforts tackling the biodiversity crisis, where lack of evidence is an issue commonly faced when trying to implement evidence-based conservation. The authors demonstrate that incorporating non-English-language studies can expand the availability of scientific evidence on species and ecosystems into 12%–25% more areas and 5%–32% more species.

This research also sheds light on how diverse scientific communities can maximize the contribution of science to addressing urgent global challenges. Amano, who is a native Japanese speaker, said, "[The research] showcases why it is important to nurture culturally diverse scientific communities. Global challenges call for contributions from diverse communities from every corner of the globe."

Please summarize this article in two sentences. Do Homework
Is it problematic that a large percentage of academic papers are written solely in English? Why or why not? Do Homework
What are some other factors limiting research on biodiversity? Do Homework

Pinterest: safety over free speech

How much should tech companies regulate information? While Facebook and Twitter have up to now chosen to err on the side of free speech, an unlikely platform has taken an important step. Pinterest found that users were searching for information on vaccines, so CEO Ben Silbermann pulled all medical information from the platform.

Vaccines have been a contentious issue in social media, but not in science. While the science is clear that vaccines save lives, there has been a reemergence of previously eradicated diseases like measles. That reemergence has been linked to disinformation shared in social media. 

Since mid-2019, Pinterest has only allowed verified sources to post medical information. While the site is admittedly smaller than the tech giants, Pinterest still boasts 291 million monthly active users. Silbermann has gone on record stating that his site has a responsibility to avoid harm, and as such is holding itself accountable for the consequences of the information that's shared on the site.

Silbermann said to Vox, "If you don’t take some responsibility for what people see, you’re at some level responsible for the downstream consequences of that."

He went on, "The lesson that everyone’s learned over the last few years is that if you want positive things to come out of internet technology, they have to be deliberately engineered that way."

Do you agree with Silbermann's approach? Do Homework
Some tech companies have the idea that technology will bring happiness (called "techno-utopian"). Do you agree? Do Homework
What do you think is an ideal policy for a big tech firm like Twitter or Facebook? Do Homework
If you could create a social media platform, what kind would you like to make? Do Homework

What is accent-ism?

It is not a secret that people might judge you by the way you speak. For example, if you sound confident, people might trust you. 

But for some people, it is also about what accent you have. Studies showed that people might link your accent to not only your place of birth, but also your personal characteristics. Some accents are perceived as "good" or "correct." Listeners think that the speaker is intelligent, honest and hard-working because of their accent. On the other hand, some accents are seen as something negative and needing correction, with speakers seen as less intelligent. Both positive and negative conclusions are stereotypes.

The situation when you are judged by your accent is called “accentism” and is considered a form of discrimination. It is a new concept. It is possible that many people have experienced negative treatment in their daily lives because of their accent but they haven’t noticed it. 

What is accentism? Do Homework
Have you ever faced accentism? Do Homework
What can be done to change this situation? Do Homework
Should non-native speakers always try to get rid of their accents? Do Homework

Women artists: Tamara de Lempicka

Tamara de Limpicka (1898–1980) was a key artist in the Art Deco period of the 1920s and '30s. Born in Poland, she also spent a lot of time in France and the U.S. Her real fame came when high-fashion magazines began to use her art for their covers. Soon she was painting portraits of the aristocracy, and even royalty. Although her name is not well-known today outside of Art Deco fans, de Lempicka was one of the most important and popular artists of the Art Deco movement.

Art Deco grew out of Cubism and the Arts and Crafts movement, adding elements of "exotic" Asian, Egyptian and Mayan art. It used simple forms and planes of color to create new designs representing luxury and wealth. The pieces also represented faith in social and technological progress.

Art Deco architecture soars upward, with geometric designs on its walls and windows. Paintings and graphic designs use those same geometric lines to express the independence and industry that inspired the optimism of the early 20th century. 

Tamara de Lempicka rode that wave of optimism in her paintings. She painted rich people in high-class settings, enjoying the fruits of progress. Many of her paintings included scenes of sensuality, with women in loose clothing or even nude. But these women were independent; they looked cool and detached, in no need of male support. This was revolutionary for her time. In her words, "My goal: never copy. Create a new style, with luminous and brilliant colors, rediscover the elegance of my models."

Describe de Lempicka's painting, "Saint Moritz", shown at the top of the article. How does it represent the Art Deco movement? Do Homework
Do you like Art Deco art and design? Why or why not? Do Homework
People in the early 20th century were very optimistic about the technological and social progress of the time. Looking back, do you think they were right to be optimistic? Do Homework
In your opinion, are magazine covers art? Do Homework

Paralympics: marriage proposal

Tokyo Paralympics were amazing not only because of sports results. There were also a few truly heartwarming moments. 

One of them happened after a Paralympic runner Keula Nidreia Pereir came fourth in a 200-meter race. Even though she didn’t get a medal, something happy was waiting for her at the finish line. Her running guide and a partner got down on his knee and proposed to her. She said yes. 

Visually impaired runners often run together with a guide. Their arms are connected with a rope. The guide should match the runner step by step and inform the runner how far is left to go. The runners and guides train together and perform together. If a runner wins a medal, a guide wins a medal too. 

Please tell the story to your teacher. Do Homework
Do you think that a marriage proposal should be something special? Do Homework
Have you watched the Paralympics or Olympics? Do Homework
Do you think Paralympics should be promoted more? Do Homework

Farm-to-closet fashion

For $200, you can now invest in the eco-fashion label Christy Dawn. The label is selling "plots" in the organic, sustainable cotton farm in India that provides the raw materials for their clothing. At the end of the season, you're paid back with store credit. If the harvest is good, you might get back more than the initial $200 you invested. On the other hand, if it's a bad year for cotton, you could lose most or all of your money. 

Store credit is actually a pretty good return on investment, if you like Christy Dawn's style—loose, flowing, bohemian—think 1960s hippies for the modern world. Their clothes are expensive (a dress runs about $200–300), but people with $200 to spend can become part of the solution to a big environmental problem. Manufacturing fabric is an energy-intensive, chemically-laden process when done on an industrial scale. Even so-called "natural" fabrics like cotton are terrible for the environment, using vast amounts of resources. For instance, it typically takes up to 2,700 litres of water and produces about 2.6kg of CO₂ to make a single cotton t-shirt.

So Christy Dawn began their own cotton farm in India to oversee the environmentally sustainable production of raw materials. You can support their efforts, and get a good return on investment even if it's a bad year for cotton. Long-term, you're earning a more sustainable Earth to live on.

As a business person, what is your opinion of Christy Dawn's new business plan? Will it be successful? Why or why not? Do Homework
As a consumer, would you be willing to spend more for sustainably produced clothing? How much more? Do Homework
If agriculture continues at the current pace, the United Nations predicts there will be only 60 growing seasons left until soil will no longer grow crops. Can we change this in just 60 years? How? Do Homework
Can the business world save the Earth? Do Homework

Exam stress: adults and children

Many children feel stressed when they need to take exams. But exam anxiety can affect everyone, from children to adults. It can even damage the mental health of students who receive very high marks. It can also negatively affect students who are less successful, for example, children with special needs and children who are anxious in general. Sometimes children are worried because their parents set goals that are too high for them.

The Harvard Center for the Developing Child says that some amount of stress can be good for children’s development. It helps them to learn how to cope with difficult situations. But it is important for parents to remember that children are still only learning how to deal with stress. Too much stress can be very negative. 

Scientists say that a child learns how to manage stressful situations quicker and better if there is a lot of support from parents or other adults. 

Were you afraid of exams when you were a child? What about now? Edit Homework
Do you prefer exams, or take-home assignments such as essays? Do Homework
How can parents support their children during exams? Edit Homework
How can teachers make school years better for children? Do Homework

Greg Lemond's quote on effort

Professional cyclist Greg Lemond said, "It doesn't get any easier; you just get faster."

Lemond is a 3-time winner of the Tour Dr France. He also won a great many other cycling races. He is considered by many to be the all-time greatest American cyclist. While other cyclists have been caught cheating via blood doping, Lemond was so strongly opposed to cheating that he quit his team when his teammates were found breaking the rules.

Cycling is an endurance sport, meaning effort matters as much as strategy. The Tour de France is so hard that in 1967 a race leader died from over-exertion. So when Lemond says it doesn't get easier, he's speaking from experience. 

Can you rephrase Lemond's quote? What do you think he's really saying? Do Homework
What does "get faster" mean in your case? Do Homework
Can you take Lemond's quote too far? Is there an opposite proverb or quote? Do Homework
What can you learn from Lemond? Do Homework

Lost cat found after 10 years

A cat named Forbes disappeared in 2011. Its owners were trying to find the cat for months. They made posters and went door-to-door asking about the cat. The cat’s owner said, “We'd had him from when he was a kitten and we had such a special bond. He was such a unique and friendly character, we absolutely adored him.” After almost eight or nine months of constant searching, they lost hope to find Forbes. 

Ten years later, the Scottish SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) found a cat with a microchip. The chip led them to the cat's owners. SPCA called the owners. The owners immediately went to collect their beloved pet. They were very happy to find him, even after 10 years. "At the moment, we are just gradually introducing him to our two dogs and two cats. This is just the best outcome for us.”

Please tell this story to your teacher. Do Homework
Do you like pets? Do Homework
Have you ever lost your pet? Do Homework
Why do people have pets? Do Homework
Do pets make good gifts? Do Homework
Should animals be pets or should they live in the wild? Do Homework

Advice for effective parenting

Raising children can be challenging. Here are some helpful tips. If you don't have kids, then think about when you were a kid.  

First, praising a child’s accomplishments boosts their self-esteem.

Children develop their understanding of themselves through their parents’ attitudes. Everything counts: parents’ words, body language, voice. 

If you praise children for even small accomplishments, you will make them feel worthy and proud. If you trust your children to do things themselves, they will feel capable and strong. On the other hand, if you compare your child to others or belittle them, children might feel worthless and doubt themselves. 

Second, try to compliment more than you criticize 

Imagine you have a boss who always criticizes and never praises you even when you are trying really hard.

Think of how many times a day a parent reacts negatively to something that their child is doing. It's a good idea to catch a child doing something right and praise them. For example, “You washed the dishes without being asked! Great job!” or “You were very patient with your homework today, even if you don’t like this subject that much. That’s very good!” 

Third, be consistent with limits and discipline

Children will test boundaries. It is important to set limits for them so they learn self-control.

Establishing clear limits helps children to understand expectations. It's better to set a clear rule, for example, no computer games until their homework is complete. It's also good to have a clear system of consequences if they misbehave. For example, no dessert if they don't eat their vegetables.

Please explain these pieces of advice to your teacher Do Homework
Do you agree with any parts of this text? Why? Why not? Do Homework
Do you have any other pieces of advice to add? Do Homework
In your opinion, what is the most difficult aspect of bringing up children? Do Homework

Women artists: Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (1907–1954) is thought of today as one of Mexico's greatest artists. Her most famous paintings are self-portraits. Of her 143 paintings, 55 were self-portraits. She once said, "I paint self-portraits because I am so often alone, because I am the person I know best.”

Kahlo grew up during the Mexican Revolution and was part of the Mexicanidad movement, which celebrated indigenous Mexican culture. She painted in a Magical Realist folk art style, with the colors and imagery of Mexican indigenous culture. Magical Realism combines realistic detail with surrealistic imagery. In the painting shown above, Roots, Kahlo depicts herself lying on rocky ground with vines growing out of her chest. The details are very realistic, but the image itself is surreal.

In 1939, the Louvre bought one of her paintings. The Frame. It was the first 20th-century painting by a Mexican artist purchased by any internationally renowned museum. She was also the first artist to have a painting sell for more than $1 million. And in 2001, Frida Kahlo became the first Hispanic woman to appear on a U.S. postage stamp.

Since the 1970s, Frida Kahlo has become an icon to many in the feminist, LGBTQIA and socialist worlds. She was strongly independent, bisexual, and a lifelong member of the Mexican Communist party.

Describe the painting shown at the top of the article. Why do you think she has vines growing out of her chest? Do Homework
Why did Frida Kahlo paint so many self-portraits? Do Homework
Do you see any connection between taking selfies and painting a self-portrait? Do Homework
What is an "icon"? Can you think of any other icons? How did they become an icon? Do Homework

How to paint 50,000+ miles of lines

Without white and yellow lines on streets and roads, we wouldn't know where the lanes are, or where to turn or stop or walk, etc. Car accidents would be much more frequent, many with fatalities.

A specialized sector of the construction industry paints lane markings on roads. One company in Michigan, PK Contracting, estimates that one worker paints about 400,000 ft (122,000 m) of lines every day. Over the 6-month construction season, the company stripes and re-stripes about 50,000 mi (80,500 km) of roads. Put those markings end-to-end and you could cross America 16 times.

Those figures don't include crosswalks, turn arrows, stop lines and all the other markings you see. For straight lines stretched down a road, the workers use a special painting truck that paints lines as it drives. But they can't use the painting trucks in tight spaces, or for curves and arrows. So every one of those lines and shapes is painted by hand using big stencils and either spray paint or rollers.

It requires precision to create straight lines, a cross-hatched zone or a set of arrows with multiple stencils. The painters need to be very skilled workers. You can see them action at the "Continue reading" link below.

Explain the process of painting road markings. Do Homework
How many different road markings can you think of? Do Homework
What are the benefits of road markings? Are there any downsides? Do Homework
How do you balance freedom and safety controls? Do Homework

Visuals: forming musical tastes

Music can connect people everywhere. It can cross languages, countries and cultures. It can raise your mood, calm you down or give inspiration. But have you ever wondered when your music taste was formed?

A recent New York Times analysis of Spotify found out that the music we listen to when we are teenagers sets our musical preferences for the rest of our lives. 

That might explain why there is a generation gap in musical taste between parents and their children. It is difficult for parents to change their own musical tastes which were set years ago. Their children’s preferences, on the other hand, is still forming. 

Please have a look at the chart below. Discuss what you see with your teacher.

Please present the chart to your teacher Do Homework
What music do you like listening to? Do Homework
Do you enjoy any new music? Do Homework
When do you think your musical tastes were formed? Do Homework
What are the chances of your musical taste changing? Do Homework

Tips on asking for a promotion

According to the Harvard Business Review, asking for a promotion can be nerve-wracking. How do you prepare for that conversation with your boss? What information should you have at the ready? And how exactly do you make your case?

The first step is to think through what you want. Do you want more power? More money? More managerial responsibility? Also, consider getting feedback from a personal "board of directors" on your strengths and weaknesses. Speak to peers to try to measure your reputation. Find out how others successfully pressed their cases for promotion. 

Once you’ve clarified exactly what you’re looking for, build a compelling case for why you deserve to move up. Consider preparing a one-or-two-page memo that clearly outlines your track record. The memo’s bullet points should provide metrics of the impact you’ve had, descriptions of solutions you’ve delivered, and financial outcomes for which you’ve been responsible.

However, don’t assume that asking for a promotion is a one-and-done discussion. It is usually a series of ongoing conversations. Finally, do not get discouraged if you don’t get what you want right away. Patience often pays off.

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
Do you agree with the points discussed? Why or why not? Are there any important points missing? Do Homework
Do you plan on asking for a promotion within the next year? Edit Homework
What is your country’s custom when asking for a promotion? Is it different from the American custom? Do Homework

Visuals: Vaccination inequality

Our world is unequal. The distribution of the vaccines shows that. Rich countries have more doses than they need, while poor countries can’t buy enough. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says that this situation is slowing global economic recovery. Economists predict that low-income countries will lose at least $38 billion of their GDP in 2021 because of low vaccination rates. 

Low vaccination rates also put a lot of pressure on the healthcare systems of poor countries. Hospitals can’t treat other illnesses because of Covid.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization said that “Vaccine inequity is the world's biggest obstacle to ending this pandemic and recovering from COVID-19”.

Please have a look at the chart below and discuss it with your teacher.

Please present the chart to your teacher. Do Homework
Could you describe the problem in your own words? Do Homework
What are the results of this situation? Do Homework
How can this problem be solved? Do Homework

Sell something: Mobile phone

New smartphones come on the market at least every year. Each model has its own pros and cons, giving that company the opportunity to beat out its nearest competitors for a share of the market. But it's a tough market! If you were going to introduce a new phone, you'd need to make it pretty special.

That's exactly the task required here: you and your teacher are going to come up with a new phone and create an ad that will persuade consumers to buy it.

Try to include two or more of the following power words:

  • hottest;
  • effortless;
  • daring;
  • savings;
  • attractive; and/or
  • phenomenal.
Choose a target market. Consider digital ability, budget, or an unreached segment such as people with disabilities. Do Homework
What features would that market particularly need or want from a phone? Do Homework
What platform or publication would be the best place to publish your ad in order to reach that segment? Do Homework
Write up your advertisement. Do Homework

Millenium-old mochi shop in Japan

In the year 794, Naomi Hasegawa's family started Ichiwa, a mochi shop, next to the Imamiya Shrine in Kyoto to feed pilgrims who had traveled to pray for pandemic relief. Over a millenium later, the shop still sells mochi to people struggling with a pandemic. How has it survived so long, through pandemics, wars, natural disasters, and the rise and fall of empires? By putting tradition and stability over profit and growth. 

The emphasis at Ichiwa is not growth. Profit is not the point. The point is to do one thing, and do it well. They focus on serving people and passing on the business to the next generation. Although it's not a dynamic business model, it obviously works. Known as shinise, these old businesses are a source of pride for Japanese.

Roughly 33,000 businesses in Japan, 40% of the world's total, are over 100 years old. More than 3,100 have existed for at least 200 years, and 140 have been around for 5 centuries. At least 19 businesses claim to have been in business since the first millenium. Two shinise you may have heard of are Nintendo (1890) and Kikkoman (1917).

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of the shinise model? Do Homework
What would the global economy be like if all businesses operated like Ichiwa? Do Homework
Is constant growth sustainable? Do Homework