Discussion topics

Branson supports shorter work-week

While hard work is certainly the key to success, billionaire Richard Branson maintains that there is value in taking time away from the office to unplug and decompress. In a recent blog post, the entrepreneur explains why a three or four day work week can actually be beneficial to the future workforce.

"The idea of working five days a week with two-day weekends and a few weeks of annual holiday is just something people accept," he writes. "For some reason, it is considered set in stone by most companies. There is no reason this can't change. In fact, it would benefit everyone if it did."

At his own company, Virgin Management, Branson explains how they've embraced a flexible work schedule where people have options on how, when and where they work. He says with the progression of technology, he believes this flexibility will also become more of a common practice in the future.

"Many people out there would love three-day or even four-day weekends," he writes. "Everyone would welcome more time to spend with their loved ones, more time to get fit and healthy, more time to explore the world."

Do you agree with Branson's proposal? Do Homework
Do you think the 5-day workweek will ever change, or is it 'set in stone'? Do Homework
What do you think of Branson's assertion that with the progression of technology, flexibility will also become more of a common practice in the future? Do Homework

Japanese traders dominate Bitcoin

Japanese men in their 30s and 40s are the biggest drivers of the bitcoin boom. 

Forty percent of bitcoin trading between October and November was conducted in yen, according to a Nikkei report.

Japanese investors, mostly men, came to dominate trading after regulators started to shut down cryptocurrency exchanges in China.

"More than a few Japanese investors positively value volatility," Muraki [of Deutsche Bank] said in a note on Thursday. He continued: "Japan’s investment style is typified by a combination of low-risk, low-return deposits and high-risk, high-return investments."

Many Japanese investors are engaged in leveraged trading, using borrowed funds. 

"We think that retail investors are shifting from leveraged FX trading to leveraged cryptocurrency trading," Muraki said. "Japan accounts for a high 54% of global foreign exchange margin trading (leveraged FX trading), so Japanese retail investors are major players in FX markets."

Why might investors in their thirties and forties be attracted to Bitcoin trading? Do Homework
How would you describe most people's attitudes to risk? Do most investors prefer low-risk, low return investments, or is this changing? Do Homework
What is your opinion of Bitcoin? Would you or have you invested in it? Do Homework

Honda to make cars with Alibaba

Honda Motor Co. said Tuesday it will develop “connected cars” jointly with Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. to offer online services to drivers.

Together with the Chinese e-commerce giant, Japan’s third-largest automaker by volume will aim to launch online payments for fuel, parking and other services in China through the jointly developed vehicles.

Global automakers are focusing on connected cars with internet access to provide drivers with online payments, shared traffic information and other advanced services.

Honda is hoping to attract more customers in China, the world’s biggest auto market, through the tie-up.

What are the objectives of this collaboration between Honda and Alibaba? Do Homework
In what ways has technology changed the design and functionality of cars? Do Homework
How will new connected cars change the general attitude towards car ownership in Japan? Do Homework

Humour: Two bestsellers' excerpts

 Some of my favourite authors are comedic writers. Here is a quote from Bill Bryson's  A Short History of Nearly Everything where he describes the method in which a chemist tested if a substance can catch fire.

“In France, a chemist named Pilatre de Rozier tested the flammability of hydrogen by gulping a mouthful and blowing across an open flame, proving at once that hydrogen is indeed explosively combustible and that eyebrows are not necessarily a permanent feature of one’s face.”

And of course, if you have not read Tina’ Fey’s Bossypants, you need to get onto that. In this passage, she is writing about accepting her body, especially her very large eyebrows.

“Instead of trying to fit an impossible ideal, I took a personal inventory of all my healthy body parts for which I am grateful: Straight Greek eyebrows. They start at the hairline at my temple and, left unchecked, will grow straight across my face and onto yours.”

Do you find any of those excerpts funny? Do Homework
Can you find the punchlines? What did you think about them? Do Homework
Why is humour so hard in a second language? Do Homework

Using blockchain to track tuna

​It seems like everyone is getting into blockchain these days. After all, companies claim to like "transparency", "security", and anything to do with the roller coaster ride that is Bitcoin. But consider this: Tuna.

There are now several blockchain-based projects that aim to stop illegal tuna fishing. The idea is that blockchain-verification would assure consumers and others that the fish were ethically sourced. Or maybe it's just PR, who knows.

Blockchain is essentially a shared digital database that can be updated, but stored entries can't be changed or deleted. It's prohibitively hard to fake information that's tracked using blockchain. In this case, it can certify that something is legit and ethically sourced, such as tuna. Visser and Hanich continue:

Tracking will start as soon as the tuna is caught. Once a fish is landed, it will be attached with a reusable RFID tag on the vessel. Devices fitted on the vessel, at the dock and in the processing factory will then detect the tags and automatically upload information to the blockchain.

This is from the popular blog site Gizmodo. How is the tone different from a typical news article? Do Homework
Can you summarise the author's point of view? Is he trusting or sceptical? Do Homework
What do you think of using blockchain to track tuna? Do Homework

Japan's banks are downsizing

Japan’s biggest banks are racing to adapt to changing business conditions amid the shrinking population and spread of online banking.

Many have laid out plans to downsize their workforce and massive network of branches while investing in “fintech”—technological innovation in the financial sector—to streamline their operations and make banking more convenient for their customers.

Mitsubishi UFJ plans to trim 6,000 jobs from the unit’s domestic workforce of 40,000 by the end of fiscal year 2023.

Group CEO Nobuyuki Hirano said he does not foresee layoffs but instead plans to do this “organically” by keeping the number of new hires down as staff taken on in bulk in the run-up to and during the late-1980s asset bubble economy gradually reach the age of retirement.

According to the article, why are Japanese banks downsizing? Do Homework
How will banks continue to operate with fewer staff? Do Homework
What other factors contribute to the fall in bank customers? Do Homework

ZOZOSUIT for the perfect fit

ZOZOTOWN, Japan’s largest fashion e-commerce company, has announced the launch of the ZOZOSUIT, a revolutionary body measurement device. The suit’s technology will allow the company to create clothes that are guaranteed to fit, every time.

The ZOZOSUIT features patented sensor technology that is capable of capturing 15,000 precise measurements unique to each customer. Enabled with Bluetooth, the ZOZOSUIT seamlessly syncs with the ZOZO app and allows customers to upload their measurements from the comfort of their own home. Once their measurements have been captured, customers can shop the ZOZO collection, men’s and women’s high-quality basics including denim, t-shirts and coats, in the world’s first size-free e-commerce experience.

With the ZOZOSUIT and ZOZO collection, shoppers will never again have to debate which size to select or struggle with common fit issues.

Are you familiar with the brand ZOZOTOWN? What is its image and customer base? Do Homework
What problems with online clothes shopping does ZOZOSUIT aim to solve? Do Homework
Would you use the ZOZOSUIT? How much would you pay to use it? Do Homework
Do you think other brands will follow suit (no pun intended)? Do Homework

Aeon aims to attract older shoppers

Retail giant Aeon Co. has renovated 13 outlets across the country to cater to seniors, offering earlier opening hours and services that encourage asatomo (morning friends) get-togethers.

Kohei Nakahara, a store manager, canvassed elderly people who frequent nearby parks to better understand their needs. “We brought what they want to do into our store, and it resulted in them staying longer. We want to make the store a place like a community hall for neighbors,” he said.

Aeon Retail positioned one store each in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka as model outlets for seniors. Aeon Kasai, the first newly-renovated store to open since 2013, has tried to attract seniors by offering various services from health checkups to a shop that sells fashionable canes.

Please summarise the marketing strategy of Aeon. What is the main objective? Do Homework
Why is it important for retailers to focus their attention on the older generations? Do Homework
Do you think the program will be a success? Why or why not? Do Homework
Can you think of any examples of retail strategies aimed at a particular type of people? Do Homework

Paying Employees in Bitcoin

GMO Internet, which operates a range of web-related businesses including finance, online advertising and internet infrastructure, will start paying up to 100,000 yen (£660/$890) monthly by Bitcoin to its employees in Japan from February this year.

“Employees can receive salaries by Bitcoin if they want to,” company spokeswoman Harumi Ishii said. “We hope to improve our own literacy of virtual currency by actually using it.”

The offer will be open to around 4,000 employees of the GMO group in Japan, she said.

What are the risks of paying employees in Bitcoin? Do Homework
In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin? Do Homework
Would you agree to receive your salary in Bitcoin? Why or why not? Do Homework
Do you think paying employees in Bitcoin will become commonplace in Japan in the near future? Do Homework

Amazon workers strike

On one of the busiest online shopping days of the year, Black Friday, thousands of Amazon employees decided it was also a good day to walk off the job. Warehouse workers in several distribution centers in Germany and Italy took the day off to demand higher wages and better treatment. ​

In addition to asking for a pay raise, the German union Ver.di says Amazon needs to vastly improve the “work culture” and stop pushing employees too hard. The Italian Amazon workers that participated in the Black Friday strike said they want “dignified salaries” more in line with their jobs. They gathered outside one distribution center located in Piacenza.

“Work is not a commodity,” said Annamaria Furlan, the secretary general of the union CISL, which represents Amazon employees in Italy, as cited by a TechCrunch report. “The dignity of workers must not be trampled on.”

Why do workers go on strike? Do workers in your country often go on strike? Do Homework
Automation has made many people work longer and harder. Why is that? Do Homework
What does the union general mean when he says “work is not a commodity”? Do you agree? Do Homework
What are potential solutions to the issue of overwork? Do Homework

Is McDonald's a foreign agent?

A Russian politician proposed labeling American fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC as foreign agents, following recently passed legislation which provides the same classification for international news outlets.

Boris Chernyshov, a 26-year-old Moscow lawmaker in the federal Russian Assembly, described advertisements made by American restaurants for Russian consumers as manipulative and nontransparent about their longterm health effects. The State Duma deputy added that chains like McDonald’s, available across Russia, were contributing to the decline of the nation's cuisine, according to local reports.

The latest measure to classify news outlets like CNN and Washington Post as foreign agents followed the U.S. requiring Russian outlets like RT and Sputnik to register under the same label. Not even three days later, the Russian lawmaker took the tit-for-tat a step further by once again pulling food chains into the feud.

Can you describe what is happening in Russia and the USA according to this article? Do Homework
Do you think fast food is good for your health? Should the government restrict it? Do Homework
What do you know about Russian-American relations? Do Homework
What do you expect will happen in the future between Russia and America? Do Homework

India weighs in on net neutrality

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) chairman R.S. Sharma has called for the Internet being kept open and free, and not cannibalised.

“No one owns the Internet... so, it should be open and accessible to everyone,” Mr. Sharma said, suggesting that service providers should not indulge in gate-keeping of this important platform.

The TRAI issued the much-awaited recommendations on Net neutrality and has sought to bar service providers from any discriminatory practice on Internet access.

Mr. Sharma said the Internet was an important platform for the country, especially in the context of innovation, start-ups, online transactions, government applications and the Digital India program. “So, it is important that the platform is kept open and free and not cannibalised,” Mr. Sharma said.

How would you define net neutrality? Do Homework
Why would some governments or companies oppose net neutrality? Do Homework
How would changes to net neutrality effect the future? Do Homework
Do you think your country would ever roll back laws protecting net neutrality? Do Homework

Billionaires to consolidate media

Critics of media consolidation are decrying an announcement that the media company Meredith Corp., with a $650 million boost from conservative billionaires David and Charles Koch, will buy Time Inc.—which owns TimeFortunePeople, and Sports Illustrated magazines—for an estimated $2.8 billion.

In a statement announcing the all-cash deal, Meredith Corp. insisted that Koch Equity Development—a subsidiary of Koch Industries, the billionaire brothers' company that's largely been built through investments in oil, natural gas, and chemicals—"will not have a seat on the Meredith Board and will have no influence on Meredith's editorial or managerial operations."

The outcry over the acquisition announcement on Sunday followed days of mounting speculation and concerns about Meredith's bid for the magazines. Charles Alexander, a former environmental editor for Timewrote one such warning in The Nation last week. "The story is not just about the fate of Time," he wrote. "The story is about the fate of the world."

In your own words, please describe the situation outlined in the article Do Homework
Do you believe that shareholders will not take a seat on the board? Why would the buyers say such a thing? Do Homework
Is a free press important? Why (or why not)? Do Homework
Do you think the magazines would be allowed to publish news critical of their shareholders? Do Homework

World's richest man: Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, became the world's richest man, defeating Bill Gates, co-founder Microsoft.

The recent surge in Amazon stock has pushed Bezos' fortune to over $90 billion, vaulting him past Bill Gates. Bezos has been chasing Gates for the number one spot for a few years now and finally succeeded in superseding him. But this dream run was short-lived. On Thursday, Bill Gates was crowned again as the world's richest man as Amazon stocks went down by 1%. 

Because their wealth is largely a result of the shares they own of their company and its fluctuating price, it is possible that the wealthiest title may go back and forth between Gates and Bezos.

Please explain how Bezos finally managed to surpass Gates as the wealthiest man alive. Do Homework
Is this kind of level of personal wealth good or bad for the society? Do Homework
What rich people in your country do with their money? Do Homework

Boredom is actually good for you

Forbes Coaches Council contends that boredom at work, far from being a terrible thing, offers a chance “to reflect, strategize and create”.

Here are some of the more constructive aspects of boredom, in their opinion:

1. Boredom Inspires Us To Expand Horizons 
Boredom provides a great opportunity for us to examine ourselves and seek new ways to expand our world and thinking, so go and learn something new. Get out of the rut that is creating the boredom. Do more. Be more. Live more.

2. Creativity Stems From Boredom 
Boredom leads to awareness. It signals to the brain that it needs different ideas, thoughts or things to do. Humdrum activities like taking a shower or driving have been times when great ideas and thoughts have occurred in the history of mankind.

3. Plan To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone 
Boredom is an important message from our internal guidance systems to wake up. When you're feeling bored, it's a signal that you've lapsed into a comfort zone, and it's time for you to get "uncomfortable" if you want to continue to grow and develop.

4. Boredom Replenishes Energy 
Saying we're bored is our unimaginative way of labeling a lack of stimulation. The fast pace of our world today means we've gotten addicted to being entertained or busy 24/7 year-round. "Boredom" allows time to quiet the mind and body and allows the replenishment of your physical and mental energy.

Do you agree or disagree with the premise (that boredom is good for you) and the four points listed above? Do Homework
Have you ever had any great ideas while you were doing something boring? Do Homework
How can companies avoid boredom in their staff? Do Homework

Movie titles lost in translation

David O. Russell’s crime drama “American Hustle” could be a big winner at the Academy Awards. But for the movie’s many international fans, it may take a little longer to realize it. In their country, there is simply no word that captures the true essence of “Hustle.”

So in Israel the film is known in Hebrew as “American Dream.” In France, it’s translated as “American Bluff.” In Argentina, it’s “American Scandal.” In Portugal, it’s “American Sting.” In Quebec, it’s “American Scam.” In Spain, it’s the “Great American Scam.” And in Turkey, it’s merely known as “Trickster.”

Arie Barak, whose public relations company represents the studios of Fox, Disney and Sony in Israel, said that in this era of globalization the trend is to try to stick as much as possible to the original title, particularly with blockbusters and well-branded superheroes like Batman and Superman. Other times, a literal translation does the trick just fine.

But the bottom line is money, and if the name doesn’t work locally, he said Hollywood studios are more than happy to adapt. 

Have you heard the term 'hustle' before? How would you define it? Do Homework
Are there other words (in English or in your language) that are hard to translate? Do Homework
Globalisation is having a large effect on the movie industry. How is globalisation effecting your industry? Do Homework

Kobe Steel falsified data

The Japanese government is urging steelmaker Kobe Steel to clarify the extent of manipulation of data on steel, aluminum and other metals used in a wide range of products, reportedly including rockets, aircraft and cars.

A government spokesman on Wednesday criticized the apparently widespread falsification of data as "inappropriate," saying it could undermine product safety.

Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Kotaro Nogami told reporters that about 200 of Kobe Steel's customers were affected.

Kobe Steel, Japan's third-largest steel maker, announced Sunday that between Sept. 1, 2016 and Aug. 31 of this year it had sold aluminum and copper materials using falsified data on such things as the products' strength.

The company said the materials included aluminum flat-rolled products, aluminum extrusions, copper strips, copper tubes and aluminum castings and forgings.

Please summarise this situation with Kobe Steel and express your response. Do Homework
Do you know of other similar incidents involving Japanese or foreign companies? Do Homework
Why would a company falsify data? How does this reflect on the company's management and corporate culture? Do Homework
How will this news affect the reputation of Kobe Steel? Do Homework
Who should take responsibility for this scandal? Do Homework

Data security is a real concern

In a global study of IT security architecture, IT practitioners from Japan (79%) and Canada (74%) are the most concerned about millennials in the workplace posing a significant risk to security.

As the world’s first “connected” generation, millennials are hyperactive on their mobile devices, using apps and social media platforms for both personal and professional purposes. 

There are far too many stories of employees saving private information on their laptops and USBs only to have the devices stolen, leaking confidential information out into the world. Business leaders are urged to enforce strategies and policies that ensure all employees are keeping confidential company information safe.

Does your company have a data security policy regarding work-related information on your personal devices? Please explain. Do Homework
Are you allowed to use social media at your workplace or is there a zero tolerance policy? Do Homework
Have you heard of any companies that had data security breaches? How did it affect their business? Do Homework
If you were responsible for data security at your company, what would you recommend as an IT policy? Do Homework

Life after Oil

What happens when the oil runs out?

We cannot go on using oil forever. We can do so for a few more decades - perhaps until 2070, then it will run out - or at least, there will be hardly any left.

At present, there is still plenty of oil under the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Engineers keep finding new sources of oil, but there are some unavoidable issues with fossil fuels which cannot be ignored.

Scientists are making new forms of oil, using plants, and most of the oil that we eat comes from plants. It is sometimes possible to make petrol from this oil, like some types of diesel-fuel. But even this form of energy presents certain problems.

Alternative energy is still relatively new and cannot meet our needs yet.

Oil is still vital, but the world is nearing a critical point.

Do you think oil will run out at the predicted time? Do Homework
What are the advantages and disadvantages of other sources of energy apart from oil? Do Homework
How can we maintain progress in technology, medicine etc without an adequate source of energy? Do Homework
How dependent is Japan on any particular form of energy? Do Homework

Nissan safety checks investigated

Japanese Transport Minister Keiichi Ishii said on Friday that unauthorized technicians had been found certifying vehicles at five Nissan plants that the ministry has been inspecting.

The unauthorized technicians included contract workers, Ishii told a news conference.

"It's extremely regrettable, causing anxiety for users and shaking the foundation of the certification system," he said.

Nissan has decided to recall all 1.2 million new passenger cars it sold in Japan over the past three years after discovering final vehicle inspections were not performed by authorized technicians.

Please summarise the situation with Nissan. Has this shocked or worried you? If so, please explain why. Do Homework
How important are safety standards and company credibility? Do Homework
Are you satisfied with Nissan's response? Do Homework
Can you think of other companies that have experienced similar scandals? How did they recover their reputations? Do Homework