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New Japanese World Heritage Sites

UNESCO has decided to add 12 sites to the World Heritage list that are linked to the history of the country’s persecuted Christians.

The sites include the Oura Cathedral in Nagasaki, the oldest surviving church in the country which is already designated as a national treasure; and the remains of Hara Castle, a site of the Shimabara-Amakusa Rebellion that led to establishment of a national policy of seclusion and the beginning of the hidden Christians’ unique system to transmit their faith and beliefs by themselves.

The newly added sites “bear unique testimony to a cultural tradition nurtured by hidden Christians in the Nagasaki region who secretly transmitted their faith during the period of prohibition from the 17th to the 19th century,” the committee said on its website.

Would you like to visit these sites? Why or why not? Do Homework
Many feel that religion is a sensitive topic and prefer not to discuss it openly. Why do you think this is? Do Homework
Discuss the importance of World Heritage sites in today's world. Do Homework

Foldable phones

Your next smartphone might just throw you a curve.

Picture this: You pull your phone out of your pocket and unfold it like a napkin into a tablet. You press your finger on the screen, and it unlocks. You switch to the camera app, and a spider-like array of lenses shoot simultaneously to capture one giant photo.

These are all things I’ve seen phones do—some in prototype form, others in models you can get only in China. Analysts in Korea say we might see a folding “Galaxy X” phone from Samsung as soon as 2019. When I look into my crystal ball, I’m convinced we’re on the cusp of the most significant changes to the design and functionality of smartphones since they first arrived.

In your own words, describe the phone that the author is talking about. Do Homework
Would you buy a phone like the one described? How much would you expect to pay for it? Do Homework
What other innovations in the smartphones would you like to see? Do Homework

New planets discovered

Scientists have recently discovered two exoplanets, Kepler-62f and Kepler 186f, which are located within the habitable zones of their respective stars, and the best part is that the planets probably have stable climates and regular seasons. The astronomers also believe that one of them is similar in size to our home planet. 

Researchers from the Georgia Tech and Harvard University found out that both Kepler-186f and Kepler-62f seem to be steadily tilted on their axis, just like Earth, giving them stable climates and seasons. "Our calculations show that their spin would have remained constant over tens of millions of years," said Georgia Tech's Assistant Professor Gongjie Li. According to the scientists, these exoplanets are capable of harboring life.

Not ruling out the origin of life on planets with irregular seasons, another study author Yutong Shan from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said, "Even on Earth, life is remarkably diverse and has shown incredible resilience in extraordinarily hostile environments. But a climatically stable planet might be a more comfortable place to start."

How likely do you think it is that there is life on other planets? Do Homework
Astronomy research is very expensive, with increasingly sophisticated telescopes, spaceships, and the International Space Station. Do you believe it is worth the cost? Why or why not? Do Homework

Declining productivity growth

Productivity growth has slowed since 2004, and nobody is sure why.

Certainly, technology has done its job. In the wake of downsizing, budget cuts, re-engineering and outsourcing, it has filled in the gaps at company after company. As a result, supply chains are efficient and lean, the financial services industry is automated and manufacturing processes are flexible. 

One theory that may explain declining productivity growth has been advanced by management consultancy McKinsey & Company, which believes that companies have finally cut the non-complex transactional positions that benefit from productivity-stimulating technology. All that's left are complicated and nuanced jobs requiring experience, expertise, judgment, interaction and collaboration—or tacit knowledge. Increasing productivity for employees whose jobs can't be automated has thus far proven to be a challenge for software developers.

Do you agree with this article that productivity has peaked? Do Homework
Can you think of some ways to increase productivity in today's world? Do Homework
Has email improved productivity? Do Homework

Good news for coffee drinkers

Coffee is among the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide. Because of its popularity, it has attracted a great deal of research over the years.

Scientists have now stacked up a fair amount of evidence proving that coffee can protect against certain diseases and may even extend lifespan. Studies have shown that moderate coffee consumption might protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease, to name but three.

But the findings to date leave some unanswered questions. For instance, certain people have genetic variations that alter the way in which they metabolize caffeine. How are they affected? Similarly, does the type of coffee — ground, instant, or decaffeinated — make a difference?

Recently, researchers at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in Rockville and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, set out to get some answers. Their study shows that individuals who process caffeine differently and those who drink decaffeinated coffee also saw benefits. These findings may hint that caffeine is not the main player in this beneficial relationship. Coffee consists of hundreds of different chemicals making this a tricky code to crack. One group of chemicals that scientists have been interested in is polyphenols, but much more work will be needed to understand how they fit into the bigger picture.

What are the positive effects of drinking coffee? Do Homework
Are you a coffee drinker? If so, would scientific findings alter your consumption habits? Do Homework
Why would so much time and money be spent on research about the health benefits of coffee? Do Homework

Illusion of freedom in digital age

With the rise of A.I. and an endless sea of personal data available, some start to question, "How free are we?" Yes, it is true that A.I. will free us from many of the meaningless tasks that we are saddled with on a daily basis. However, there are serious concerns as to how our data is used for both positive and negative reasons.

We continue to see China using nearly every tool imaginable to monitor and control the lives of their citizens. Sesame Credit started just a few years ago but is now becoming mainstream in China. For those of you who are not familiar with the system, it is one where citizens are graded by their actions, things they buy, and other factors such as support of their government's policies. If you have a low credit score, you can be prevented from buying a house, sending your kids to private school, and other actions that restrict your freedom.

Even if the government is not spying on you, corporations surely are. Companies have emerged over the last few years that leverage data and A.I. to predict what you will buy and present to you what they think should be your next purchase. So the next time you order something from Amazon, think about if you purchased with your own free will or due to a massive database combined with a robust, personalized algorithm.

Do you think that having a social credit score would improve the overall quality of citizens in your country? Do Homework
Instead of having to decide on what to purchase, would you rather have a machine decide for you? Do Homework
What do you think about the use of personal data and A.I. by corporations? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of living in a society that is under constant surveillance? Do Homework
What does "freedom" mean to you? Do Homework

Japan's nightlife

Businesses in Tokyo are continuing to look for ways to get foreign visitors to spend their time and cash on the capital’s wide-ranging nightlife options. Travel agencies are arranging special events for foreign tourists such as taiko (drum) performances, while some hotels are extending the business hours of their restaurants to allow guests to socialize into the early hours.

In January (2018), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government said it planned to survey foreign tourists on what they enjoy about the capital’s nightlife, including restaurants, theaters and sporting events, to better cater to their interests and encourage spending.

But while efforts are being made to boost the “after-hours” economy, the lack of late-night public transport remains a major obstacle for tourists looking to get a taste of what Tokyo has to offer. Unlike some other global cities, which have 24-hour subway lines, Tokyo’s transportation network shuts down every night to allow for maintenance and equipment checks.

In December, a group of Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers proposed an experiment that would have allowed trains and buses to operate into the early hours of the morning, but the idea received a cold response from transport operators.

Would all-night trains change any of your habits? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of having all-night public transport? Do Homework
Are there any other ways to encourage spending on night-life? Do Homework

Hospitals' troubles with tourism

The number of tourists to Japan has more than quadrupled since 2009, and the government aims to boost that figure to 40 million by 2020 and 60 million by 2030. But the growing influx is likely to put a greater strain on Japan’s hospitals as many patients from overseas arrive without insurance and are unable to pay for treatment. 

The problem is not limited to cost, however. Communication is also a hurdle, both at hospitals and especially small clinics. While some facilities can conduct treatment in foreign languages, many can only do so in English or Chinese.

Differences in customs can lead to misunderstandings as well. For example, in Japan medical expenses for each patient are kept relatively low thanks to the country’s universal health insurance system. Thus doctors usually treat patients without explaining what costs to expect, with the bills generally presented once treatment is complete. But in many other countries, doctors treat patients only if they agree to pay the estimated cost. So some people refuse to pay because the hospital didn’t explain an estimated expense in advance.

What's your impression of your experience of your country's healthcare system? Do Homework
If you know much about other countries' healthcare systems, then compare them to your own. Do Homework
What changes, if any, would you make to your country's healthcare system? Do Homework

Blue-collar suits take off

When asked to imagine a typical image of white-collar workers in Japan, salarymen in suits may come to mind. On the flip side, blue collar workers in "work wear" tend to be associated with less flattering stereotypes, dubbed the “3K”—kitsui (demanding), kitanai (dirty) and kiken (dangerous) in Japanese.

Work wear that looks exactly like a business suit, developed by a Tokyo-based plumbing firm, might be helping to improve the image of blue-collar workers. It has been proving popular recently among people in various industries, ranging from waste collection and building maintenance to agriculture.

The water-repellent, washable attire was originally produced as an in-house uniform for the Oasys Lifestyle group, based on an idea from a female employee in charge of personnel affairs. “After our engineers wore the work wear for a year, we received an increased number of young applicants as well as favorable comments from our clients and peer companies,” said the firm’s spokesman, Hayato Suhara.

Oasys Style Wear, which released the clothing in March (2018) at a price of roughly ¥30,000 for a jacket and pants, and women’s models last month, announced last week that more lightweight, quick-to-dry summer models will be added to its men’s work wear lineup in July.

While suits are becoming less common in other countries, this article seems to suggest they are becoming more popular in Japan. Do you agree? Do Homework
Do you like wearing a suit? Do Homework
How does your clothing influence other people's opinion of you? Do Homework

The importance of liberal arts

In 2008, research teams at Duke and Harvard surveyed 652 U.S.-born chief executives and heads of product engineering at 502 technology companies. They learned that, although a degree made a big difference in the success of an entrepreneur, the field it was in and the school that it was from were not significant. YouTube chief executive Susan Wojcicki, for instance, majored in history and literature; Slack founder Stewart Butterfield in English; Airbnb founder Brian Chesky in the fine arts. And, in China, Alibaba chief executive Jack Ma has a bachelor’s in English.

The key to good design is a combination of empathy and knowledge of the arts and humanities. Musicians and artists inherently have the greatest sense of creativity. You can teach artists how to use software and graphics tools; turning engineers into artists is anther story.

A technological shift is in progress that will change the rules of innovation. A broad range of technologies are advancing exponentially and converging, making amazing things possible. To create the amazing future that technology is enabling, we need our musicians and artists working hand in hand with our engineers. It isn’t either one or the other; we need both the humanities and engineering.

What do you think of the author's claim that we need both artists and engineers as we move forward into the future of design? Do Homework
What degree did you choose in university? Do you think it was a good choice? Why or why not? Do Homework
Discuss the role of the arts in society. Do Homework

India faces water crisis

India is facing its worst-ever water crisis, a new report by a government advisory body has warned. The comprehensive study on the state of India's water warned of conflict and other related threats, including food security risks, unless actions are taken to restore water bodies.

Currently, about 600 million Indians are facing high to extreme stress over water. Ninety cities in India do not have enough clean drinking water now to sustain their populace. More than 20 cities, including New Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai, will run out of groundwater by 2020, affecting 100 million people. Around 40 percent of the population will have no access to clean drinking water by 2030. 

The water crisis could also aggravate political tensions in the region. Eleven Indian states are locked in major disputes over river water-sharing. Scores of people have died in violent protests over a river water dispute between two southern Indian states.

India is also caught up in long-standing disputes with neighbours China, Pakistan and Bangladesh over the sharing of water from rivers that cross national boundaries.

Are you worried about water levels in Japan? Do Homework
What would it take for you to change your personal water usage habits? Do Homework
How will water access shape geopolitics in the future? Do Homework

Impact of AI on Businesses

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is best described as machine learning. Instead of programming a computer to perform a task, the computer will program itself.

As AI continues to grow it will enhance our lives. We can already see this in action with Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. Companies like Amazon are using AI in order to predict your next purchase. Another great example of AI in current use is with chat bots that you find in websites like Facebook, and in customer support apps.

Many people are looking forward to self driving cars that are completely driven by AI. Tesla has already incorporated AI into its autopilot that can be turned on at a moment’s notice. Google and other companies are in a rush to keep up.

IBM’s Watson is currently the leader in the AI market. Watson uses conventional computing along with natural language processing, hypothesis generation and evaluation, and dynamic learning. As of this writing there are large companies that are building competitive solutions. These include Microsoft Project Oxford, Google Deepmind, and Baidu Minwa.

What do you know about AI? Do Homework
What can you do to improve your knowledge of AI? Do Homework
How do you think AI will impact your job in the future? Do Homework
How can you help your company when it comes to AI? Do Homework

Crafts boost tourism

In Takaoka, craft tourism adds to the city’s historical festivals and sights that, according to Toyama Prefecture, are already in the top 10 destinations in terms of increases in tourist numbers in the region. Although there are no official figures on Takaoka’s overall drive to promote local industries, the new Nousaku foundry alone has welcomed approximately 110,000 visitors since it opened.

The Nousaku outreach project is just one of many contributions to Takaoka industrial tourism, an initiative that the city has ramped up over the past decade with open-factory tours, hands-on workshops and the introduction of new contemporary goods. And it appears to be hitting the right notes.

Established in 1916, Nousaku began as a casting subcontractor that primarily produced metal Buddhist altar fittings, tea-ceremony utensils and vases. It now also makes interior products and medical equipment in its new foundry, which opened in April 2017. Nousaku not only offers free walk-through tours of the smelting, finishing and polishing processes, but also a conference space, gallery, visitor workshop area, interiors shop and cafe offering lunch sets served on dishes made on the premises.



Would you like to go to this foundry? Why or why not? Do Homework
Do you think the "made in Japan" brand is strong enough to boost tourism? Do Homework
Can you think of any other tours or makers that can increase tourism? Do Homework

Blockchain Banking In Japan 2020

Blockchain refers to an expanding list of blocks where each one contains records. They are secured and linked to each other using cryptography. Within each block, you will find at the most basic level a hash of the previous block, timestamp, and the transaction data.

The origins of the blockchain technology are mysterious. Legend has it that Satoshi Nakamoto wrote the bitcoin white paper, developed bitcoin, and was behind the implementation and deployment of the original bitcoin.

The largest bank in Japan wants to switch to blockchain payments in 2020. This is an aggressive move and schedule as well. If successful Japan will find itself well ahead of other nations in terms of security and digital payments.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group has partnered with a US firm named Akamai to make this happen. They plan on being able to handle 1 million transactions per second. One of the issues with blockchain transactions is latency. Latency refers to the time it takes to confirm a batch of transactions on the ledger. They are planning to have latencies of less than 2 seconds. Once fully implemented, they are expected to handle 10 million transactions per second.

Now that it seems peak bitcoin fever has passed, what did you think of it? Do Homework
Do you own any digital currencies? Do Homework
Why do you think that Mitsubishi Financial Group is so eager to adopt blockchain payments? Do Homework

5G: What is it good for?

5G, or 5th generation mobile, is the next big leap in wireless communications. 5G will radically improve the bandwidth, capacity and reliability of mobile broadband, and will push mobile speeds from 100 Mbps to upward of 10 Gbps.  

But the real excitement over 5G comes with new uses that simply aren’t possible with today’s networks. Many of these involve the revolution in sensors, low-cost transmitters and cloud-based software known as the Internet of Things (IoT).  

As billions more things go online over the next several years, they will be using 5G networks to send and receive massive amounts of new data. Uses for that information will scale up from the personal to the global — connecting you, your home and your community.  

In cities and across national borders, 5G’s ultralow transmission delay will be crucial for autonomous vehicles, smart energy grids and connected infrastructure. These will not only improve the quality of government and utility services but also enhance public safety, health and sustainability.

Have you heard of IoT? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Do Homework
Do you think 5G will change your day-to-day life? Do Homework
Imagine what Tokyo will be like with 5G technology in place. Do Homework

Too many tourists in Japan

In 2016 the Japanese government set ambitious targets for foreign visitors as a way to generate economic growth as the population ages and shrinks. The government is on track to reach its goal of 40 million visitors by 2020, when Tokyo will host the Olympics.

But the rapid growth has brought problems, most obviously a shortage of labour. Relatively few Japanese are able to converse smoothly in English or other foreign languages. Most companies rely on point-sheets, translation apps or telephone services to communicate with guests.

There are cultural barriers, too. Shizue Usui, the head of Nikko’s association of okami—female hosts at inns—says they tend to think “tradition should be maintained.” That often boils down to rigid rules about check-in, meal times and other services.

Infrastructure is also a concern. There are limited international flights to cities other than Tokyo and Osaka, and there aren’t enough lodgings available. Tokyo is reckoned to have a shortage of 3,500 hotel rooms.

There is an obvious solution to the labour shortage, at least: import more workers. But the idea is a political hot potato. If more foreigners were allowed to work, even more foreigners would be able to come as tourists.

How can Japan resolve the labour shortage? Do Homework
What do you think about the idea that “tradition should be maintained”? Do Homework
Discuss the pros and cons of increased tourism in general. Do Homework

Rakuten Seiyu Netsuper delivery

Walmart and Rakuten will co-create an online grocery service in Japan that will launch in 2018. The service will be operated by Rakuten and Seiyu GK, a Walmart subsidiary, and will be called “Rakuten Seiyu Netsuper.”

Walmart, via Seiyu, has operated a grocery delivery business in Japan since 2000. This new co-branded service will replace that, the company says.

Some customers’ orders will continue to be fulfilled by their local Seiyu store, as before. But depending on their geography, other customers’ orders may come from a new, dedicated fulfillment center operated by Walmart and Rakuten. The center, which is an existing building Walmart owns, will be exclusively used for online grocery.

Rakuten Seiyu Netsuper will offer pre-prepared meal kits, as well as partially prepared foods and other convenience-focused items like pre-cut vegetables, in addition to its selection of fresh produce and other consumables. Some items from Rakuten’s Ichiba marketplace – which has over 93 million registered members – will be available, too, including gourmet foods.

What are the potential advantages of this partnership for Rakuten and Walmart/Seiyu, respectively? Do Homework
What is the current market situation in Japan for online grocery shopping? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of online grocery shopping? Do Homework

A 4-day work week works well

The New Zealand company behind a landmark trial of a four-day working week has declared it a success and will be adopting the new schedule full time.

Two-hundred-and-forty staff at Perpetual Guardian, a company which manages trusts, wills and estate planning, trialled a four-day working week over March and April this year, working four, eight-hour days but getting paid for five. Staff could choose whether to opt into the four-day week, or to work five days with flexible options such as starting or finishing early to avoid traffic congestion or manage their childcare commitments.

Before the trial, just over half of staff felt they could balance their work and home commitments. After the trial this number jumped to 78%. Staff stress levels decreased by seven percentage points across the board, while stimulation, commitment and a sense of empowerment at work all improved significantly, with overall life satisfaction increasing by five percentage points. Andrew Barnes, founder of Perpetual Guardian, said, ““For us, this is about our company getting improved productivity from greater workplace efficiencies. There’s no downside for us.”

If you were given the choice, would you rather work four 8-hour days per week, or five days with flexible times? Why? Do Homework
In your opinion, would businesses in your country be open to this sort of work week? Why or why not? Do Homework
Why don't more companies adopt a 4-day work week? Do Homework

Hello Kitty train

It is enough to wake the tired eyes of the groggiest commuter. A striking white and pink bullet train themed around the Japanese cartoon character and marketing phenomenon Hello Kitty. The bespoke train began a three-month run between the western cities of Osaka and Fukuoka on June 30.

It was unveiled by the West Japan Railway firm which hopes the use of a famous local export will boost tourism. Hello Kitty branding features are on the windows, seat covers, and flooring. In line with the firm's aim to attract tourists, the first carriage will have no seats but will offer passengers the chance to buy regional goods and foods from western Japan. Another carriage will have a large Hello Kitty doll - adorned in a unique crew uniform - where fans can pose for photos.

The character was created by Yuko Shimizu in 1974 and since then has spread around the world. It can be found on everything from key chains to motor oil, aeroplanes to toilet paper and the brand is now estimated to be worth billions of dollars.

What do you think of the Hello Kitty-themed bullet train? Will it attract more tourism to Japan? Why or why not? Do Homework
If you were asked to come up with a theme for a bullet train to attract tourists, what would it be? Do Homework
Why do you think Hello Kitty is so popular worldwide? Do Homework

Renewable energy rising

Renewable energy is set to be generating 50% of global electricity by 2050.

The New Energy Outlook (NEO) 2018 says that the continuing fall in the cost of batteries will massively increase the ability to store off-peak electricity and sell it when demand is high, which will enable renewable technologies--particularly wind and solar projects--to take an increasing share of the electricity market. 

Europe’s electricity market will be 87% renewable in Europe by 2050, while India’s will be 75% renewable, China’s 62% and 55% in the U.S., the report says.

However, U.S. President Trump’s battle to save the coal industry looks doomed, with coal-powered generation set to make up just 11% of global electricity generation by the middle of the century, down from 38% today, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Can you imagine a world where the price of batteries is massively reduced? What would it be like? Do Homework
Considering the current pace of development, what do you think renewable energy will look like 5 years from now? 10 years? Do Homework
What's the best way for Japan to generate energy? Do Homework