Discussion topics

Visuals: Christmas in Germany

Christmas is very popular in Germany—lights, food and decorations abound. Also, of course, presents are a main component for many people, especially younger people. But the Germans are famous for being pragmatic and no-nonsense. So what kind of gifts are commonly given in Germany? Read the chart below to find out.

Please present this graph. Be sure to use transitional language. Do Homework
This data is a few years old. What do you think the graph would look like this year? Do Homework
What do you think about giving money? (In America, it's considered taboo. Why do you think that is?) Do Homework
If you could change one thing about Christmas/New Year's, what would you change? Do Homework

Personal: Looking back on 2020

This year has certainly been a rollercoaster. There were highs and lows, not to mention a lot of uncertainty—sometimes all you could do is throw your hands up and hope for the best. 

Looking back on 2020, there are a few things that changed. 

First, since restaurants were closed during lockdown, my approach to home cooking changed. Before COVID, I took an ad-hoc approach to meals. But with limited trips to the grocery store and fewer options for take-out dinner, I started planning and following recipes more carefully. The result was better meals with fewer headaches. That was one takeaway: prepare well and rely on experts to write the recipe. 

Secondly, I've started taking hygiene even more seriously. I wash my hands for longer (20 seconds at least) and I avoid touching things out in public—that includes buttons at pedestrian signals and packages at the supermarket. That's another takeaway: do simple things to avoid getting sick. 

Finally, I've gotten a little uncomfortable with crowds. Movie theaters, concerts and even big parties seem a little more anxiety-inducing than they did a year ago. I hope this fades though. I love quality films and live shows, and I hope to see as many as possible in 2021.

Looking back on 2020, what changed for you, personally? Do Homework
Looking forward to 2021, what do you hope changes? Do Homework
Looking forward to 2021, what do you hope stays the same? Do Homework

Giant beasts made of rice straw

Rice straw, or wara, is the waste left over from rice production. It used to be used to make tatami mats, bags, and other daily goods, including shoes. But these days most things are made from plastic and other synthetic materials, so farmers are left with mountains of useless wara. In 2007, farmers along with the tourism board of Niigata City in the Niigata prefecture, asked Professor Shingo Miyajima of the Department of Science and Design at the Musashino University to come up with a creative solution to the problem. He suggested using it to make art.

So in 2008, students from the university traveled to Niigata to create sculptures with wara. Niigata's tourism board was hoping to draw more visitors to the area, and organized a festival to showcase the sculptures. It was a huge success! Mushashino art students and farmers have continued to work together every year since to recycle waste products into art.

In 2017, to celebrate the festival's 10th anniversary, the art students were asked to create sculptures twice as big as usual. The results were fantastic! Normally about 4 meters high, the 2017 sculptures reached as high as 9 meters or more! Giant wooden frames were constructed in the basic shape of the sculpture, then thousands of wara bunches were attached to flesh it out. An arduous process that results in stunning works of art. 

(In 2020, the festival had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.)

Summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
How does the image of the straw lion make you feel? How so you think you would feel if you saw it in person? Do Homework
Describe the most impressive work of art you've ever seen. Do Homework
Make a convincing argument in favor of this opinion: "Recycled art can save the world." Do Homework

Virtual listening

The COVID-19 pandemic forced most professionals around the world to begin working from home in early 2020. Suddenly teams were separated and had to communicate over video call services. It’s hard to feel connected that way. And it’s hard to build relationships and maintain the trust that today’s business depends on. 

Since this situation may continue for quite some time, we need to figure out how to make it not just work but work well. Katy Lindsay of Aptimore suggests a couple of things to do on a virtual call to create a sense of “active listening”. Vocal cues won’t work when the software tracks whoever’s speaking—the whole meeting is disrupted by people listening actively. So Katy recommends gently nodding and smiling to communicate that you’re paying attention. If you don’t consciously make a point of looking engaged, you’ll probably just have a blank face, which is really dispiriting for a speaker. Especially if everyone on screen looks like that!

And although it’s tempting when you’re not in the same room with the rest of the team, don’t try to multitask. It’s all too obvious when you’re looking down at your phone instead of paying attention to the speaker. And you just might miss some important information while checking those emails and text messages.


What is your experience with virtual team meetings? How could they be improved? Do Homework
Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? Why or why not? Do Homework
Is it more important to be a good speaker, or a good listener? Why? Do Homework

Visuals: language speed & density

According to The Economist, languages face a trade-off between complexity and speed. Those packed with information are spoken more slowly, while simpler ones are spoken faster. As a result, most languages are equally efficient at conveying information.

For instance, a Japanese translation of this text would be longer and a Thai one would be shorter, but readers would finish reading it at about the same time.

Have a look at the graph below and discuss what you see with your teacher.

Present this chart to your teacher. Do Homework
Where does your first language fall in this graph? What about your second or your third? Do Homework
Do you find this graph accurate from personal experience hearing and using any of the languages it mentions? Do Homework

Black holes support relativity

Albert Einstein spent nearly a decade developing his theory of general relativity, which he published in 1916. The theory asserts that gravity is matter warping space-time and so gravitational bends in space can alter the passage of time. While an appealing theory, it is yet unproven.

According to CNN, the first image of a black hole, captured in 2019, has revealed more support for Einstein's theory. The new finding has suggested his theory is now 500 times harder to disprove.

The black hole in this study is 6.5 billion times more massive than our sun. The research team measured the distortion in the black hole’s gravitational pull and found that the size of this black hole's shadow aligns with the theory of relativity, or matter warping space-time to create gravity.

While the theory of relativity has passed all of the tests thrown at it over the past century, further study is needed to confirm whether it continues to match up with astrophysical objects.

Please summarize this article in two or three sentences. Do Homework
Why does this matter to us, here on Earth? Do Homework
Are you scientifically inclined? If so, what other theories do you know? Can you explain one in simple terms? If not, how do you feel about the sciences in general? Do Homework

The mission of the century

CNN reports that according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), providing a single dose of a future coronavirus vaccine to all 7.8 billion people in the world will require the use of 8,000 Boeing 747 cargo aircraft, and that planning needs to begin now.

IATA's director general and CEO, Alexandre de Juniac, said in a public statement that "safely delivering Covid-19 vaccines will be the mission of the century for the global air cargo industry."

There are multiple vaccines being tested in human trials simultaneously around the world. Once a vaccine is approved for use, licensing and large-scale manufacturing will take place. However, without proper planning, these vaccines won't be able to fly the skies.

Among the major concerns cited by IATA is the availability of temperature-controlled facilities and equipment, along with trained staff. Also, the current border restrictions will need to be eased, permits for operators carrying the vaccine will need to be fast tracked, and the flight crew members exempted from quarantine requirements to ensure cargo supply chains are maintained. A final concern is security, with IATA noting that vaccines will be highly valuable commodities. Therefore, shipments will need to be secured and protected from tampering and theft.

Please summarize this article in a few sentences. Do Homework
Can you think of other logistical problems with providing everyone in the world with a Covid-19 vaccine? Do Homework
Transport companies stand to profit greatly from the pandemic. Should these companies offer discounts or special service when transporting the vaccine, or is that task business as usual? Do Homework

The decline of the yakuza

The Guardian reports that more than a decade of police crackdowns on major gangs and economic uncertainty are making it harder for the yakuza to tempt young men with promises of easy money.

For the first time since records began in 2006, 51% of regular yakuza members are aged 50 or over, according to a new report by the national police agency. Less than 15% are under 40, and those over 70 account for just over 10% of total membership.

Stricter laws, including those targeting businesses with links to gangs that had once operated with near-impunity, have made a life of crime increasingly unappealing. Yakuza members are forbidden from opening bank accounts, obtaining a credit card, taking out insurance policies or even signing a contract for a mobile phone.

“My generation dreamed about becoming high-ranking gang members who were popular with women, had money and drove fancy cars,” a former gangster who retired in his 70s told the Asahi Shimbun. “But the times have changed. Young people today don’t like the idea of being tied down to a gang.”

Please summarize this article in two sentences. Do Homework
What does the speaker mean when he says, "tied down to a gang?" Do Homework
What are the largest-scale criminal elements in society today? (E.g., gangs, white collar crime, Internet crime, etc...) Do Homework

Venture capitalism and online games

Unable to hold face-to-face meetings with potential investors, venture capitalists are seeking new ways to meet start-ups, including a service which arranges virtual meetings inside the video game, Fortnite.

Matchbox.vc matches technology investors with start-up executives through video game sessions in the hopes that companies will find their dream investment.

“Games are an incredible way for people in tech to connect,” said the site's co-founder, Alex Walsh. “It's a lot less stressful since both parties are doing something they enjoy, making it perfect for a first meeting. It's just like any other activity that's been tangential to business for years, like golf, getting coffee, or going for a walk.”

As of early 2020, Matchbox.vc had already been used by investors from prominent funds including Sequoia, Accel, Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund and Samsung’s venture capital wing. With more and more companies asking employees to work from home, services like Matchbox.vc are likely to become more popular.

Please recap the article in 3 sentences or fewer. Do Homework
How do you feel about networking? What activities do you do when meeting new clients for the first time? Do Homework
What do you think about the growth potential of a company like Matchbox.vc? Do Homework
Task: Try pitching Matchbox.vc as a business solution. Do Homework

Flip-flops made from algae

Algae is used in lots of ways, from food to health supplements to fuel. Now we can add flip-flops to the list. Flip-flops, commonly made from rubber, foam or plastic, are hugely popular all over the world. When people lose theirs on the beach, which happens frequently, the flip-flops are swept into the ocean to join the rest of the plastic pollutants collecting there. 

To solve this problem, new biodegradable "plastics" are being developed using something else found on the beach: algae. A chemistry professor at University of California, San Diego, Mike Burkart, is spearheading a project to make flip-flops out of algae so that, instead of creating pollution, they decompose naturally. Major shoe manufacturers are talking with Burkart about using his material, as are producers of food storage containers and other plastic items. 

Sometimes it might seem like our environmental problems are incurable, and then someone like Burkart comes along and offers a seemingly simple solution. Let's hope it works.

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Edit Homework
Can you think of any problems that the production of algae-based plastics might cause? Do Homework
Describe a surprising solution to a problem that you have experienced. Do Homework
"Externalities" are a consequence of an industrial or commercial activity which affects other parties and are not reflected in market prices—for example, pollution in the ocean costs the tourism and fishing industry a lot of money, and costs marine animals their lives. How can polluting companies be encouraged to lower their externalities? Do Homework

Research: Astronauts' gut health

The so-called "gut-brain axis" is the well-established bidirectional interaction between the gut microbiome and the brain. In other words, the microbiome in our gut has been found to influence many aspects of our brain: stress physiology and psychology, mood, cognition, and behavior.

A novel challenge has arisen from this finding. Namely, how can astronauts stay alert and healthy through their travels? 

One issue is the inadequate intake of micronutrients, which is generally associated with increased inflammation and stress. It also leads to reduced functioning of the immune system. Although the space travelers’ diet is not yet optimized, considerable progress has been made. For instance, the average caloric intake has been significantly increased in recent years.

However, it remains a fact that during spaceflights, astronauts eat less and generally more poorly than on Earth. Several possible reasons include cultural habits, the palatability of food, space motion sickness, changes in light-dark cycle and appetite-regulating hormones.

Optimizing the gut's microbiome is hard enough on earth. Doing so in space requires much more research. But the physiological and cognitive benefits for a healthy gut mean that astronauts will be more effective when they are in optimal health.

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences or fewer. Do Homework
Are you familiar with the gut microbiome? If so, explain it to your teacher. Do Homework
What solutions can you think of for astronauts to keep healthy? Do Homework
Do you think health is holistic and interdependent, or is there usually just a single cause and effect? Do Homework

COVID vaccine: Phase 3's importance

Currently, 34 vaccine candidates for the novel coronavirus are in various stages of clinical development, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). However, the process is long, typically many years. In the race for a vaccine, there is some debate on the merits of rushing through the process.

The vaccines process is long because there are 3 phases of trials. The first two trials focus on effectiveness—does the vaccine work or not. This is a relatively straightforward question and it can be proven in relatively small sample sizes. So, just a few hundred people are needed to test it. However, Phase 3 is used to prove the safety and efficacy of the vaccine—does it have significant side-effects, is it safe for people with compromised immune systems, and can everyone use it?

That means Phase 3 typically involves many thousands of people and can take a significant amount of time. 

Chinese vaccines are being tested currently in Phase 3 clinical trials in several countries around the world, but are still facing the hurdles of data accuracy and patient recruitment. Some have suggested rushing through Phase 3, but this has drawn criticism from the WHO. “This Phase 3 must take longer because we need to see how truly protective the vaccine is and we also need to see how safe it is,” WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said during a media conference.

Explain the contents of this discussion post to someone who is unfamiliar with the vaccine trial process Do Homework
Why would some countries want to rush or skip Phase 3? What are the pros and cons of doing so? Do Homework
How would you convince someone who wants to rush Phase 3 of the importance of doing it thoroughly? Do Homework

Harvesting human cells from animals

CNN reports that scientists have created a mouse embryo that's 4% human. The hybrid is what scientists call a human-animal chimera, a single organism that is made up of two different sets of cells. This human-mouse chimera has by far the highest number of human cells ever recorded in an animal.

The team's experiment indicates that there is enough evolutionary compatibility between mice and humans that mouse embryos are a relatively good environment for cultivating human cells. This breakthrough could potentially generate better mouse models to study human diseases, including Covid-19. Mice can also be used to grow human immune cells or respiratory cells.

Future studies could help treat malaria, in which the pathogens specifically infect human red blood cells through a mosquito bite. If scientists can make a mouse with even more human red blood cells, it would be a very good model to study malaria. They could also explore whether this technique could be applied to larger animals, such as pigs, to generate organs for transplants.

Please summarize this article in three sentences or fewer. Do Homework
What is your opinion of using human-animal chimera for scientific purposes? Do Homework
Are there any ethical problems with this type of research? Do Homework

Opinion: Critical thinking needed!

This opinion is a rant—a passionate, typically angry, speech or piece of writing about one particular topic.

This rant is about American anti-maskers—people who are opposed to wearing a face mask during the coronavirus outbreak. 

Take a deep breath and try to read as emphatically as you can.

"I can't stand it! These people who won't wear masks even though all the medical science says it helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. I hope all the anti-maskers have never taken meds for anything, or know anyone who has. That includes blood pressure meds, insulin, asthma inhalers, allergy medicine, pain relievers, eye drops—heck, even bandaids! What do they put on a cut? Natural remedies like moss and honey? I highly doubt it. So they're either totally ignorant, or total hypocrites.

The real problem is, they have no critical thinking skills. They believe whatever they hear as long as it fits with what they already believe. They'll say, 'Yes! That's the truth!'  Even if it's totally wrong. They don't stop to think about who's saying it or why. They don't stop to think. Period.

That's why the world is in so much trouble. That's why people refuse to believe the medical scientists and refuse to wear masks. And that's why the U.S. has the highest coronavirus infection rates of any developed country. It infuriates me that we are all put at risk because people don't know how, or won't, think."

Why do you think people refuse to wear masks during a pandemic? Do Homework
What about the writing style tells you that this is a rant? Do Homework
What is critical thinking? Why is it important? Do Homework

Gender equality on traffic lights

The iconic "Sophie" pedestrian crossing signal (pictured above) first appeared outside City Hall in Amersfoot, the Netherlands, in December 2000. Since then, she has inspired female figures on crossing signals around the world. As Dutch Ambassador Wim Geerts said in 2013, "Sophie is much more than a traffic light, as she encourages us to think about women's rights." She also seems to improve pedestrian safety—more people stop for Sophie than for lights with common male figures.

Some people criticize "Sophie" and other female figures as promoting stereotypes of women. They always wear a skirt, and Sophie has ponytails which are commonly associated with little girls. Rather than add stereotypical images of women, these critics recommend creating a non-gendered stick figure.

Supporters of female figures say that it's important to recognize women's right to be out in public spaces, given the long history of expectations that they stay at home. Australia and India have gotten on board. Geneva, Switzerland is one of several cities that has taken it even further by including pregnant women, old men and women, and same-sex couples. 

What are some of the pro and con arguments for female-figure traffic signs mentioned in this article? Do Homework
Is there a way to make a non-binary sign that doesn't look masculine? What would it look like? Do Homework
What other areas may need more diverse representation? Do Homework

A mascot for the pandemic

Mascots, or yuru-kyara, are incredibly popular in Japan. There are yuru-kyara for everything, from sports teams to prefectures to a toilet disinfectant (seriously). Now they're offering the world a mascot for the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The yōkai (supernatural being) Amabié was first described in 1846, during a series of severe epidemics in Japan. It has three legs, a fish-like body, and the head of a bird with long, flowing hair. The original story goes that Amabié was spotted by an unnamed man on top of the ocean waves, glowing with a strange light. It gave its name to the man and prophesied a good harvest. Then Amabié said, "Should an epidemic come, draw me and show me to those who fall ill and they will be cured,” and disappeared into the water, supposedly never to be seen again.

But now Amabié has returned, so to speak. People around the world are drawing it so much that it's become the unofficial COVID-19 mascot. It's represented in all sorts of styles, from cute cartoons to sexy superheroes. Check out #amabie on Instagram and #amabiechallenge on Facebook and Twitter to see Amabié around the world. And post your own version—who knows, it might help us overcome the coronavirus!

This article uses a number of spoken-style expressions. Find at least two. Do Homework
What is the purpose of a mascot? What mascots do you know? Do you have a favorite? Do Homework
Do you believe in supernatural things like yokai? Why or why not? Do Homework
What helps you feel hopeful during tough times? Do Homework

World's longest bus route

According to the India Times, in May 1968, a British traveler named Andy Stewart was looking to make his way home to London from Sydney, Australia. So he bought a double-decker bus and converted it into a mobile home, nicknamed "Albert". That October, he set off with 13 others on Albert the Bus for a 16,000-kilometre journey from Sydney to London via India. The journey took 132 days to complete.

Things turned out pretty well for Albert, considering it went on to complete 14 more Sydney-to-London trips over the next 8 years. A "year-round timetable" was drawn up for a regular service between London, Kolkata and Sydney in what was called Albert Tours.

The bus also had some extra luxury services like a reading and dining room on the lower deck, individual sleeping bunks, fan heaters to keep passengers warm, and aesthetic interiors to make the bus feel like home while on the long journey.

Albert the bus made more than 150 border crossings without ever being held up for searches or bribes at state borders. It earned the tag of being a "friendly ambassador" to all countries it visited along the way.

Take a look at the real Albert the bus here

Please summarize this article in two sentences. Do Homework
Have you ever taken a very long bus journey? What was it like? Do Homework
If you had the time, would you be interested in traveling across the world by bus? How about by train or by car? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of overland travel vs. air travel? Do Homework

Facial masks and deafness

Around 48 million people have some degree of hearing loss. Given the rise of wearing face masks in public, hearing-impaired people are struggling to understand those wearing ordinary masks as they muffle their voices. One way to solve this problem is to put on masks with clear windows.

When wearing such a mask, people can see your lips, which allows the deaf or hard-of-hearing to lipread and see facial expressions.

Alicia Austin teaches infants and children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Currently, Austin has many online lessons with her students, and she says that wearing a mask can make communication problematic. She says that children need to see facial expressions and recognition to learn, even if they do not have a hearing disability.

On top of this, window masks are also very helpful to people with diminished hearing, typically older people or grandparents, who rely on face-to-face interaction to understand

List the terms mentioned in the article for describing people with a hearing disability. Do you know anyone who is deaf? Do Homework
What are some other difficulties that people with disabilities might face in society? Do Homework
How does your country help people with disabilities to function normally in society? Do Homework

SIM-jacking and scamming

Technology has been quite a godsend for fraudsters. In the past, if you wanted to recreate a valuable painting you needed to painstakingly paint it, or if you wanted to open a fraudulent bank account, you had to physically grow a moustache to fool a bank teller. But these days, it's much easier. To beat two-factor authentication, scammers can simply transfer your phone number to a new SIM card and gain access to every penny you own.

This comparatively new crime is called "SIM-jacking". It works like this: perpetrators obtain important details about their victims either by searching social media or conning them into revealing personal information. Using these details, they pretend to be their victims, convincing network providers to transfer their phone numbers to new SIM cards and post out those SIMs. Once the switch is complete, messages containing codes for the two-factor authentication systems many of us now have can be intercepted, and fraudsters can log in to your email, social media or mobile banking accounts.

Briefly summarise how fraudsters conduct SIM-jacking. Do Homework
Does scamming occur in your country? Provide one or two examples. Do Homework
How can the government, or society as a whole, help to prevent scams? Do Homework

Nestle renames insensitive products

Classic Australian lollies Redskins and Chicos are set to be renamed so they don't marginalise consumers, confectionery company Allens has announced.

The decision was made by the brand's parent company, Nestlé, because a redskin is a slang term for Native Americans in the U.S., where it is considered offensive. Chico, which is Spanish for "boy", is also used in a derogatory way. 

"This decision acknowledges the need to ensure that nothing we do marginalises our friends, neighbours and colleagues," the company said in a statement. "These names have overtones which are out of step with Nestlé's values, which are rooted in respect."

The company has yet to announce new names for the popular treats.

In your own words, why are the lollies being renamed? Did Allen's make the right decision? Do Homework
Do you think there is more pressure on companies these days to be sensitive? Why is this? Do Homework
What other changes can you imagine in government or society, with regards cultural inclusivity? Do Homework