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How singing affects your brain

Watch this short video about what happens in the brain when we sing. Listen carefully to hear what happens in the different parts of the brain.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Health Benefits of Singing

What are the names of the 3 different parts of the brain mentioned? What happens in each of them when we sing? Do Homework
Do you sing? How often do you think about music? Do Homework
What other activities might require more than one part of the brain? Do Homework

Salmon sushi is Norwegian

Look at the menu of any sushi shop in Japan and you will almost certainly see salmon: fatty, tender and bright orange. But salmon is actually a relatively new addition to the sushi menu.

Behind salmon’s rise to popularity is the Norwegian marketing campaign: Project Japan. In the 1970s, Norway began commercial salmon farming but, with decreasing seafood consumption at home, salmon was soon filling industrial freezers. Japan, meanwhile, had been overfishing its waters, and with Japanese fishermen told to remain within their exclusive economic zones by the United Nations, Japan began opening up its once nearly self-sufficient seafood industry to foreign suppliers.

When Bjorn Eirik Olsen, director of market research for Project Japan, landed in Tokyo in 1986, he knew his target market. “We had to target the raw consumption market,” he said. Fish meant for sushi or sashimi can be priced up to 10 times higher than fish aimed for the grill market. However, when Olsen introduced Norwegian salmon to the Japanese seafood industry, it was met with the response: “We don’t eat salmon in Japan.” Raw salmon that is.

Is salmon sushi viewed as traditional Japanese food? Why or why not? Do Homework
Can you think of other food that's become popular relatively recently? Do Homework
What do you think is the next big food trend? Do Homework

Breakthrough in medicine

New research from the Babraham Institute has potentially made a revolutionary breakthrough in regenerative medicine. The scientists developed a method to rejuvenate skin cells by 30 years. 

Our cells have several functions, such as providing structure and support, transporting molecules, producing energy, helping with growth, creating metabolic reactions and helping in reproduction. However, with age, cells lose these functions and accumulate age marks. 

New research reprogrammed cells by restoring their functions and changing the molecular measures of biological age. Rejuvenated skin cells produced more collagen that helped heal wounds and provide structure to our skin, the same as natural young skin cells do. 

This research is based on the Nobel Prize method developed by Shinya Yamanaka in 2007 of creating stem cells—cells that have the ability to turn into any cell type with any function. 

Further research into this area might help not only to reduce the aging effect but also to help to cure age-related illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Tell your teacher the main idea of the article. Do Homework
Do you think rejuvenation medicine is something humanity should invest in? Do Homework
What would you like to discover if you could make a breakthrough in medicine? Do Homework
What are some potential sociological consequences if people are able to stay young longer? Do Homework

Nonprofit business: Clean the World

One night at a hotel in 2009, tech executive Shawn Seipler thought about how many bars of soap guests use for a night and then leave. He called the front desk to find out what they did with the used soap and learned that they just throw it away. In the U.S. alone, hotels throw out about 3.3 million bars of soap every day.

So, Seipler started Clean the World, a nonprofit that recycles soap, in his garage. He quickly discovered that major hotel chains, airlines, cruise companies and casinos were happy to pay him to take their waste. The business has since grown into a $750k production facility in Orlando, Florida, with branch operations around the world.

Clean the World works with international humanitarian organizations to direct the recycled soap to people in need. Soap is sent to places like natural disaster areas, refugee facilities and countries with high rates of diseases caused by a lack of simple hygiene products. One 3-oz bar of soap is good for 100 hand-washings. So, next time you’re in a hotel, think about it. As Seipler says, “I know it sounds funny, but that little bar of soap on the counter in your hotel room—that thing can literally save a life.”

What is the main point of this article? Do Homework
Have you ever thought about what happens to the soap you leave in a hotel room? Do you generally think about the waste you create when throwing things away? Do Homework
What other simple, useful things like hotel soap could we recycle instead of throw away? What other organizations do you know that are doing this kind of work? Do Homework
If you decided to start a nonprofit business, what would it be? Do Homework

Do trees talk to each other?

People generally think of trees as disconnected loners, competing for water, nutrients, and sunlight, with winners shading out losers and sucking them dry. But evidence to the contrary is coming to light. Forest trees are, in fact, cooperative and live in interdependent relationships maintained by communication and collective intelligence similar to an insect colony.

Unlike other organisms, most of the communication between trees happens underground, through a system known as the “Wood Wide Web”. “[Trees] in every forest that is not too damaged”, explains Peter Wohlleben, a German forester and author, “are connected to each other through underground fungal networks. Trees share water and nutrients through the networks, and also use them to communicate. They send distress signals about drought and disease, for example, or insect attacks, and other trees alter their behaviour when they receive these messages.”

As a fee for their services, the fungi consume about 30 percent of the sugar that the trees photosynthesize from sunlight. This sugar fuels the fungi as they scavenge the soil for nitrogen, phosphorus and other mineral nutrients, which they then pass on to the trees. For young saplings in dense parts of the forest, the network is a lifeline. Without sufficient sunlight to photosynthesize, saplings can only survive because big trees, including their parents, pump sugar into their roots through the network.

Please summarise this article in a maximum of four sentences. Do Homework
How often do you spend time in natural environments like forests? Why? Do Homework
Now that you know the "wood wide web" exists, has your view on trees changed? If so, how? Do Homework
How should the way humans interact with trees change now that we know they communicate with each other? Do Homework
Discovery of the wood wide web is relatively recent. Can you think of another recent scientific breakthrough? Do Homework

Task: Robots and etiquette

Society is filled with social and etiquette rules. As we grow up, we learn them and follow them without even noticing. Etiquette can be different in various situations, cultures, communities and workplaces. 

Even though people learn these rules when growing up, they are later able to distinguish the rules themselves in new cultures. However, what should we do with robots? If robots become parts of our workplace, what should we teach them?

Please, look at the task below with your teacher and discuss it.


(Exercise credit belongs to English Current)

What are some etiquette rules in your company? Country? Edit Homework
Have you faced any cultural differences in etiquette? Do Homework
Do you think we need the rules of etiquette? Do Homework

Doodling: why do we do it?

"Doodling" is drawing without thinking about it, on whatever is in front of us. Sometimes it's on the side of meeting notes, or on an envelope or napkin. It's a very common habit. So, why do we do it?

There are a few reasons we doodle:

  • to pass the time when we can't do anything else, like when we're on a train or waiting for a bus;
  • to keep ourselves awake during a boring presentation, lecture, etc.; and

  • to focus on something while meditating.

Studies show that people who doodle while listening to someone talk remember 30% more of what was said than people who don't doodle. Doodling actually helps keep us focused. Our brain stays occupied, so our attention doesn't wander.

Some researchers believe that what we doodle has a deeper meaning. Doodling can show us what we're thinking about, what we're feeling, and who we are. Different people believe in different meanings, so take them with a grain of salt.

Watch this video and let yourself doodle. Just draw freely without a plan, and see what comes out!


take [something] with a grain of salt—to understand that what is said isn't necessarily true.


Have you ever had a class like this in school or university? Were you able to stay awake? How did you do that? Do Homework
How does doodling help us pay attention? Edit Homework
What do you usually draw when you doodle? Are there certain shapes or figures? Do Homework
Do you believe that our doodles reveal our inner thoughts and feelings? Do Homework
Some people say that doodling is art. Do you agree? Why or why not? Do Homework

Indonesia bans palm oil exports

In late April, the Indonesian government announced a temporary ban on exports of crude palm oil and its refined products, such as cooking oil. The decision came as a surprise to commercial goods traders as the government had previously stated the ban would only apply to refined products. After the government’s initial statement, prices of crude palm oil significantly fluctuated given uncertainties about what products the ban would cover. Prices have again skyrocketed in light of the most recent announcement.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the world has seen a wave of food protectionism, as governments seek to protect domestic food supplies in light of surging agricultural prices. As the world’s largest edible oils shipper, providing one third of global supplies, Indonesia threatens to worsen global food inflation with its decision and raises the risk of a full-blown hunger crisis.

Palm oil exports have become a key political issue for President Joko Widodo as cooking oil prices could push the costs of other goods higher ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which is usually marked with feasts and celebration. “Once the local need is fulfilled, surely I will revoke this export ban because I understand how the government needs taxes, needs overseas earnings, and needs a trade surplus,” said the president. “[But] the people’s need is a more important priority.”

Should governments prioritise domestic needs over international ones? Why or why not? Do Homework
Are there any exports that your country protects? Do Homework
How might the products you use be affected by increases in the price of palm oil? Do Homework
Many people consider palm oil a controversial ingredient because palm plantations are a major driver of deforestation. How concerned are you about the ingredients that go into your products? Do Homework

Venture capital discrimination

Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator—the tech accelerator that supports early-stage, growth-driven companies through education, mentorship and financing—has funded a number of successful start-ups including Dropbox, Airbnb and Reddit. Despite this, in 2013 he made a controversial comment about how he evaluates potential companies. He managed to both offend many foreign-born Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and reveal a prejudice common among venture capitalists.

“One quality that’s a really bad indication is a CEO with a strong foreign accent,” Graham told Inc. magazine. “I’m not sure why. It could be that there are a bunch of subtle things entrepreneurs have to communicate and [you] can’t [do that] if you have a strong accent. Or, it could be that anyone with half a brain would realize you’re going to be more successful if you speak idiomatic English, so they must just be clueless if they haven’t gotten rid of their strong accent.”

Identify at least one useful collocation or idiom in this passage. Do Homework
How do you feel about doing business with non-native speakers of your language? Do Homework
Do you think that there is bias in your society or industry against non-native speakers? Do Homework
How can you inoculate yourself against this prejudice? Do Homework

Health is a sustainability issue

Rare and neglected diseases remain a serious problem in our modern world, despite advances in science and technology. Big pharmaceutical companies don't fund research and development into treatments for these diseases because they aren't profitable. The drugs end up costing much more to make than they'll earn back, so they remain un- or underfunded.

Each rare disease affects relatively few people, so the market is too small to make a profit on treatments. Neglected diseases affect about 1 billion people, but most are in underdeveloped, tropical countries. So, although the market is big, treatments are a poor return on investment because the countries can't afford to pay for them.

An article published in the Sustainability journal in 2019 recommends that we change our perspective to see healthcare as a sustainability issue, rather than an economic one. What if, instead of evaluating a drug in terms of the market, we look at its effect on society and the environment? The authors suggest that pharmaceutical companies be key players in this change of perspective. Companies would lead the way in seeing these drugs as opportunities, not problems. Funding the development of drugs to treat rare and neglected diseases is a chance for the pharmaceutical industry to contribute to the sustainability of our world, especially where the need is most urgent.

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
What are some examples of rare diseases? Do you know anyone who has/had one? Do Homework
Does your country suffer from any neglected diseases? Do Homework
How is healthcare a sustainability issue? Do Homework
Is healthcare a universal human right? Do Homework

Elon Musk vs Twitter

Elon Musk is a famous Twitter user. He wants to change Twitter rules on what is allowed to be posted. However, recently he surprised everyone by saying that he would buy this social media company. Musk has been offered loans of $25.5 billion from big American banks and he promised to pay the rest of the $21 billion out of his pocket.

The next day after Musk’s proposal, the board announced they will implement a "poison pill"—a measure that forbids anyone to buy more than 15% of the company’s shares. People fear that Twitter’s shareholders will pressure the board to accept Musk’s offer. Shareholders may want to do it because the share price that Musk has offered is much higher than the current one. On the other hand, this deal means that Twitter will become private, which may lead to unknown consequences for the company. 

Twitter did not make official statements for some time. However, on April 26, the company said it accepted Musk's proposal. This is the biggest purchase in tech history and it can shape the way how billions of people use Twitter.

out of his pocket—pay with his own money
shareholders—individual or entity that owns the shares of a corporation

Do you use Twitter? Why or why not? Do Homework
Describe the situation to your teacher. Do Homework
Do you agree that billionaires should have the power to buy a company? Do Homework
Do you think Twitter will improve now that Elon Musk is buying the company? Do Homework
If you could buy a business which one would you purchase? Do Homework

Humans are compassionate by nature

Bones found in Ireland show that humans have taken care of each other since ancient times. The bones, buried 5,500 years ago, belonged to a child with Down Syndrome. The baby lived to be about 6 months old and was breastfed. When it died, it was buried in a monumental tomb with other adults and children. 

In 2007, at an archaeological site in Vietnam, the bones of a man with a crippling disease were uncovered in a Stone Age grave. His bones indicate that he had a painful condition that would have left him paralyzed for the last several years of his life. Clearly, he was carried by others and given food and other resources that were always scarce in those days. 

Archaeologist Lorna Tilley has collected evidence from as far back as 45,000 years ago that disabled people were as valued as the rest of the community. She accepts these relationships as the fundamental reality of human behavior, rather than rare, atypical incidents. Humans are innately compassionate. The principle of the "survival of the fittest" is untrue—we have carried the unfit with us since the dawn of humanity.

Explain the evidence for human compassion in prehistoric times. Do Homework
What evidence can you give that humans are still compassionate? Do Homework
Why do we care for disabled people? Do Homework
What would our society be like now if humans had lived by the "survival of the fittest" principle? Do Homework

Video conferencing problems

These days, video conferencing is part of the everyday lives of most business people. If you have ever worked online, you have probably encountered a myriad of problems. Sometimes, your connection cuts out; at other times, there is too much glare on your face.

Watch this short video and learn about some examples of the issues that occur during video calls. While watching, think about how the participants could avoid these issues.

What issues did you notice in the video conference? Do Homework
How could the participants have avoided these issues? Do Homework
Imagine you are in a meeting. What would you say to someone if these issues occurred, either on your side or theirs? Do Homework
What is the worst technical glitch or online problem that has happened to you? Do Homework

Visuals: Ukraine and food supplies

Wars have many impacts not only on the countries involved but also on regions and even the whole world. In our globalized world, countries rely on each other for imports and exports. The global supply and demand chain has many steps in it. Disruptions in even one of these steps can lead to severe consequences, such as increased production and transportation costs and a lack of products. It can lead regions to economic crisis, food insecurity and famine. 

Please, look at these two graphs and discuss them with your teacher.


What impacts can the war have on the world? Do Homework
How do you think your country is impacted? Do Homework
What should the international community do in these situations? Do Homework
What are the major imports and exports for your country? Do Homework

The war in Ukraine and the law

The Russian attack on Ukraine has created many challenges for international law. Article 2.4 of the UN Charter forbids the “use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State”. In response to recent events, the international community states that Russia has violated this by attacking Ukraine. Vladimir Putin disagrees with that and has made several attempts to justify his actions.

When an ordinary person is accused of violating the law, they are taken to court, and their case is investigated. However, things are much more complex when countries' leaders are involved. There is a system called The International Court of Justice that works through disagreements between the countries. Unfortunately, it can only work when all sides of the conflict agree to participate in the process. 

Many world leaders and international businesses filed economic sanctions on Russia and Belarus because of the current situation. Unfortunately, many of these sanctions target the whole country, which means that ordinary people (who might be against the war) suffer, while political leaders and business owners have enough money to push through sanctions. 

All of the above raises a difficult question of what should be done in these situations and how a fair trial can be established.

Please, tell the main points of the article to your teacher Do Homework
What do you think of economic sanctions? Do Homework
How did your country react to the war in Ukraine? What about your company? Do Homework
In your opinion, what would be an ideal resolution to the current situation? Do Homework
Have sanctions ever been imposed on your country? Do Homework

Two types of digital transformation

To prosper in the digital age, companies must undergo two types of digital transformation. Firstly, they need to become digitized. Secondly, they have to become digital.

Though both transformations depend on new technologies, they require different strategies and rules to implement. Digitization requires companies to update their operational backbones. In the past, core operations, such as delivering goods and services, maintaining accounts, and completing back-office processes, were handled by people. These days, however, they can be enabled by software-as-a-service. In addition to digitizing themselves, companies also need to become digital, which means creating a digital platform for the company’s digital offerings. Not only does this facilitate business development and connection with partners and customers, it also allows companies to better target revenue growth.

To conduct both transformations, leaders have to be comfortable using different sets of rules for people overseeing the operational backbone of a company and people working on the company's digital platform. In particular, they need to change their leadership styles according to the group they are working with as well as understand its cultural and operational needs.

Do you think digital transformation projects are more popular these days than in the past? Why? Do Homework
If you have worked on a digital transformation project before, which part was most difficult: digitizing the company or making it digital? Why? Do Homework
Imagine you are the leader of a team managing the operational backbone of a company and a team working on its digital platform. How would you change your management style to suit each team? Do Homework

Restoring degraded land in Mexico

Indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico, have been working to restore the soil and forests, with remarkable success. Twenty-five communities have restored 49,000 acres (20,000 hectares) over the past 20 years. Restoration efforts are driven by the communities themselves, who together make up the Chocho-Mixtecas Community Alliance.

Before the Spanish arrived, the area supported a city of about 100,000 Mixtec. The current population of 2,800 struggles to find enough water to drink, let alone to grow crops. Large-scale goat ranching by the Spanish destroyed the soil. Goats pull plants up by the roots when they graze, so over-ranching with goats caused the land to erode all the way down to bedrock.

Rather than abandon their home, local communities decided to try to restore the soil. It's a long process. First, the bedrock must be broken up into small gravel that can hold water. Then trees that can survive in those conditions are planted. Eventually, the trees grow large enough to hold soil and protect native plants and animals.

It's a serious commitment of time, energy, and patience to see the process through. The ownership of the project by the entire community has ensured its success so far.

Explain the process of restoring soil. Do Homework
Look at the map above to see how much of the soil in your country is degraded. Does the amount surprise you? Are there any ongoing projects to restore it? Do Homework
It takes decades to even begin to restore soil. Do you think we have enough time to do enough before too much soil is gone? Do Homework
This project was begun by the community itself, and they do all the work. How does that contribute to their success? What does it teach us about future climate restoration efforts? Do Homework

Tatsuya Tanaka: Life in miniature

Tatsuya Tanaka creates miniature scenes with everyday objects and tiny figurines he has collected over the years. In 2011, he began posting an artwork a day on what he calls the "Miniature Calendar". That means that by 2021, he had created 3,650 miniature scenes.

It all started when his wife gave him a set of miniature plastic cows designed for train sets. Tanaka says, "When I was young, I didn't have enough toys, so I played around with everyday things." He believes that we all have the feeling that "broccoli and parsley might sometimes look like a forest, or the tree leaves floating on the surface of the water might sometimes look like little boats." So he set the cows up with mahjong tiles and numbered blocks and took photos of them.

It takes an average of 2 hours to create each piece. Over the years, Tanaka has collected enough boxes of figurines and objects to cover every wall in his studio. He also creates figurines of himself with a 3D printer to place in some scenes.

When Tanaka posted his first simple cow scenes on Instagram, they were an immediate success. Someone suggested he post something every day, and the Miniature Calendar was born. Tanaka now has more than 3.5 million followers on Instagram, his main platform. Hundreds of thousands of admirers also follow him on Facebook and Twitter. He has published books of his works and had shows in major galleries. And it all began with tiny cows.

Choose one of Tatsuya Tanaka's scenes on the Miniature Calendar and describe it in detail. What unusual objects are used? Who are the characters? What is happening in the scene? Edit Homework
Have you ever had the thought that broccoli looks like a tree? Pick another food that looks like something else to you. How could you use it in a miniature scene? Do Homework
Why are Tanaka's miniatures so popular? Edit Homework
What role does play have in human life? Do Homework

Ways of developing workers' skills

It is not a secret that our world is constantly changing, business strategies are continually developing, and technologies are evolving. So how can your employees keep up with all new knowledge and skills? Here are the ways a few big businesses are doing that:

School for employees at DBS bank 

DBS Bank, a multinational company with headquarters in Singapore, ensures that all 26,000 employees are encouraged to keep learning, no matter their age or seniority. 

DBS launched the “Back to School” program. It is a week-long program full of classes that employees teach. The decision not to hire professional teachers was based on research. It showed that people want to learn from their colleagues.

In addition to “Back to School”, the company launched a program that gives the employees a chance to do a different job. For example, a project manager can become a salesperson for a period of time and develop a very different set of skills.

Agility Olympics at State Street

This company with 40,000 employees compared developing staffs’ skills to the Olympics. State Street focuses on agile transformation. It created three “agile maturity” levels that employees can get: bronze, silver, and platinum. The employees who participate in the competition develop their skills and achieve satisfaction and recognition.

The chief agilest Natalie Vinitsky says they “make it a little bit harder every year”. “Think about the Olympic Games that happen every couple years. It definitely shows managers and even team members where they are and how to progress and how to continuously improve.”

Please, tell your teacher what you have learnt from this article Do Homework
Did you like any of the programs? Why? Do Homework
How does your company encourage employees to develop their skills? Do Homework
If you were a CEO, what skills development program would you create? Do Homework

The decline of democracy

Worldwide, democracy and global freedom have been declining since 2006. The COVID-19 pandemic made things worse, with many leaders choosing to use authoritarian measures to contain the virus. It was difficult for the opposition to protest the measures because they weren't allowed to gather in groups.

But the trend towards dictatorship began long before the pandemic. The decline is not just happening in nations with authoritarian governments, but even long-standing democracies have suffered. In 2020, nearly 75% of the world’s population lived in a country where democracy deteriorated. The United States, which has long stood as an icon of democratic values, is becoming so divided that the government can barely function. The 2020 election results were challenged, ending up in an attack on the Capitol building itself.

Look at this graph from Freedom House showing the democracy gap since 2005. Interpret and discuss it with your teacher.

[Image from FreedomHouse.org]

Define "democratic" vs. "authoritarian" government. Do Homework
Do you agree with the premise of this article? Why or why not? Do Homework
Describe the government of your country. How well does it function? How could it be improved? Do Homework
Why do so many people in democratic countries not vote? Do Homework