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Stop-motion animations with wool

Andrea Love uses wool to "paint" pictures, make felt figures, and create animated films. She works as a freelancer in Washington state, from her basement studio. Clients often come to her for commercials and short documentary films. One of her projects was a 4½-minute documentary for the Northwest Straits Initiative. The organization is dedicated to preserving the waters and beaches of the northwest corner of the U.S. For the film, Love created water, waves, boats, birds, a seal and fully dressed human figures—all out of wool fibers and felt.

Love is a master of stop-motion animation. She cooks tiny felted meals in felt kitchens and has characters play felt violins. Wool fibers become steam from a felt coffee cup, filled with felt coffee. She even makes a tiny felt vase on a felt pottery wheel. It seems that nothing can't be made from wool fibers in Love's hands.

Recently, Love and children's book author/illustrator Phoebe Wahl created a short feature film, Tulip. The story is an updated version of the classic fairy tale, "Thumbelina". The 9-minute film took over a year to make. It has won a number of awards at film festivals and is now available to rent or buy from Vimeo. Love and Wahl plan to continue their collaboration on future projects.

What is your opinion of Andrea Love's wool art? Do Homework
Do you like stop-motion animation? What are some examples that you've seen? Do Homework
Felting wool is usually thought of as a craft. Andrea Love uses it for art. What is the difference between craft and art? Do Homework

What is ethical in medicine?

Recently a 57-year-old man received a breakthrough operation. He was bedridden for several months and desperately needed a heart transplant. However, he had several health conditions which made him not suitable for the operation. In a last attempt to save the patient’s life, the Food and Drug Administration gave permission to attempt a genetically modified pig heart transplant for the first time in history. 

The operation was successful. Not only was the patient saved, but the medicine came closer to solving the problem of organ shortages. Unfortunately, the story is not as happy as it might seem.

Three days later, a woman was reading the article about this successful operation. She saw the name of the patient and froze. This same man was guilty of stabbing her brother in the neck seven times in 1988. After being attacked, her brother survived but was left paralyzed for his whole life. He spent 19 years of his life in a wheelchair and died from a stroke at the age of 40.

The woman wished that “the heart had gone to a deserving recipient”, especially considering that 17 people die each day in America due to a shortage in organs for transplant.

The team of doctors didn’t share her opinion. Arthur Caplan, a bioethics professor at New York University, said: “The key principle in medicine is to treat anyone who is sick, regardless of who they are. We are not in the business of sorting sinners from saints. Crime is a legal matter.” The hospital officials added that "Any other standard of care would set a dangerous precedent and would violate the ethical and moral values that underpin the obligation physicians and caregivers have to all patients in their care."

In your opinion, should someone's criminal history influence medical decisions? Why or why not? Do Homework
Do you think people who commit crimes can change? Do Homework
What are your thoughts on organ donations? Do Homework

Invisible disabilities at work

It is easy to see that someone in a wheelchair has a disability, and workplaces are becoming much better at making accommodations for them. But what about people whose disability doesn't show? Chronic illnesses like heart disease, lupus, or diabetes aren't visible to others. Neither are mental illnesses like depression or anxiety. Because of this, it's much more difficult for these workers to get the support they need.

According to a study by the Center for Talent Innovation in 2017, 30% of white-collar professionals had a disability. Some 62% were invisible disabilities. Only 3% of those surveyed told their employers and colleagues about their condition. The other 97% feared discrimination due to their condition, and they were right to be afraid. Discrimination in hiring is commonplace. In France, a study showed that only 2% of those who disclosed a disability on a job application were hired, and in the U.K., 17% reported having a job offer withdrawn. If a person is actually hired, they're much less likely to be promoted as quickly as their colleagues without disabilities.

Globally, about 1 billion people have a disability of some sort. That's 1 in 7 people on the planet. New developments in digital technology are opening up the world of work to those with a variety of challenges. There's a huge market of under-used workers just waiting to be tapped.

What is an invisible disability? Do Homework
Are any of the statistics in the article surprising to you? How many of your colleagues might have disabilities, according to these statistics? Do Homework
How well does your company accommodate workers with disabilities? Do Homework
Discuss the attitude toward people with disabilities in your country. Do Homework

Save energy with new windows

In 1991, researchers at Berkeley Lab invented a triple-glazed window they hoped would revolutionise the building industry. Though windows with three panes had existed for years, what distinguished Berkley’s design from precursors was the presence of a centralised, thin layer of glass. This made the window lighter, as less material could be used to make the external panes. It also made the window more energy efficient, as compartments either side of the central layer could be filled with insulating gas. On paper, the window had the potential to cut annual heating bills by 39 percent and reduce air conditioning costs by 28 percent. The only problem was that it was prohibitively expensive to manufacture.

Berkley’s design remained "unmanufacturable" for decades. But in recent years, thanks to a marked drop in thin glass manufacturing costs, brought on by the rise of mobile phones and LCD screens, thin triple-glazed windows are now a viable option for reducing energy use.

According to a 2019 survey, approximately two-thirds of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions come from building heat and cooling losses. If big cities like New York installed triple-glazed windows in all newly built houses, think of how much energy we could save.

Which items in your household use the most energy? Edit Homework
Think of three ways you can save energy in your everyday life. Do Homework
Do you think human society is facing an energy crisis? Why/why not? Do Homework
Can businesses be environmentally friendly while remaining profitable? Do Homework

Culture and business negotiations

Different people behave in different ways. However, cultures may have a big impact on how people behave. Here are some ideas to consider during international negotiations.

1. Purpose of negotiation: signing a deal or building relationships? 

In some businesses and cultures, the aim of negotiations is to sign a contract. Other businesses aim to build a strong relationship between the parties.

A survey from “The Global Negotiator” showed that 74 percent of Spanish businesspeople set signing a contract as the goal of negotiations, but only 33 percent of the Indian executives had a similar view. It means that for some companies you need to show that you can build a long-lasting relationship, not just sign a contract. 

2. Attitude towards time

If your business partner wants to build a relationship with you, they might want to invest more time in negotiations in order to get to know you better.  For example, in some Asian countries shortening the time of negotiations might seem like an attempt to hide something, while Americans tend to get down to business quickly. 

3. To show emotions or not to show?

Here the individual differences show up the most. Different people have different tendencies of showing emotions. However, some cultures encourage hiding emotions, while others don’t.

4. Take the risk or avoid it?

Geert Hofstede’s research showed that some cultures tend to take risks, and others tend to avoid them. For example, the Japanese usually gather more information and need more time to make decisions, which makes them risk-averse. On the other hand, Americans tend to be risk-takers. 

Do you agree with the points in the article? Edit Homework
How do negotiations work in your company? Do Homework
How do you behave in negotiations? Do Homework
Have you ever participated in international negotiations? If so, have you noticed any cultural differences? Do Homework

How to be more productive

It’s difficult to be productive when you work at home. Sometimes, you are busy all day and don't make any progress on important work.

Some people tell themselves to “Try harder!” or blame themselves for not achieving enough. Other people work with a long to-do list and try to do many tasks at the same time. But these solutions aren’t helpful.

Instead, you should do this:

  1. Write a long to-do list.
  2. Choose one task from that list. If you choose something big, break it into smaller tasks.
  3. Put away your long list. Don’t look at it again until you’ve finished your first task.

After you’ve finished the task, cross it off the long list, and choose another one.

You will be more productive if you follow this method.

Choose three new words from the text and make sentences with them. Do Homework
Is it easy to work at home? Why or why not? Edit Homework
What methods do you use to make yourself productive? Edit Homework
Does your company or society expect too much productivity from you? If you said "Yes", how can we improve this situation? Do Homework

How to overcome fears

We face many fears in our lives. People are afraid of all sorts of things: from seeing spiders to talking to other people. In fact, psychologists say that social fears are the most common. According to experts, 77% of people are afraid of public speaking. So why are social fears so widespread?

The psychoanalyst Alfred Adler wrote that when we were children, we felt helpless because we depended so much on our parents. And this fear of helplessness and powerlessness might stay with us forever.

While we are growing up, we are creating an image of ourselves. We hear what people say about us and we analyze that. But in many cases, we judge ourselves in the process. We focus on the judgement more than what we learned. In other words, we tend to remember negative things about ourselves rather than the positive.

That is one of the reasons social fears appear later in life. We think that we are not good enough to give this presentation, to speak with the boss, to go to that interview. So how can we solve this? Remember, how you played when you were a child and how you pretended that you were a doctor, a firefighter, a magician, etc? Alfred Adler suggested doing the same. Before giving a presentation, pretend that you are a person who is really good at public speaking, for example, Barack Obama. It is called “acting as if”. If you are acting as if you are a very confident person, you will behave as a confident person. 

Please, explain the article back to your teacher. Do Homework
Do you have any fears you’d like to share? Do Homework
Do you feel nervous when speaking publicly? Do Homework
How do you cope with your fears? Do Homework
How can managers help employees to overcome social fears? Do Homework

A radical direct feedback model

How do you feel about total honesty in the workplace? Most often, in order to avoid the discomfort of offending someone, bosses, managers and colleagues find inventive ways of giving feedback that skirt around the real truth. In fact, as we develop our communication skills to navigate work relationships, we learn many phrases and expressions to soften our language and say things indirectly that otherwise could be said much more directly.

One of the world’s most revolutionary entertainment companies claims to owe its phenomenal success to just the opposite approach. At Netflix, constant innovation is the key and CEO Reed Hastings wants only the absolute best talent on the market in order to achieve it – he calls it ‘talent density’. To attract the most brilliant, creative, hard working people, Netflix pays them up to ten times the going rate and assures its select hires complete freedom (there are no vacation or expense policies). Netflix makes no promises of job security or long careers. Its model is that of a high-performance ‘team’ - not a ‘family’ - and among themselves they practice something called ‘radical candour’. It breaks down as follows:

  1. Trust your team.

  2. Be radically honest.

  3. And never, ever try to please your boss.

If radical candour works for Netflix, could it work for other companies which also rely on innovation? There would be less need for translating the hidden messages lost in polite  language. Most managers and colleagues could indeed be better at giving – and receiving – direct feedback. But, on the other hand, there is a lot to be said for coded communication as well. Work is where people learn to manage social interactions and transparency doesn’t necessarily work in all cultures.


Before reading this article, what had you heard about the Netflix business model and its keys to success? Do Homework
Could ‘radical candour’ work in your company? Do Homework
What would be the advantages and disadvantages of giving and receiving feedback in this way? Do Homework
What do you think the next innovation in corporate culture might be? Do Homework

Quitting the rat race

According to CNN, young people across China are getting tired of the fierce competition for college and jobs, and the relentless rat race once they get hired. They are now embracing a new philosophy they've called "tang ping," or "lying flat," which emphasizes the pursuit of a simple life.

Talk of "lying flat" has spread rapidly throughout China as young people contend with intense competition for the most attractive jobs, especially in tech and other white-collar fields. The public has grown wary of what many see as a grueling work culture.

This type of phenomenon, though, is not limited to China. Across East Asia, young people say they have become exhausted by the prospect of working hard for seemingly little reward.

In South Korea, young people are giving up on marriage and home ownership. In 2017, 74% of South Korean adults said they gave up at least one thing—marriage, dating, leisure activities, home ownership or another aspect of life—because of economic difficulties.

And in Japan, young people are so pessimistic about the country's future that they are choosing minimalism over material possessions.

Summarize this article in three sentences. Edit Homework
What are some pros and cons of “lying flat,” or pursuing a simple life? Do Homework
Have you had to give up an aspect of your life due to economic reasons or lack of time? Do Homework

The Decade of Indigenous Languages

The United Nation declared a “Decade of Indigenous Languages”, beginning on January 1, 2022. There are currently over 7000 languages in the world, but roughly 40% of those languages are endangered, as adults no longer speak the language to their children. According to the U.N., one language is lost every two weeks. 

Languages become extinct due to colonization, urbanization and globalization. Colonists may purposely try to eradicate the language and culture of the indigenous people. When indigenous people leave their homelands to find work in cities, they need to speak the dominant language to survive. And young people need to use it to participate in today's global world.

Reviving an endangered language is no easy task. Remaining native speakers must be tracked down, grammar and pronunciation reconstructed, and then teachers trained and provided with teaching resources. All of that costs time and money—it’s a major investment. A few places, such as New Zealand, Australia, Morocco and Canada, are making that investment. According to Australia’s Aboriginal Affairs Minister Leslie Williams, “Aboriginal people have told us language is indivisible from their identity. The cultural inheritance of our Aboriginal communities is too precious to be lost.” The knowledge Indigenous cultures have of sustainable agriculture, herbal medicine and bio-diversity conservation is especially vital to today's world.

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
What indigenous languages still exist in your country? Are they endangered? If so, why? Edit Homework
Is it worth the investment to save indigenous languages? Why or why not? Do Homework
"The freedom to express ourselves through our own language is a fundamental human right." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Do Homework

The History of Planned Obsolescence

On December 23, 1924, a group of international businessmen gathered in Geneva for a meeting that would change the world for decades. Delegates from all major lightbulb manufacturers were present, including the Netherlands’ Philips and the United States’ General Electric. While revellers celebrated Christmas elsewhere in the city, the group founded the Phoebus cartel, a supervisory body that would carve up the global incandescent lightbulb market.

Though the cartel’s control of the market lasted only into the 1930s, its enduring legacy was to devise a shorter life span for lightbulbs. By early 1925, this was codified at 1,000 hours, a huge reduction from the 1,500 to 2,000 hours which had previously been common. To justify their decision, the cartel stated their approach was a trade-off: lightbulbs would break more often, but they would be of higher quality, more efficient, and burn brighter. They would also cost a lot more. In purposefully creating a lightbulb with a shorter life span, the cartel devised the industrial strategy known as planned obsolescence.

With many countries phasing out incandescent lighting in favor of more-efficient, pricier LEDs, the story of the Phoebus cartel is worth revisiting. It teaches us that every convenience comes with a cost, be it monetary or material.

Can you think of any modern examples of planned obsolescence? Do Homework
Why do companies or groups, like the Phoebus cartel, create products with finite lifespans? Do Homework
What are 3 problems that planned obsolescence presents? Do Homework
Instead of planned obsolescence, what strategies can companies implement to ensure that customers return to buy their products? Do Homework

Diversity and inclusion at work

How diverse is your workplace? And how inclusive is it? While many organizations may feel prepared to answer the first question, the second often causes a bit of confusion. Isn’t it just the same question rephrased?

Rita Mitjans, ADP’s chief diversity and social responsibility officer, explains.

Diversity is the “what”; inclusion is the “how”. Diversity focuses on the makeup of your workforce—demographics such as gender, race/ethnicity, age, etc.—and inclusion is a measure of culture that enables diversity to thrive. People sometimes use these terms interchangeably, but they are quite distinctly different.

So, why is it important to focus on both diversity and inclusion? Again, Rita Mitjans:

Great talent is always in demand, and organizations are in competition for top talent. Candidates evaluating whether to join an organization want to see others who look like them at the top, and work in a culture that values different perspectives and supports authentic, respectful behaviors.

Define the difference between diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Do Homework
How diverse is your company? How inclusive is it? Do Homework
Do the demographics of your company reflect the demographics of your country? Do Homework
Do you think diverse companies are more successful than homogeneous ones? Why or why not? Do Homework

Visuals: Global Income Distribution

The World Social Report 2020, published by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, shows that income inequality has increased in most developed countries and some middle-income countries, including China. Inequality is growing for more than 70 percent of the global population, exacerbating the risks of divisions and hampering economic and social development.

Have a look at the chart below and discuss what you see with your teacher.

As best as you can tell, where does your country fit on this chart? Do Homework
What are some ways to alleviate poverty in the poorest countries of the world? Do Homework
Is income inequality a problem in your country? In the world? Does it present any benefits? Do Homework

How humanity nearly went extinct

According to NPR, around the year 70,000 B.C., a volcano called Toba on Sumatra Island in Indonesia, erupted, blowing about a thousand kilometres of vaporized rock into the air. It is by far the largest volcanic eruption we know of.

That eruption dropped roughly six centimeters of ash over all of South Asia, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian and South China Sea. With so much ash, dust and vapor in the air, science writer Sam Kean says Toba "dimmed the sun for six years, disrupted seasonal rains, choked off streams and scattered whole cubic miles of hot ash (imagine wading through a giant ashtray) across acres and acres of plants." Berries, fruits, trees, African game became rare. Early humans, living in East Africa just across the Indian Ocean from Mount Toba, probably starved, or at least, he says, "It's not hard to imagine the population plummeting."

It is estimated that the population of Homo Sapiens—or humans—decreased to 5,000 or 10,000 and our species nearly went extinct. Little clumps of people hunted and gathered for thousands of years until, in the late Stone Age, we began to recover. But for a time there, says Sam Kean, "We damn near went extinct."

Please summarize this article in three sentences. Do Homework
Is it important to know these stories about humanity's past? Why or why not? Do Homework
How does the climate affect our lives? Do Homework
Is climate change going to cause major disruptions in your country? Please explain. Do Homework

Visuals: Consumer digital privacy

Digital privacy has come to the forefront of business news over the past five years. According to Gartner, a business research company, the combination of data ethics violations like the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and data breaches like Equifax, has led to increased sensitivity among consumers about what they share and how it is used.

Please have a look at the chart below and discuss what you see with your teacher.

Is online data privacy important for you in your personal life? How about for your company? Please explain how. Do Homework
Of the listed concerns, which one is most important for you? Why? Do Homework
Which concern is the least important for you? Why? Do Homework
Can you think of solutions to any of the concerns listed? Do Homework

The Dalai Lama on leadership

The Dalai Lama wrote an opinion piece for the Harvard Business Review about the importance of leadership and what makes a strong leader.

He says that the world is facing an emotional crisis where rates of stress, anxiety and depression are higher than ever. The focus on turning a profit often overrules a commitment to people and society. In organizations, he explains, people work closely together every day, but many feel lonely and stressed. This is because there is a lack of responsibility toward each other.

He advises leaders to be mindful towards each other, saying that the opposite of fear is trust, which boosts our self-confidence. Compassion also reduces fear, reflecting a concern for others’ well-being. He asserts that people are naturally driven by self-interest, but we need wise self-interest that is generous and cooperative, taking others’ interests also into account.

The Dalai Lama concludes that Buddhist tradition describes three styles of compassionate leadership: the Trailblazer, who leads from the front, takes risks and sets an example; the Ferryman, who accompanies those in his care and shapes the ups and downs of the crossing; and the Shepherd, who sees every one of his flock into safety before himself. 

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences. Do Homework
Do you agree with the Dalai Lama that the world requires more compassionate leaders? Why or why not? Do Homework
What kind of compassionate leader do you identify with the most—the Trailblazer, the Ferryman or the Shepherd? Do Homework
Is there space for spirituality in the business world, or should the two stay separate? Do Homework

A strategy for early retirement

For many people retiring means hitting a certain age, usually above 65. It is associated with stopping one’s career and having grandchildren. Recently there has been a movement that changes the perspective on retirement. Retirement is not about how old you are, it is about a financial number you have.

This is what the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement is about. The goal of this movement is to save and invest most of your income - about 50-75% - so that you can retire very early - in your 40s or even 30s. 

How do people do that?
In a nutshell, FIRE is about cutting your expenses down to the bare minimum and investing everything you save. The earlier you start, the more return you will gain. 

There are different types of FIRE:

  • Fat FIRE or extreme savers. These people generally have very high incomes and an aggressive saving strategy, generally about 70 or 80% of their income. After early retirement, they can keep a high level of expenses.
  • Lean FIRE or moderate savers. People in this category save around 50% of their income. After achieving early retirement they can generally live without working whilst adhering to a minimalist and restricted lifestyle. 
  • Barista FIRE - This is for people who can’t completely sustain their lifestyle after retirement but they don’t need to work full time either. They can work part-time and use their saving to achieve a lifestyle that is comfortable for them. 

The first step in achieving FIRE is calculating how much money you need. Many online tools can help you with that. The rule of thumb is saving at least 25 times the annual expenses you want to have after retirement. 

FIRE is not necessarily about being idle after retiring. For many people, this movement is about being independent and financially secure. They can work as much as they want on any project they wish, without having to stick to a classic nine to five working style. 

Please, share the main ideas from the article with your teacher Do Homework
What do you think of this movement?  Do Homework
What would you do if you didn’t have to work for money? Do Homework
Do you know what percentage of your income you save? Do Homework
Do you think that saving 70% of your income is possible? Do Homework

Empathy and business transformation

According to The Harvard Business Review, studies on organizational change show that if you want to lead a successful transformation, communicating empathetically is critical. However, most leaders do not actually know how to do it. In fact, a survey of over 200 leading company executives found that 69% of respondents said that they were planning to launch or are currently conducting a change effort. Unfortunately, 50% of these same executives said they had not fully considered their team’s sentiment about the change.

Here are a few steps a leader must take to smoothen a transition:

Profile your audience at every stage. Change consultants typically advise leaders to create personas of various audiences when they kick-off a change initiative. Considering that people’s wants and needs will evolve throughout the process, managers should reevaluate these personas during every phase of the journey.

Tell people what to expect. While you may need to keep some facts private during a transition, the general rule is that the more informed your people are, the more they’ll be able to deal with discomfort.

Involve individuals at all levels. A transformation won’t succeed without broad involvement. Incorporating ideas about how a change would affect every member of an organization and their unique responsibilities helps every impacted individual understand their part.

Please summarize this article in three sentences. Do Homework
Do you agree that empathy is needed for a smoother transformation? Why or why not? Do Homework
What are some elements that would help with a business transformation missing from this list? Do Homework
Have you ever been part of a business transformation initiative? If so, please describe it. Do Homework

Roof gardens on taxis in Thailand

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed down tourism in Thailand, thousands of taxis were abandoned by their drivers. No tourists equals no taxis. Drivers lost their income and couldn't afford to pay the rental fees for their cars. Companies struggled to stay afloat. The Ratchapruk and Bovorn Taxi co-ops together ended up with 2500 (out of 3000) cars sitting idle in parking lots. The Thai government offered no financial support.

Faced with this situation, the Ratchapruk and Bovorn Taxi co-ops decided to join forces to create rooftop gardens on the idle taxis. They built bamboo frames and stretched black plastic bags over them. The frames were then filled with soil. Co-op staff have grown a variety of crops in these small gardens, including tomatoes, cucumbers and string beans. 

The produce doesn't make up for the loss of income, but Thapakorn Assawalertkul, a co-op executive, says, "The vegetable garden is both an act of protest and a way to feed my staff during this tough time." He added, "Thailand went through political turmoil for many years, and a great flood in 2011, but business was never this terrible."

Summarize the article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
Should governments give financial assistance to businesses during times of crisis? How much? For how long? Do Homework
How is creating gardens on taxi rooftops an act of protest? Do Homework
Do you think the pandemic will cause permanent changes to tourism and the tourist economy? What good changes might come out of this crisis? Do Homework

The idea of Universal Basic Income

According to Vox Media, the idea of a basic income was, for decades, something of a policy fantasy. However, the last few years have seen it become less fringe and more mainstream. In fact, we now have many limited basic income programs running around the world.

The general idea—that the government should give every citizen a regular infusion of money with no strings attached—has been around since the 16th century. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has given the idea fresh momentum, with the crisis generating significant financial loss and uncertainty.

Critics worry that UBI will disincentivize work and hurt the economy. They also say that it is unaffordable for the government to pay every citizen enough to live on, regardless of whether they work. So far, the evidence has not supported these critiques.

Proponents of basic income argue the best way to end poverty is by simply giving everyone money. Some also say it will help society cope with a coming era of automation-induced joblessness. And the evidence so far suggests that getting a basic income tends to boost happiness, health, school attendance, trust in social institutions and many parts of the economy, all while reducing crime, hunger, and extreme poverty.

Please summarize this article in 2 or 3 sentences. Do Homework
Do you tend to agree more with the critics or proponents of universal basic income? Do Homework
Are there other benefits or risks associated with universal basic income? Do Homework
Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society? Do Homework