Discussion topics

Northern Lights spectacle

Over the past week, the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, have been visible in unusual locations across Europe and North America. These celestial lights are often limited to northern most territories and high-latitude regions. However, a massive G5 level geomagnetic storm event in space made it possible for the lights to be seen farther south. The Southern Lights, similar to the Northern Lights, were also seen in New Zealand due to its location near the southern pole.

For many travellers, seeing the Northern Lights is often at the top of the bucket-list. So, they visit places such as Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Alaska from different parts of the world. However, there is no guarantee of catching a glimpse of the magnificent lights, even during peak seasons. Fortunately, according to experts, 2024 is the best year to enjoy the unforgettable light show. 


Have you seen the Northern / Southern Lights? If yes, describe your experience. If not, would you like to? Do Homework
How might the increased visibility of the Northern Lights impact tourism in traditionally popular viewing locations like Iceland, Sweden, Norway, and Alaska? Do Homework
In your opinion, how does witnessing the Aurora Borealis impact individuals on a personal or emotional level and what makes it such a popular natural spectacle? Do Homework
Share one activity/event on your bucket-list with your teacher. Discuss why this activity/event is important to you. Do Homework
If you were to choose a country to visit from the ones mentioned in the article, which one would you choose? Why? Do Homework

Developing AI like raising kids

The article "Developing AI: Like Raising Kids?" draws parallels between nurturing artificial intelligence (AI) systems and raising children. It emphasizes the importance of early experiences, feedback, and the interplay between nature and nurture in both processes. Just as children learn from their environment, AI algorithms require diverse and representative data for robust development.

Feedback and reinforcement shape behavior in both children and AI, highlighting the need for careful guidance. Lastly, the article underscores the significance of ethical considerations in AI development, advocating for responsible stewardship to ensure positive societal outcomes. Through these comparisons, it illuminates the complexities of AI development and the need for thoughtful engagement with ethical and social implications.

In your opinion, how does viewing AI development as akin to raising kids change our approach to creating and implementing AI technologies? Do Homework
How do you think feedback loops in AI development compare to those in child-rearing, and which do you believe is more critical for ethical and effective outcomes? Do Homework
Do you believe AI developers should prioritize ethical considerations over technological advancements? Why or why not? Do Homework
How do you feel about comparing AI systems to children in terms of nurturing and development? Do you think it's a helpful analogy? Do Homework
In your view, what role should governments and regulatory bodies play in ensuring responsible AI development, and how can they effectively enforce ethical guidelines? Do Homework

Will A.I. become the new McKinsey?

The article explores the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the consulting industry, particularly focusing on whether AI could replace traditional consulting firms like McKinsey & Company. It discusses the rise of AI-driven platforms and tools that offer data analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making capabilities comparable to those of human consultants.

While acknowledging the significant advancements in AI technology, the article also highlights the limitations and challenges AI faces in fully replacing human consultants. These include complexity of human interaction and the need for contextual understanding.

Additionally, it discusses how consulting firms like McKinsey are incorporating AI into their operations to enhance their services rather than viewing it as a threat. Overall, the article suggests that while AI will undoubtedly transform the consulting industry, it is unlikely to completely replace the role of human consultants in the foreseeable future.

Does your company use AI? If so, how? Do Homework
How might the role of junior consultants evolve as AI takes over more data analysis and routine tasks? Do Homework
What skills and competencies will human consultants need to develop to work effectively alongside AI? Do Homework
What ethical considerations should consulting firms keep in mind when integrating AI into their services? Do Homework
What future developments in technology could potentially transform the consulting industry? Do Homework

Apologising in Japan

Japanese people often apologize to maintain harmony, regardless of fault. This is seen as a way of improving the atmosphere and maintaining relationships, not an admission of guilt. In contrast, Westerners often seek to identify the cause of a problem first. This can be seen as making excuses in Japanese culture.

When working with the Japanese it's advised to apologize first, then propose a solution or workaround, and finally, discuss who was at fault. The person in the wrong also has to explain what steps they have taken to prevent a recurrence. 

Compare a typical Japanese apology with a typical Western one. Do Homework
Why might the Japanese approach of apologizing first, regardless of fault, be beneficial in a business context? Do Homework
Can adopting elements of another culture’s communication style be beneficial, and if so, how? Do Homework
Why is it important to understand different communication styles when doing business internationally? Do Homework
What can we do to improve communication with people from different cultures? Do Homework

Solo travel mistakes

Watch the short and discuss it with your teacher.


Have you ever travelled alone? Tell your teacher the story. Do Homework
What are the rules in the video? Do you agree with them? Do Homework
Do you prefer to travel solo (if you have)? Why? Do Homework
If you have not travelled solo, would you? Why or why not? Do Homework
What's your travel style? Adventures or relaxation? How come? Do Homework

ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the web

A blurry image of a keyboard

OpenAI’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer?

The article explores the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI, particularly in its ability to understand and generate human-like text. It discusses how ChatGPT is trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet, enabling it to mimic human conversation and provide contextually relevant responses.

However, the article also highlights the model's shortcomings, such as occasional inaccuracies, lack of understanding nuanced contexts, and potential biases inherited from the data it was trained on. Additionally, it delves into the ethical considerations surrounding AI language models like ChatGPT, including concerns about misinformation, manipulation, and privacy. Overall, the article provides a nuanced examination of ChatGPT's capabilities and the broader implications of AI language models for society.

What does the title of the article mean? Do Homework
How can society distinguish between genuine and AI-generated content to combat the spread of misinformation online? Do Homework
What ethical guidelines should be established to govern the use of AI language models in content creation and dissemination to prevent manipulation and maintain trust? Do Homework
In what ways can policymakers and technology companies address privacy concerns associated with the use of AI language models while still fostering innovation and advancement in the field? Do Homework

Food trends in 2024

Professional chef preparing food in the kitchen

Food experts predict that food trends will be shaped by a desire for authenticity, environmental protection, and exciting flavors. They also believe that global flavors will be a big trend, with chefs creating dishes that reflect their diverse backgrounds. Asian ingredients, like black sesame and ube, will become more popular as people will start to appreciate the unique qualities of different Asian cuisines.

Sustainability will be a key focus, with companies creating alternative chocolates that don’t rely on cocoa, which is leading to deforestation. Other companies will try to reduce their water usage by creating products like waterless plant milks. These trends show a move towards food and drink that is not only tasty, but also kind to our planet.

According to the article "...food trends will be shaped by a desire for authenticity, environmental protection, and exciting flavors". Do you agree? Do Homework
Do you think it's important for chefs to create dishes that reflect their diverse backgrounds? Why or Why not? Do Homework
Why is sustainable food becoming more popular? Do Homework
Are you seeing the trends mentioned in the article in your country or any country you have visited? Discuss this with your teacher. Do Homework
How can individuals and companies contribute to food sustainability? Do Homework

Energy use of AI

Plugging a light bulb into a socket

Artificial intelligence (AI) consumes a significant amount of energy, especially deep learning models, and in a few years it is expected that energy use will double. This energy consumption is due to the increasing demand for AI across various industries, which contributes to carbon emissions.

Efforts are being made to improve energy efficiency in AI, such as developing smaller models and optimizing algorithms. However, addressing the environmental impact of AI requires collaboration between tech companies, policymakers, and researchers to prioritize sustainability while advancing AI innovation.

Are you surprised that AI uses so much energy? Why or why not? Do Homework
How can we make AI more energy efficient? Do Homework
What will be the environmental impact of the energy used by AI? Do Homework
Who should fix this problem? Tech companies, governments or researchers? Why? Edit Homework
Can AI be used to help the environment or reduce emissions? How? Do Homework

Hayao Miyazaki wins an award

Arrangement of cinema objects close-up

The Boy and the Heron won the Best Animated Film award. It beat Disney’s Elemental and Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse. The same film also won a Golden Globe. The film is about a boy who meets a talking heron during World War II, after his mother dies. The film is based on the life of Mr. Miyazaki, who also had to move because of the war.

In 2014, Mr. Miyazaki received a special Oscar for his storytelling. He said he was lucky to be able to make films with paper, pencil, and film. The Boy and the Heron took ten years to make because it was drawn by hand. Today most films are made electronically.

What is “The Boy and the Heron” about? Do Homework
Have you watched “The Boy and the Heron”? If yes, what do you think about it? If no, would you like to? Why or Why not? Do Homework
Mr. Miyazaki has made many films, which one is your favorite? Why? Do Homework
Do you know anything about the Japanese film making industry? Discuss this with your teacher. Do Homework
Films used to be made with paper, pencil, and film. How do you think we will be making movies in the future? Do Homework

Microsoft invests in Japan AI

Microsoft logo

Microsoft is planning to put a lot of money, about 2.9 billion dollars, into Japan to make their computer systems better. They want to improve their Artificial Intelligence (AI) and build more data centers. These data centers are like big buildings where lots of computers are kept and they store all kinds of information.

By making their AI better and having more data centers, Microsoft hopes to provide better services to people and companies in Japan. This could mean faster and more reliable internet services, as well as better ways to use computers and technology. Microsoft wants to help Japan become more advanced in technology, and they think this investment will make a big difference.

Why is Microsoft investing a lot of money in Japan's tech sector? Do Homework
How did Japan become famous for technology in the past? Do Homework
Do you think Japan is technologically advanced? Why or why not? Do Homework
How might Microsoft's investment help Japan's technology get better? Do Homework

Cherry blossoms

Family having some quality time together outdoors during hanami

Cherry blossoms are a sign of spring. There are festivals in many countries to celebrate the bloom of these flowers. The flowers don’t last long and fall off after a week. In Japan, people have picnics under the cherry blossom trees. This is called hanami.

The US also has this tradition because Japan gave them cherry trees in 1912. The flowers mean new beginnings. Now, people sell things that taste like cherry blossoms, such as ice-cream and cookies. They also watch the weather to see when the flowers will bloom.


Describe "hanami". Do Homework
Why is "hanami" important in Japan? Do Homework
What kind of food do you eat during "hanami"? Do Homework
Describe the taste of cherry blossoms to your teacher. Do Homework
What is your favorite food that tastes like cherry blossoms? Why do you like it? Do Homework

AI-powered consulting in Japan

Itochu and BCG are collaborating on AI-powered consulting in Japan. They aim to combine BCG's consulting expertise with Itochu's data and AI capabilities to offer innovative solutions to Japanese businesses.

The partnership reflects a growing trend of integrating AI into traditional consulting services, leveraging data analytics for strategic insights. This collaboration seeks to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in business decision-making processes, potentially transforming the consulting landscape in Japan.

How do you think combining BCG's consulting expertise with Itochu's data and AI capabilities could benefit Japanese businesses? Do Homework
Do you believe AI-powered consulting will completely replace traditional consulting methods in the future? Why or why not? Do Homework
The article claims that this venture will improve efficiency and reduce risks. Will it? How? What do you think? Do Homework
What potential challenges or risks do you see in integrating AI into consulting services, and how can businesses address them effectively? Do Homework

Interest rates raised in Japan

Stats concept with pie chart

The Bank of Japan (BOJ) raised its main interest rate from -0.1% to between 0% and 0.1%. In 2016, the BOJ made the rate less than zero to help Japan’s economy.

The decision to raise rates depended on big companies increasing their workers’ wages to deal with the higher cost of living. Recently, Japan’s biggest companies agreed to increase wages by 5.28%, the largest increase in over 30 years. Wages had not increased since the late 1990s as prices rose very slowly or even fell.

The BOJ said there won’t be more rate increases for now. With inflation slowing down, it’s likely that workers will ask for smaller wage increases next year.

What do you think about The Bank of Japan's decision? Do Homework
In your opinion, is 5.28% wage increase good enough for employees working in big companies? Do Homework
Would you say this is an accurate forecast, "With inflation slowing down, it’s likely that workers will ask for smaller wage increases next year."? Do Homework
Has the general response to this decision among the Japanese been positive or negative? Explain your answer. Do Homework
What is the potential impact of Japan's interest rate hike on other countries? Do Homework

Wage increase in Japan

Big companies in Japan are giving their workers the pay raises they asked for. Some companies are even giving more than what was asked. 

Suzuki, Toyota, and Honda, among others, agreed to give raises. Those in the retail and food service are also increasing wages. However, it's still not clear if small and midsize companies will follow suit.

Because wages were low, people were saving more and spending less. Now that many will be receiving a pay raise, it's expected that people will start spending more.

Why are companies giving raises now? Do Homework
How will these raises affect the economy? Do Homework
In your opinion, will small and midsize companies also give raises? Why or why not? Do Homework
Would you advise people to spend or save more when they get a pay raise? Why? Do Homework
If you could implement any changes in your economic policy, what would you change? Do Homework

Japan's economy remains weak

Economist Shinichiro Kobayashi of Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting speaks about the prospects for the Japanese economy.

Kobayashi Shinichiro from Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting thinks Japan's economy is still not doing well. People are trying to spend less money because prices are going up.

Kobayashi says, "For the economy to get better, people need to spend more money. For that to happen, companies need to pay their workers more. The results of the wage talks will decide a lot about how the economy will be in the future."

These talks ended recently. Before the talks, Kobayashi also said if companies pay more, prices might increase, causing more inflation. This could then change how the central bank manages money.

How would you describe the state of Japan's economy? Do Homework
Do you worry about the economy? Why? Do Homework
Has the cost-of-living crisis hit Japan? What evidence do you see of this? Do Homework
What do you think is the cause of this situation? Do Homework
What do you think is the solution to this situation? Do Homework

Manners around the world

A quick guide to going global

It's important to treat people well. But how you do that can change from culture to culture. What's polite in one place might be rude in another. For instance, giving hugs is okay in America but not in China.

This infographic will help you learn about manners around the world so you can be polite in other cultures. Remember, even in the same country, manners can vary between places and people. So, it's a good idea to do some research before you travel or work with people from other countries. Otherwise, you might unintentionally be rude.

The English Farm - Global manners article

Is your country shown? Is it correct? Is anything missing? Do Homework
Is your teacher's culture shown? If not, ask them about etiquette where they are from. Do Homework
Does anything here seem strange to you? Surprising? Do Homework
Have you ever got something wrong? Tell your teacher a story about it. Do Homework
Has anyone ever done anything that shocked you or seemed very rude? What was it? Do Homework

When you can't stop buying books

People in a bookstore

Reading books is a popular hobby as you can easily while away time or just fall asleep reading one. However, it's very easy to get into the habit of buying books you don't end up reading. Interestingly enough, there's a term for such a habit: tsundoku. Tsundoku is a Japanese term for people who buy a lot of books they never get around to reading. 

The Japanese word doku means "reading", and it comes from tsumu which means "to pile up". So, tsundoku refers to the practice of piling up reading material.

Quite similarly, the term Bibliomania came into the picture when Thomas Frognall Dibdin's wrote a book with the very same title. Bibliomania comes from the Greek biblio, which refers to books, and mania, "madness".

At that time, bibliomania described people who were obsessed with collecting literature, but it now refers to people who collect books on subjects they are passionate about.

Even though these two words have similar meanings, the main difference is that bibliomania focuses on creating a book collection, while tsundoku is about buying books you intend to read that end up gathering dust on the shelf.

In your own words, describe the difference between "tsundoku" and "bibliomania" Do Homework
What do you think about tsundoku? Do you or anyone you know practice tsundoku? Do Homework
If you had enough money, time and space for a purposeful collection of something (anything, not just books), what would you collect? Why? Do Homework
How can someone who doesn't like reading books be motivated to read books? Do Homework

Male artists: Gustave Caillebotte

"Paris Street, Rainy Day" by Gustave Caillebotte

Gustave Caillebotte (1848–1894) was part of the French Impressionist art movement, the first school of art to break away from classical painting. Impressionism focuses on the light and colors of a particular moment in time. Because artists wanted to capture a brief moment and didn't have cameras yet, they needed to paint quickly. So they used quick, flat strokes without precise detail.

They also used colors in new ways. The best example is that shadows aren't just the object's color with gray or brown mixed in. Instead, the painters added strokes of the complementary color of the object (e.g., strokes of red in the shadow of something green). This makes the shadows come alive.

Caillebotte is best known for his use of extreme perspective. He shows city streets from above, as though looking down from a roof. Street scenes seem to disappear into the far distance. Some viewers at the time found the unusual perspective disturbing.

Since Caillebotte was born into a wealthy Parisian family, he never needed to sell his paintings and didn't produce as many as other artists. But he contributed a great deal to the Impressionist movement as a patron. He used his wealth to support other artists. He bought paintings, financed exhibits, and even paid the rent for Claude Monet's studio. At the time of his death, he had collected 68 paintings by his favorite Impressionist artists.


Describe the picture, "Paris Street, Rainy Day", at the top of this article. Use vivid vocabulary so that someone who can't see the painting can imagine it. Do Homework
Explain how "Paris Street, Rainy Day" fits into the school of Impressionism. Do Homework
Do you know any other Impressionist painters? Who are they? Your teacher can help you. Do Homework
In earlier times, most successful artists were supported by wealthy patrons. What are the good and bad points of that? Do Homework

Spending and saving money

Placing coins in a glass jar

Money is a tool we use to achieve a goal. Different people have different strategies for what to do with money.

Some spend everything on consumer goods or recreational activities, such as enjoying a meal in a restaurant or going to a cinema. Others are in a situation where they can’t save money at all. They have to live from paycheck to paycheck. Such people are said to be living hand-to-mouth.

Other people save money for a rainy day. They can keep their money at home or in a bank. Still, other people invest their money. They invest in safe places such as properties or precious metals, or stocks of large companies. Some invest in risky places such as cryptocurrencies. They hope to gain a large return on their investments.

In Australia, for example, saving money is very important and one of the reasons for this is travel. In Japan, Kakeibo, is a budgeting method designed to help people save and spend their money wisely. This method is also popular among children. Clearly, saving money in Japan is a tradition that has been passed down through the ages.

Summarize this article. Do Homework
Do you prefer to save, spend or invest money? Do Homework
Is it common to save, spend or invest money in your country? Edit Homework
Do you think that children should learn the strategies of spending money at school? Why? Edit Homework

Race, ethnicity, and nationality

People putting their hands together

The words race, ethnicity and nationality are often misunderstood or even used interchangeably. They mean very different things, however.

Race refers to physical features, ethnicity points to cultural background, and nationality is all about the country you are from. In countries like Japan, the three things are closely linked. But in a place like the U.S., where people come from many different places and backgrounds, they are completely separate.

Let's look at how I fit into them.


I have light-colored skin, which puts me in the Caucasian category, or White. The concept of race, however, based on the belief that physical appearance is related to a person's skills and character, has no scientific evidence. Studies show that there's no significant genetic difference between anyone in the world.


My ancestry is heavily English and German, aka Anglo-Saxon, so I fit into the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (or WASP) cultural group in America. As a WASP, I speak English and belong to the Protestant branch of Christianity. I grew up going to church every Sunday. We don't have any food restrictions, but broadly speaking we don't like super spicy foods—our culture tends to have a meat and potatoes diet.


My nationality is simple. I'm a citizen of the United States; therefore, I'm an American. In America, you are considered American if you are born here or if the United States government grants you legal citizenship.

Now that there's a clear distinction, dive deep into this topic with your teacher!

Describe yourself according to the three categories. Do Homework
What do you know about your ancestors? Do Homework
Is "race" important in your country? How do people feel about it? Do Homework
What other categories do we put people in? Do Homework
What would the world be like if people weren't put into categories? Do Homework