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Japan's ageing population problem

The ageing of Japan is thought to outweigh that of all other nations, with Japan said to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens both in rural and urban areas. According to 2014 estimates, 33.0% of the Japanese population is above the age of 60, 25.9% are aged 65 or above, and 12.5% are aged 75 or above. 

The ageing of the Japanese population is a result of one of the world's lowest fertility rates combined with the highest life expectancy; Japan's life expectancy in 2016 was 85 years. Factors such as improved nutrition and advanced medical and pharmacological technologies have reduced the prevalence of diseases, improving living conditions. 

Japan's total fertility rate (the number of children born to each woman in her lifetime) has been below the replacement threshold of 2.1 since 1974 and reached a historic low of 1.26 in 2005. A range of economic and cultural factors contributed to the decline in childbirth during the late 20th century: later and fewer marriages, increased participation of women in the workforce, a decline in wages and lifetime employment, and the high cost of raising a child.

What are some of the issues involved with Japan's declining population? Do Homework
What will happen if this trend continues? Do Homework
What can be done to improve the situation? Do Homework

Getting a wink in rented cars

Car rental companies in Japan have figured out why some customers are returning their vehicles with barely a mile on the clock. Rather than travel from point A to B, as many as one in eight “drivers” are using their rental cars to take a nap, catch up on work or even brush up their language skills, according to industry surveys.

The unusual habits came to light after Orix Auto found a number of its 230,000 registered users were not driving their rented vehicles. Other rental firms noticed similar anomalies in their customers’ mileage records and approached them hoping to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Anecdotal evidence suggests some users are taking advantage of the low cost and convenience of rental services to nap while doing the rounds of client meetings on business trips or to escape bosses and other colleagues during lunch breaks.

The need for a restorative daytime snooze is clear. One survey conducted using fitness trackers in 28 countries found that Japanese men and women slept on average for just six hours and 35 minutes a night— 45 minutes less than the international average. That made Japan the most sleep-deprived of all the nations surveyed, a phenomenon blamed partly on punishing working hours and long commutes.

Have you ever rented a car to catch up on sleep, eat a meal, or take English lessons? If not, do you know anyone who has? Do Homework
What does this practice say about the amount of space in Japan to eat alone and have personal time? Do Homework
In your opinion, is sleep deprivation a big problem in Japan? Does it affect productivity? Do Homework

Rivers get a right to life

The Rights of Nature is a global movement that views nature not as something that we own, but as something that has rights. There are many important parts of this movement, but one of the most important is water. It is said that water is likely to be the most pressing environmental concern of the next century.

Bangladesh recently took the unprecedented step of giving rights to all its rivers. The Bangladeshi Supreme Court has said that anyone who harms a river will be tried as if they’re harming a living entity because each river has the right to life. People who damage the river can be taken to court by a government-appointed national river conservation commission.

But of course, there are some problems. One of them is that once a river gets rights, what about all the people who live off of it? What about fishing communities, waterfront homes, or people in poverty who rely on the river? It’s unclear what kind of answers these questions will get. What is clear though, is that Bangladesh is at the forefront of the environmental conservation movement. 

What's your initial response to this story? Do Homework
Can you think of any other aspects of nature that might get a right to life? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of giving rights to nature? Do Homework

Goldman Sachs addresses diversity

Goldman Sachs has instituted a new diversity program based not on quotas but on hard data trends that uncovered why even progressive recruitment out of college hasn’t solved the problem. Women and minorities, it turned out, even when hired at the same rates as their white male counterparts, kept falling out of the pipeline. Attrition was enormous.

According to the data, both populations were more likely to quit than their white male peers and were simultaneously more likely to be replaced by white men moving laterally from another company. Additionally, they were less likely to be promoted and less likely to even be considered for promotion.

Retention and promotion are as important as hiring, and if you aren’t making workplaces where people feel welcome or are really enabled to succeed, you aren’t going to solve the problem. Companies need to do the work that Goldman Sachs did: get the numbers, look at when you’re losing those players and why, and then take steps to rectify it.

In Goldman’s case, they’ve incentivized hiring and promotion of affected groups by tying performance bonuses to not only hiring but also maintaining a diverse (and gender-balanced) team, as well as changing requirements to include skillsets rather than specific career histories or experience, which encourages hiring managers to actively recruit outside the usual pool.

How many reasons can you think of to explain why women and people of color quit working at tech companies? Do Homework
If you were the hiring manager at a tech company, what things would you look for in a recruit? Rank them in order of importance. Do Homework
Can you think of any social problems that are caused by the over-representation of males in top positions? Do Homework

Who will care for Japan's elderly?

Today, more than a quarter of Japan's population is aged over 65. This is set to increase to 40% by 2055. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has warned that Japan will need to add one million nurses and care workers by 2025 to cope with this demographic change.

Encouraging immigration may seem like a simple solution—but it's not a popular one. Japan is still one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world, with foreigners making up less than 2% of the population. Opening up Japan to large-scale immigration is a very sensitive subject.

In 2008, the government started allowing foreign nurses and care workers in. But the bar is set high. Having to pass the national exam in Japanese is incredibly difficult and only 304 foreign nurses and carers have so far managed to make Japan their temporary home. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says he is keen to expand programmes for foreign workers including nurses but says they would be required to go home after three to five years.

What are some of the social and financial issues involved with Japan's declining population? Do Homework
Why has the government not made it easier for foreign care workers to work in Japan, in your opinion? Do Homework
What's your country's typical opinion on foreign-born people? Do Homework

First, do no harm

Mathematicians, computer engineers and scientists in related fields should take a Hippocratic oath to protect the public from powerful new technologies under development, says Hannah Fry, an associate professor of mathematics at University College, London. The ethical pledge would commit scientists to think deeply about the possible applications of their work and compel them to pursue only those that, at the least, do no harm to society.

“We need a Hippocratic oath in the same way it exists for medicine,” Fry said. “In medicine, you learn about ethics from day one. In mathematics, it’s a bolt-on at best. It has to be there from day one and at the forefront of your mind in every step you take.”

The issue has become urgent now that researchers are building systems that take on life-or-death decisions. “We’ve got all these tech companies filled with very young, very inexperienced, often white boys who have lived in maths and computer science departments. They have never been asked to think about ethics, they have never been asked to consider how other people’s perspectives on life might be different to theirs, and ultimately these are the people who are designing the future for all of us.”

The essence of the Hippocratic Oath is often stated as "First, do no harm." How might it apply to mathematicians and scientists? Do Homework
What technologies currently under development might be harmful in the future? Do Homework
Do you think your job needs a Hippocratic Oath? What other areas/industries need one? Do Homework
Define "ethics". Do Homework

Authentic America: guns and all

I recently took a  road trip through America, from California up through North Dakota and into Canada. To get a more authentic experience, I opted to stay at Air BNBs every night. Some of them were interesting, to say the least, but two of them really stood out. 

The first was in Wyoming. It was a cabin on the edge of the owner's land. Across the fence in one direction was farmland, and in the other direction, a stable for horses. It was exactly that cowboy America you think of. And, as if to complete the scene, hanging on the wall of the cabin was a rifle. I've never even held a gun, so it was an interesting experience. My dad, who was traveling with me, taught me how the rifle would be loaded and how to handle it properly. 

The next place we stayed was just as picturesque, and it also had a rifle on the wall. I took it down and looked at it. I had some practice the previous day so I knew what I was doing. But in this gun, I found a bullet. It was loaded. Suddenly I felt weird holding it. A loaded gun can easily kill a person, but I don't want to kill anyone. I still posed for a picture with it, but looking back, I'm holding it awkwardly, my hand far from the trigger.

I guess that's one version of the authentic America I was hoping for, but as the saying goes—careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

What would you do in this situation? Do Homework
Have you ever encountered a surprising or shocking situation while you were traveling? Do Homework

Young people demand a better future

On Friday, September 22, millions of young people around the globe walked out of school to protest the lack of action to reverse climate change. Led by 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, teenagers, children, and some adults added their voices to an ever-growing movement to hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental destruction and demand that they make immediate changes to reverse the damage. A week later, more strikes drew similar crowds, some even larger. In New Zealand, an unprecedented 3.5% of the population took to the streets.

The movement, officially known as Fridays for Future, has inspired the creation of local groups on every continent, each with their own website and social media accounts. The movement’s Twitter account @FridaysforFuture, Greta Thunberg’s personal account, and hashtags like #climatestrike have garnered hundreds of thousands of tweets and retweets. Literally millions are members or followers on Facebook

While adults have participated in strikes and protests, movement organizers are teenagers. Young people are leading the way in demanding a better future for our planet.

In the words of Greta Thunberg, "We are doing this to wake the leaders up. We are doing this to get them to act. We deserve a safe future, and we demand a safe future. Is that really too much to ask? ... We should not be the ones fighting for our future, and yet, here we are. … No one is too small to make a difference. See you on the streets!”

In your opinion, will this movement have any effect on world leaders? Do Homework
Do you think the fact that this movement is led by young people is significant? Why or why not? Do Homework
What changes need to be made for us to reverse environmental destruction? Do Homework
Is it true that no one is too small to make a difference? Can you think of any examples of young people influencing major change? Do Homework

Programmed bias

Human-built machines immortalize human problems, as we are discovering more and more. Voice recognition software isn’t good at identifying higher-pitched (i.e., predominantly women’s) voices. Facial recognition software is far superior at identifying white men’s faces than literally anyone else’s. Motion sensors often seem to be unable to detect dark skin, a problem that seems to also infect some wearable health monitors.

Perhaps the most famous example of this is when Amazon wrote AI software to sort through resumes to identify top applicants. Because of how Amazon had recruited and hired over the previous ten years—the base dataset that the AI used to train itself—the software penalized any mention of “women’s” and disregarded candidates from women’s colleges. It was basing its definition of an optimal candidate on human hiring decisions, and since tech is so dominated by men, that definition assumed the optimal candidate would be as well.

It’s all really one problem: when you don’t hire diverse candidates, tools will assume a certain kind of person is preferred (or at least the default), and perpetuate that thoughtlessly for as long as they’re designed to.

How can the white male bias in the world's tech companies be changed? Do Homework
What about politics—why are women still underrepresented in business and politics? Do Homework
Describe a female role model, not including a relative, you've had in your life. Do Homework

The lack of foster care in Japan

In the United Kingdom, the United States and other developed countries, abused or neglected children are often sent to live with a foster family. But that rarely happens in Japan, one of the world's wealthiest and most progressive societies. 

Close to 90 percent of Japan's troubled children are placed in state institutions. Foster care has not emerged as a viable alternative for abused children in Japan because governments have failed to properly train carers, monitor the placements, or adequately educate the public about its benefits. In addition, Japan strongly values blood ties, so welcoming a stranger’s child into a family seems unnatural to many people. Japan is also a country where speaking out about child abuse causes great shame.

Some 33,000 children currently live in 131 child nursing homes. Inside these institutions, there are babies as young as six months old, and institutionalised children spend on average five years there. 

There is no institution where parents can learn about child-rearing and that is why the chain reaction of abuse cannot be stopped. With child abuse cases rising to a record 73,000 cases last year, the problem of institutions and where to place troubled children is unlikely to go away.

If 33,000 children live in 131 child nursing homes, what is the average number of children per institution? Discuss the effects of that number on the children. Do Homework
What can the government do to improve the situation of abused and neglected children? Can they do anything to prevent the abuse from happening in the first place? Do Homework
From your point of view, why is foster care more common in the U.S. and the U.K. than it is in Japan? Do Homework

Saving "woman hand" with art

The 11th-century Japanese writer Sei Shōnagon’s Pillow Book was written using kana, a Japanese script mainly used by women for nearly a millennium to write literature, arrange secret assignations and express themselves freely within the confines of court life. Women in medieval Japan were discouraged from studying kanji, so they began using kana instead, which transcribe words phonetically. 

A standardisation programme at the beginning of the 20th century saw 90% of the 550 characters used in kana die out. But these forgotten characters are now being kept alive by the artist and master of Japanese calligraphy Kaoru Akagawa, who became fascinated with them after deciphering letters from her grandmother.

Akagawa uses the forgotten kana in a style of calligraphy called kana shodo. “When people talk about Japanese calligraphy, they normally mean kanji shodo,” Akagawa explains, “a style imported from China, practiced by samurais and monks.” Kana shodo, on the other hand, uses a script which was known by the 10th century as onnade, or “woman hand”, which became “the backbone of a female-dominated literary culture”. Sei Shōnagon’s contemporary, Murasaki Shikibu, wrote her masterpiece, The Tale of Genji—often called the world’s first novel—using kana.

Why do you think women in medieval Japan were discouraged from learning kanji? Do Homework
"Woman hand", besides being the literal translation of "onnade", is a very poetic phrase. Describe the images it brings to your mind. Do Homework
Many old languages and writing systems are dying out in today's globalising world. Some people are making great efforts to keep them alive. Do you think it's worth it, or should we just let the languages die if almost no one uses them anymore? Do Homework

LINE a hit in Japan

LINE is the most popular social media platform in Japan followed by Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. When comparing the Monthly Active Users (MAU) of these 5 social media platforms, LINE is obviously the most dominant in the Japanese market in 2019.

LINE’s penetration rate is surprisingly high. Actually, it is higher than the smartphone penetration rate in Japan. This is because there are also many non-smartphone users who access LINE from a computer or tablet device. LINE has 80 million MAU compared to the nation’s 70 million smartphone users.

LINE is also a pioneer of virtual stickers for its messaging app. The virtual stickers are one of LINE’s core services that generates a decent portion of its revenue. Stickers are created by LINE, amateur creators, and companies with each using stickers as one of their marketing tools.

Why is LINE so popular in Japan? Do Homework
LINE attracts more female than male users, and more older than younger users. Why do you think that is? Do Homework
How can LINE increase its market share in global markets like the U.S.? Do Homework

Time-free zone

The 350 residents of Sommarøy are declaring the small Norwegian island the world’s first time-free zone.

“All over the world, people are characterised by stress and depression,” Kjell Ove Hveding, the leader of the campaign, said. “In many cases, this can be linked to the feeling of being trapped by the clock. We will be a time-free zone where everyone can live their lives to the fullest. Our goal is to provide full flexibility, 24/7. If you want to cut the lawn at 4am, then you can do it.” 

Sommarøy spends November to January in darkness, but in summer, residents know that when the sun rises on 18 May, it will not set again until 26 July. “Here we enjoy every minute of the midnight sun, and yes, a coffee with friends on the beach at 2am is a normal thing.”

Visitors to Sommarøy have reportedly embraced the idea enthusiastically, with some abandoning their watches and attaching them to a bridge leading to the island.

Would you like to live in a time-free zone? Why or why not? Do Homework
The article says, "Stress and depression... can be linked to the feeling of being trapped by the clock." Do you agree? Do Homework
Imagine a day that lasts for 2 months. How would you spend it? Do Homework

Japan's demographic changes

Japan is internationalisingand this process is rapidly accelerating. The driving force is demographic change. Japan’s population is ageing rapidly and shrinking. Add in other factors, including never-before-seen levels of foreign tourism, plus massive preparations for the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, and the result is a nation that desperately needs more workers to fill jobs. 

Japan has been aware of this approaching demographic crisis for decades, but because successive governments have been reluctant to take major steps, the problem has become more urgent. 

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to bring in more foreign, low-wage workers. But his proposal to accept hundreds of thousands of people to fill blue-collar jobs by 2025 is highly controversial in a nation that has traditionally shunned immigration.

What effects will this internationalisation have on Japan? Do Homework
Why were previous governments reluctant to take steps to avoid this crisis? Do Homework
What are the advantages and disadvantages of immigration for a host country? Do Homework

The Kumano Kodo pilgrimage

An ancient pilgrimage trail winds through the mountains of Japan’s Kii Peninsula, a densely forested region south of Osaka and Kyoto. It is the Kumano Kodo, a sacred passage of immense natural beauty that has been in use since the 10th century. There are early recorded visits to this region by Emperor Uda (907) and Emperor Kazan (986 and 987) but the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage became more broadly popular in the 11th century. 

The pilgrimage centers around the Three Grand Shrines: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Nachi Taisha, and Kumano Hayatama Taisha. With steep inclines, long stretches of trail without a place to rest, and venomous snakes, it is not a hike for the faint-hearted. Early pilgrims did the arduous trek in crude wooden or straw sandals and kimonos. Many perished on the journey and along the trail are countless Jizo statues dedicated to those who died on the pilgrimage. 

In 2004, this region was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site, becoming one of only two pilgrimage trails in the world to earn that distinction. Spain’s Camino de Santiago is the other.

Describe what it would be like to hike a long, steep mountain path in straw sandals and a kimono. Be as specific as possible. Do Homework
What is a pilgrimage? Why do people go on them? Do Homework
Discuss the word "sacred". Do Homework

Art crosses borders between people

The California-based architects Virginia San Fratello and Ronald Rael have transformed a stretch of the border fence between Mexico and the U.S. into an international playground. The pair installed three hot pink seesaws between the slats of the fence where Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, abuts Sunland Park, New Mexico, allowing people on both sides of the increasingly militarized border to play together.

In an Instagram post, Rael said, “The wall became a literal fulcrum for U.S.-Mexico relations, and children and adults were connected in meaningful ways on both sides with the recognition that the actions that take place on one side have a direct consequence on the other side.” He added, “The joy that was shared this day on both sides is something that will stay with me forever.”

[See Ronald Rael's Instagram post here.] 

How does this article make you feel? Do Homework
What other borders are there between people, both literal and figurative? Do Homework
How can art help save our world? Do Homework

Exploring lunar pole jointly

Japan and India have decided to join forces in the race to discover water on the moon, with the two countries planning to try to land an unmanned rover on the moon’s south pole as early as fiscal 2023.

Frozen water is believed to exist inside craters and other areas of the moon’s poles where sunlight does not reach. The countries plan to use the rover to excavate in such areas and discover water on the moon for the first time. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) have already held meetings on the project.

Japan will be in charge of launching the rocket and developing a lunar rover, while India will develop a lander for the mission. The rover will explore an area 500 meters square to try to detect water using onboard analysis equipment.

What do you think about space exploration—is it beneficial for humanity, or is it a waste of money? Why? Do Homework
Do you think sending joint missions are more beneficial than missions led by a single country? Do Homework
Which other countries would benefit from joint missions? (For instance, perhaps China could team up with another country.) Do Homework

Taking a stand against high heels

A social media campaign against dress codes and expectations that women wear high heels at work has gone viral in Japan, with thousands joining the #KuToo movementa pun based on the Japanese words for shoe (kutsu) and pain (kutsuu). Nearly 20,000 women have signed the movement's online petition so far, demanding the government ban companies from requiring female employees to wear high heels on the job.

Yumi Ishikawa, a 32-year-old actress and freelance writer, launched the campaign after tweeting about being forced to wear high heels for a part-time job. “After work, everyone changes into sneakers or flats,” she wrote in the petition, adding that high heels can cause bunions, blisters and strain the lower back. “It’s hard to move, you can’t run and your feet hurt. All because of manners.”

While Japanese companies may not explicitly require female employees to wear high heels, many women do so because of tradition and social expectations. In decades past, businessmen were expected to wear neckties too, but that has changed since the government started a “cool biz” campaign in 2005 to encourage companies to turn down air-conditioners and reduce electricity use.

“It would be great if the country had a similar kind of campaign about high heels,” said Ishikawa.

Do you think dress codes are good or bad? Do you think they are equal for men and women? Do Homework
Does social media help to reduce discrimination? Think of some examples. Do Homework
"KuToo" is a pun or play-on-words. Can you think of any other English puns or jokes that use on plays-on-words? Do Homework

Rugby requires beer

When hosting an international rugby tournament and welcoming thirsty fans from around the world, the last thing you want to do is run out of beer.

That’s the message from Rugby World Cup bosses to Japanese hosts as they gear up for the global showcase that kicks off on September 20.

Rugby bosses have warned host cities about running out of ale, using anecdotes such as when Australian and Irish fans drank the city of Adelaide dry, forcing emergency supplies to be brought in from surrounding areas.

Around two million litres of beer were downed at stadiums and nearby areas during the 2015 Rugby World Cup with rugby fans having a reputation for outdrinking their football counterparts.

Is this a realistic fear? Do Homework
What is your favorite drink, and what would you do if it ran out? Do Homework
Do you think people in your country drink too much beer or other forms of alcohol? Do Homework

Tattooed bathers welcome

Thousands of hot springs in Japan are rethinking their long-standing ban on tattooed bathers, as the country prepares for the arrival of an estimated 400,000 fans for this autumn’s Rugby World Cup.

Visitors are accustomed to warnings to cover up their body ink while they are in Japan, where tattoos are traditionally associated with membership of yakuza crime syndicates.

But the expectation that a large number of visiting fans with tattoos will want to soak in the restorative waters of Japan’s numerous hot springs has led some operators to relax their restrictions.

Tourism officials near Sapporo, which will host England v Tonga, said they would leave individual hot spring owners to decide whether to admit tattooed bathers.

Some establishments will provide stickers to conceal smaller tattoos while others will designate certain times of the day as “tattoo-friendly”.

How do people in your country generally feel about tattoos? Do Homework
Is public opinion regarding tatoos changing? Do Homework
What is your personal reaction to people with tattoos? Do Homework
Would you ever consider having a tattoo? Do Homework