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The ancient girl who ate hazelnuts

According to CNN, in late 2019, a small piece of birch pitch (pictured above) was found by archeologists on Lolland, the fourth largest island of Denmark. A study uncovered a 5,700-year-old girl's entire genome and oral microbiome, marking the first time human genetic material has successfully been extracted from something besides human bones.

Nicknamed Lola, the young girl who chewed on the birch pitch had blue eyes, dark skin and dark hair. Her last meal included hazelnuts and mallard duck but no milk. She was lactose-intolerant, which serves to validate the theory that adults evolved the tolerance after dairy farming was introduced.

It is believed that ancient humans chewed on birch pitch to relieve toothaches, and so the ancient chewing gum acted as a time capsule, storing information about Lola’s oral microbiome, the bacteria that lived in her mouth. The researchers were able to detect traces of DNA that revealed pathogens and even found the signature for pneumonia.

The discovery of the birch pitch sheds light on one person who lived at the site, which is notable because no human remains have ever been recovered there.

Please summarize the article in 2 to 3 sentences. Do Homework
What is your initial reaction to this story? Do Homework
Do you believe that it is important to study how ancient humans used to live? Why or why not? Do Homework
Are there significant advantages and disadvantages to developing DNA technology? Do Homework

Universal phone charging ports

Electronic waste is a huge problem. There's an estimated 51,000 tonnes of it globally per year, says the European Union. But a new law could put an end to one part of it.

The E.U. has passed a law that as of 2024, all phones will have a standard USB-C charger. Having a single type of smartphone charging port will make cables interchangeable and more reusable. This standard charger would also improve the customer experience. 

Maybe you've been using your phone when the battery runs low, and your friend offers you a charger, but it's the wrong kind. Many of us have had our phone die while we are out and about, far from our charger. A standard charger would solve this problem.

Not everyone is on board, though. Apple has pointed out that creating a new universal charger would still create tonnes of electronic waste because people would have to buy new universal chargers and, presumably, trash their old ones. It's estimated that nearly 1 billion consumers use an Apple proprietary lightning port. Changing that overnight would certainly create a mountain of e-waste. 

What are the pros and cons of universal charging ports? Edit Homework
Think of two other ways the electronics industry could reduce waste. Discuss the pros and cons of each. Do Homework
Will technology be able to save us from destroying the Earth with waste? If yes, how? If no, why not? Do Homework

Should a brand kill its mascot?

Recently on Twitter, an advertisement went viral. In it, the long-time mascot Mr. Peanut (pictured above) nobly sacrificed himself to save his two travel companions. Mr. Peanut can be recognized the world over for his eccentric top hat, cane and monocle. He was 104, and by all accounts, in amazing shape considering his age. 

The timing of his death is notable. It was just days before the American Super Bowl, a football game that is known to draw huge ratings and, therefore, lavish advertisements. The Super Bowl is also famous for the ritual of consuming huge amounts of junk food

The mascot is owned by Planters, a multinational company that produces a popular line of salted peanuts. Since the ad, there has been much speculation about what the company plans to do in order to continue the legacy. 

From a business perspective, the death has resulted in wide-spread viral marketing success. The ad has been viewed millions of times on YouTube and other social media, resulting in a spike in attention towards the simple snack. But, at what cost? 

Is it a good idea for brands to kill off their mascots? Do Homework
What do you think will happen with the future of the brand? Do Homework
Can you think of any other unusual ad campaigns? Do Homework

Racism in Italian football

The Italian football world is again experiencing racism within its ranks. A series of players have been subject to racist abuse by fans, with little or no response from clubs, officials, or the media. Hard-core fans claim they have the right to abuse players any way they want, and certain clubs deny that racism even exists.

Finally, Lega Serie A, the organization that oversees the country’s highest division, launched an anti-racism campaign, but the campaign itself has been accused of racism. One of the initiatives in the campaign uses the image of a series of monkey faces in club colors. The image was created by artist Simone Fugazzotto, who often uses monkeys and apes in his work.

But people of African descent have long been dehumanized by calling them "monkeys", and several players in Italy’s top league have been victims of monkey chants. So the image perpetuates the very racism it is supposed to combat. Anti-discrimination network Football Against Racism in Europe calls the initiative "a sick joke".

Even now, the fight against racism continues. 

Summarize this article in 2–3 sentences. Do Homework
Have you ever heard, or been a victim of, abuse due to race, religion, or sexual orientation during a football match? Do Homework
Discrimination and abuse is on the rise across the globe. Why do you think this is? Do Homework
How should abuse in football be handled? Do Homework

Simultaneous translator coming soon

Until now pocket translators have all followed the same steps: 1) you say something in your language; 2) the device turns your speech into text; 3) it translates the text to the other language; and finally, 4) the text-to-speech voice says it in the new language. A long process that makes for a frustrating conversation.

Enter two new devices—the “WT2 Plus Ear to Ear AI Translator Earbuds” from Timekettle, and the over-the-ear “Ambassador” from Waverly Labs. Both allow the speaker to continue speaking while the translation is taking place. You don’t have to wait after every sentence for the machine to catch up with you. This makes for a much faster conversation with a more natural flow. They aren’t simultaneous, but they’re pretty close. The WT2 Plus is already available, and the Ambassador is coming out soon. 

It won’t be long before even more sophisticated translators hit the market. Google is experimenting with translating from speech directly to speech, without the in-between text step. It’s still in the development phase, but whether it’s Google or another developer, simultaneous translators will probably be in your pocket soon!

When do you have to interact with speakers of other languages? Do Homework
Do you think pocket translators are helpful when communicating with foreigners? Why or why not? Do Homework
What kind of translators do you think we'll have in 5 years? 10 years? 50 years? Do Homework
Some say that in the future we'll all speak one language. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Do Homework

The issue of universal basic income

The idea of universal basic income (UBI) has been gaining steam around the world. A Japanese billionaire and an American presidential candidate, among others, have both thrown their weight behind it.

The concept is simple: the government provides unconditional money to their citizens. The theory is that in order to provide basic services for all citizens and to stimulate the economy, a small amount of money can be given to each person, equally. 

In the United States, presidential candidate Andrew Yang has even given away $12,000 to a random Twitter follower. In his plan, each adult would receive that amount of money every year. Yang argues people will continue working, even with UBI. $12,000 a year is barely enough to live on in many places and certainly not enough to afford much in the way of experiences or advancement. To get ahead meaningfully, people will still need to get out there and work.

In Japan billionaire Yusaku Maezawa also announced via Twitter about his plan to give away 1 billion Japanese yen, about 9 million dollars to 1000 random Twitter followers. 

Maezawa has called it a serious social experiment, and he's not alone. Many people, especially those in Silicon Valley, have worried that incredible increases in automation to push workers out of jobs. It's been theorized that universal basic income could stimulate the economy dramatically.

What are your thoughts on universal basic income? Do Homework
Do you think the popularity of universal basic income will rise or fall in the future? Do Homework
What do you think about the future of job security, considering the current automation revolution? Do Homework

Which 2020 predictions came true?

The year 2020 has served as a benchmark for many predictions, from business markets to technological advances to climate change. In 2015, Factor magazine published a list of ten predictions for 2020, most of which have come true.

  1. Same-day cancer treatment: YES

  2. Self-driving cars on the road: YES

  3. Cannabis market legalized and booming: YES

  4. 4 billion internet users: YES (almost 4.5 billion)

  5. Virtual reality market worth US$15.89 billion: YES (over US$18 billion; current predictions suggest it will reach US$120.5 billion by 2026)

  6. Mars 2020 rover mission: YES

  7. Wearable sensors to monitor soldiers' health: PROBABLY (the technology is available, but it's hard to find a definitive answer as to whether it's being used yet)

We're still working on the other three, but hopefully we'll reach them soon!

  1. China free of poverty: NO (but the poverty rate has been significantly reduced)

  2. Electric cars go 746 miles on a single charge: NO (even Elon Musk of Tesla, who boasted he'd achieve that distance, hasn't made it more than 370 miles—half as far)

  3. 26% renewables in the energy market: NO (the percentage varies widely depending on location, industry, and individual companies, but globally we haven't yet reached that number)

So, Factor has a 60–70% success rate on their predictions. Today's futurists have gotten really good at telling the future! There are lots of other predictions out there, too—4.5 billion of you can do an internet search to find them and see if they've come true.

Think back to 2015. Would you have predicted that any of these things would be true in 2020? What surprises you the most from this list? Do Homework
Look ahead to 2025. What do you predict will happen by then? List at least 5 possibilities. Do Homework
Why do human beings focus so much attention on the future? Do Homework

No stars for Sukiyabashi Jiro

For many restaurants, receiving a Michelin star (or two, or three) is one of the best ways to gain world-class status in the culinary world. It is also guaranteed to attract international media attention and bring in new business.

Although it is extremely difficult to earn Michelin stars, the Japanese restaurant Sukiyabashi Jiro has earned the maximum three stars every year since 2007. But things are about to change. It was recently announced that the restaurant will be left out of the 2020 Michelin Guide because it no longer accepts public reservations. Since Michelin’s aim is to introduce top-notch restaurants to the general public, Sukiyabashi Jiro no longer falls within their rating criteria.

You might think this would be a great loss for the restaurant, but some believe Sukiyabashi Jiro is too famous to be affected by Michelin’s decision. The restaurant has made headlines on multiple occasions, such as when the former U.S. President, Barack Obama, and the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, dined there together in 2014. It was also showcased in the 2011 documentary, Jiro Dreams Of Sushi. Only time will tell if Michelin's decision has a negative impact on Sukiyabashi Jiro.

Have you ever been to a Michelin star restaurant? If so, what was your experience? If you haven't, describe your favorite restaurant and what you like about it. Do Homework
Do you think Sukiyabashi Jiro will be negatively impacted by the loss of its Michelin star rating? Do Homework
In your opinion, what makes a restaurant great? Do Homework

A long ride on Train 61

If there is one train ride that will rid you of your comfort zone, then that is the journey on Train 61, from Yangon to Bagan in Myanmar. Myanmar is an impoverished country that has been reeling from civil conflict for nearly 70 years. It only opened itself up to the rest of the world in 2014.

As I arrived at the train station, I was escorted to the train by an incredibly helpful stranger in return for a “tip.” I was asked for another tip by a teenager who plopped herself in my sleeper seat. After unsuccessful negotiations on her end, she left, but an adorable 8-year-old came into my carriage asking for yet another tip. I never give money to begging children since their innocence is used as a tool for getting money by their parents, and this discourages them from attending school. As she asked for a tip repeatedly and rubbed her belly to express hunger, I had to fight every urge in my body to give her every dollar I had, my credit cards and my PIN! She eventually left, I was devastated by my own cruelty, and the train finally began the 20-hour journey to Bagan.

As Yangon fell behind us and the countryside of Myanmar opened up, I marveled at the beauty around me. The train also started jerking violently to the left and to the right, and vibrating uncontrollably for the rest of the journey, as we reached top speeds of 30 kilometers per hour. “No comfort zone here,” I thought. “It's a long way from home.”

How do you feel about stepping outside of your comfort zone? Do Homework
Do you like taking long train rides? Would you ever take one in an impoverished third-world country? Do Homework
What is your most memorable travel story? Do Homework

Here's to 2020!

On New Year's Eve, people all over the world have celebrations and customs to ensure a good year to come. Each country has its own unique traditions which may seem pretty strange to other people. For a taste of what your neighbors may be doing, check these out!

  • It's considered good luck in England to have your first visitor be a young, dark-haired man bringing symbolic gifts like bread, salt, and coal. So make sure you invite someone like that and tell them the party starts earlier so they're the first one through the door!
  • Oshogatsu is a family celebration in Japan that involves cleaning and, for some, decorating the house with pine branches, plum blossoms, and bamboo.
  • Some people in South Africa do a serious housecleaning, throwing old furniture and appliances from their windows.
  • In a less destructive custom, some people in Denmark break dishes on their friends' front doorsteps. The more broken dishes you have by the door, the more friends you have.
  • In Turkey, the color red is considered lucky, so many wear red underwear at midnight on New Year’s Eve. In Brazil, EcuadorBolivia, and Venezuela, however, different colors of underwear bring different things: red for love, yellow for money, green for good luck, and so on. 
  • Jumping off a chair at midnight in Denmark symbolizes jumping forward into the new year and leaving bad things behind. You have to have a lot of chairs at a big party!
  • Finally, many people across the English-speaking world (and beyond) sing “Auld Lang Syne” at midnight. It's an old Scottish song that means "old long since", or long ago. At the end of the song, party-goers raise a toast to old friends and new ones to come.

So at midnight on December 31, wherever you are, think of your world neighbors wearing colored underwear or jumping off chairs, or maybe throwing a refrigerator out a window, and wish us all a good New Year!

What's the strangest custom, in your opinion, described in the article? Are there any you think would be fun to do? Do Homework
What do you do to ring in the new year? Do Homework
A new year is simply a date on whatever calendar your culture uses. So why do people celebrate it? What makes it special? Do Homework
Discuss how each culture develops its own unique customs. Why does that happen? Do the customs tell you anything about the culture? Do Homework

Must traditions be traditional?

I’m from Canada, where Christmas is a big deal. The minute Halloween is finished, the Santa decorations go up in stores, Christmas songs start playing on the radio, and the fuss of holiday shopping starts in earnest. For me, one of the most nostalgic parts of Christmas is the food. I love a plate of roast turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce with some pumpkin pie, all with a frosty glass of eggnog to drink.

But when I first moved to Japan, I was at a loss. Those foods are nearly impossible to find. And, even if I did find a turkey, I didn’t have an oven that would fit the bird! So, I asked my partner what we should do. On one hand, we could try to keep the old traditions alive. We could somehow procure roast turkey and try to find the ingredients for pumpkin pie. On the other hand, we could adapt. So my partner asked me a simple question, “What’s your favourite food?” The answer is simple: tacos. So, on December 25th, we had tacos. They were fantastic. The next year, again, we had tacos.

Fast-forward 8 years, we’ve had tacos on Christmas every year. It turns out, that’s how traditions are formed. Personally, I don’t think traditions have to be traditional. For me, they just have to be suitable to the place and people.

What traditions do you like the most? Do Homework
What do you think about changing traditions? Do Homework

Christmas in a foodies' paradise

Japan is a culinary delight. There are many restaurants with Michelin stars. It's a country where ramen shops can command hours-long waits, and where entire floors of department stores are devoted to specialty food. If you take a domestic trip, you are expected to return to your office with omiyage—souvenir treats specific to a region. So one might expect Christmastime to be a season of decadent food. But actually, Christmas is when you get a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken [KFC]. 

People start placing orders as early as November, and if you are hoping to pop around the corner to pick up a family pack, you will be out of luck. The fried chicken, cakes and everything else at the fast-food chain sell out far in advance of December 25th. 

According to TimeOut magazine, Japan's curious holiday tradition can be traced back to Takeshi Okawara, the enterprising manager to Japan's first KFC storefront. The slogan "Kentucky is Christmas" launched in 1974, and since then the trend has taken off. A third of KFC's domestic business is now conducted around the holidays. 

Why do you think this holiday tradition became so popular in Japan? Do Homework
It's said that Coca-Cola invented our modern red-and-white image of Santa. Why are companies so good at shaping tradition? Do Homework
Do you think that commercialization of holidays is good or not? (Is it even avoidable?) Do Homework

Preventing gun crime in Japan

In 2014, there were just six gun deaths in Japan (≈0.00000004% of the population), compared to 33,599 (≈1.0% of the population) in the US.

Buying a gun in Japan takes patience and perseverance. First, you need to attend an all-day class, then sit a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%. There are also mental health and drugs tests to pass.

Afterwards, your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. They even check your relatives and co-workers. Police have the power to deny gun licences and sweeping powers to search and seize weapons. In addition, handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.

If you're eventually granted a licence, police must be notified where the gun and ammunition are stored—and they must be stored separately under lock and key. Police will also inspect guns once a year. And after three years your licence runs out, at which point you have to attend the course and pass the tests again.

Do you know anyone who owns a gun? Do Homework
Why are air rifles and shotguns allowed but not handguns? Do Homework
The US Government wants your advice on how to reduce gun crime in the US. What do you recommend they do? Do Homework
The American NRA wants your advice on how to reduce gun crime in the US. What do you recommend they do? Do Homework
How do you feel about gun ownership? Do Homework

Microsoft trials shorter work-weeks

CNN and multiple other news agencies around the world have reported that Microsoft introduced a program this summer in Japan called the "Work Life Choice Challenge." Microsoft shut down its offices every Friday in August. Managers also urged staff to cut down on the time spent in meetings, suggesting that these last no longer than 30 minutes.

The results were a bit counterintuitive as productivity, which is measured by sales per employee, rose by almost 40% compared to the same period the previous year. According to Microsoft, the effects were felt across the company. More than 90% of its 2,280 employees in Japan later said they were impacted by the new measures. By shutting down earlier each week, the company was also able to save on other resources, such as electricity.

The initiative comes at a time when Japan is grappling with a grim, and sometimes fatal, culture of overwork. The problem is so severe that there is even a term for it: karoshi means death by overwork from stress-induced illnesses or severe depression.

Microsoft says it plans to ask employees to come up with further measures to improve work-life balance and efficiency, and will also ask other companies to join the initiative.

Please summarize this article in 3 sentences or fewer. Do Homework
Do you think that the number of hours worked is correlated with productivity? Do Homework
Do you agree that there is a culture of overwork in Japan? Does your company? Do Homework
In which industries in Japan do people work the most hours per week? Are there jobs that follow a more Western work-week of 40 hours or less? Do Homework

The environmental costs of flying

The Japan Times reported that most world leaders chose to fly to New York for the United Nations General Assembly, but Swedish teenage activist Greta Thunberg made headlines for deciding to sail instead.

This has prompted a gathering of tourism executives to ponder how to address the fact that flying adds to the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming. According to data cited by the Air Transport Action Group, in 2019, commercial flying accounted for about 2 percent of global carbon emissions and about 12 percent of transport emissions. By 2020, emissions from global international aviation are projected to be about 70 percent higher than in 2005 due to rising travel demand.

With the United Nations gathering underway, the travel site fromAtoB published research about international flights taken in 2018 by the leaders of the world’s largest economies. It found Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was responsible for the most travel. He took 38 flights, traveling 207,000 km. Coming in second was U.S. President Donald Trump with 16 flights and 131,000 km traveled. Among European leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel took the most flights, with 83, but most were within Europe.

According to the European Commission, a return flight between London and New York generates roughly the same level of emissions as heating a European home for a whole year.

Should politicians do more to counter the effects of climate change? If yes, then what should they do? Do Homework
Can you think of alternatives to air travel that could help offset people's carbon footprint? Are there better ways to travel long distances in short periods of time? Do Homework
What is your opinion of the new #fridaysforfuture strike movement that was inspired by Greta Thunberg? Do Homework

Prime editing diseases away

The BBC reports that a new way of editing DNA could correct 89% of the errors in DNA that cause disease. The technology, called prime editing, has been used to correct damaging DNA mutations in the lab, including those that cause sickle cell anaemia. It is the latest advance in gene editing, which is developing at a rapid pace.

DNA is found in nearly all of our cells, and gene editing is already changing scientific research with the promise of revolutionizing medicine. Nevertheless, deep moral and ethical questions arose after the creation of babies who were gene-edited to have protection from HIV.

Crispr-Cas9, a technology which was developed just seven years ago, scans DNA for the right spot and then cuts it in two, which creates the opportunity to edit the DNA. A study used prime editing to accurately insert or delete sections of DNA and to correct typos in a single "letter" out of the three billion that make up the human genetic code.

However, the edits are not always perfect and the cuts could end up in the wrong place. Both issues are a problem for using the technology in medicine.

Please summarize the article in 3 or 4 sentences. Do Homework
What is your initial reaction to this story? Are you excited or worried by the prospect of gene editing? Do Homework
Can you think of any ethical issues associated with editing DNA? Should there be restrictions put on some types of gene editing? Why or why not? Do Homework
If you could edit your DNA, what would you want to change about yourself? Do Homework

Saving the world with batteries

The 2019 Nobel Prize in chemistry has been awarded to three scientists who played a large role in developing lithium-ion batteries: Stanley Whittingham of the U.K., American John Goodenough (at 97, the oldest Nobel laureate ever), and Japan’s Akira Yoshino. Whittingham created the first functional lithium-ion battery in the 1970s, then Goodenough increased its capacity two-fold over the next 10 years. Finally, Yoshino removed the pure lithium, making it much safer to use.

Lithium-ion batteries are indispensable in today’s world, used in everything from cellphones to cordless power tools to electric cars. Rechargeable and able to store large amounts of energy, they have revolutionized electronics. As the Nobel Committee put it, "...this year’s chemistry laureates have laid the foundation of a wireless, fossil fuel-free society."

With their large storage capacity, lithium-ion batteries can also help us move away from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy sources. As solar panels and windmills, for example, become able to store greater amounts of energy, they become more efficient and, therefore, less costly.

It can be said that the work of Whittingham, Goodenough, and Yoshino may help save the world.

What do you know about lithium-ion batteries? Why are they "revolutionary"? Do Homework
How might lithium-ion batteries help save the world? Do Homework
What area would you most like to win a Nobel Prize in: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, or peace? Why? What would you want to accomplish? Do Homework

Japan's ageing population problem

The ageing of Japan is thought to outweigh that of all other nations, with Japan said to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens both in rural and urban areas. According to 2014 estimates, 33.0% of the Japanese population is above the age of 60, 25.9% are aged 65 or above, and 12.5% are aged 75 or above. 

The ageing of the Japanese population is a result of one of the world's lowest fertility rates combined with the highest life expectancy; Japan's life expectancy in 2016 was 85 years. Factors such as improved nutrition and advanced medical and pharmacological technologies have reduced the prevalence of diseases, improving living conditions. 

Japan's total fertility rate (the number of children born to each woman in her lifetime) has been below the replacement threshold of 2.1 since 1974 and reached a historic low of 1.26 in 2005. A range of economic and cultural factors contributed to the decline in childbirth during the late 20th century: later and fewer marriages, increased participation of women in the workforce, a decline in wages and lifetime employment, and the high cost of raising a child.

What are some of the issues involved with Japan's declining population? Do Homework
What will happen if this trend continues? Do Homework
What can be done to improve the situation? Do Homework

Getting a wink in rented cars

Car rental companies in Japan have figured out why some customers are returning their vehicles with barely a mile on the clock. Rather than travel from point A to B, as many as one in eight “drivers” are using their rental cars to take a nap, catch up on work or even brush up their language skills, according to industry surveys.

The unusual habits came to light after Orix Auto found a number of its 230,000 registered users were not driving their rented vehicles. Other rental firms noticed similar anomalies in their customers’ mileage records and approached them hoping to get to the bottom of the mystery.

Anecdotal evidence suggests some users are taking advantage of the low cost and convenience of rental services to nap while doing the rounds of client meetings on business trips or to escape bosses and other colleagues during lunch breaks.

The need for a restorative daytime snooze is clear. One survey conducted using fitness trackers in 28 countries found that Japanese men and women slept on average for just six hours and 35 minutes a night— 45 minutes less than the international average. That made Japan the most sleep-deprived of all the nations surveyed, a phenomenon blamed partly on punishing working hours and long commutes.

Have you ever rented a car to catch up on sleep, eat a meal, or take English lessons? If not, do you know anyone who has? Do Homework
What does this practice say about the amount of space in Japan to eat alone and have personal time? Do Homework
In your opinion, is sleep deprivation a big problem in Japan? Does it affect productivity? Do Homework

Rivers get a right to life

The Rights of Nature is a global movement that views nature not as something that we own, but as something that has rights. There are many important parts of this movement, but one of the most important is water. It is said that water is likely to be the most pressing environmental concern of the next century.

Bangladesh recently took the unprecedented step of giving rights to all its rivers. The Bangladeshi Supreme Court has said that anyone who harms a river will be tried as if they’re harming a living entity because each river has the right to life. People who damage the river can be taken to court by a government-appointed national river conservation commission.

But of course, there are some problems. One of them is that once a river gets rights, what about all the people who live off of it? What about fishing communities, waterfront homes, or people in poverty who rely on the river? It’s unclear what kind of answers these questions will get. What is clear though, is that Bangladesh is at the forefront of the environmental conservation movement. 

What's your initial response to this story? Do Homework
Can you think of any other aspects of nature that might get a right to life? Do Homework
What are the pros and cons of giving rights to nature? Do Homework