The future of A.I. voice technology

By Di on February 5 2019

There are few technologies being more rapidly adopted and expanded in 2018 than voice A.I. In just a few years, the use of voice systems has evolved from simple voice commands to entire ecosystems of applications and interactions.

We’ve only begun to predict the ways voice A.I. will influence interactions between humans and technology in the decades to come. For instance, consumer behavior may shift to verbally purchasing items through smart speakers as they realize they’re running low, rather than creating a shopping list and then purchasing them all at once later. One possibility in the health care space is self-directed physical and occupational therapy done through A.I. voice assistants.

In a survey by Edison Research and NPR, 39% of respondents indicated they're very interested in having smart speaker technology in their televisions and 24% want it in their cars—two environments that are not conducive to using smartphones.

We believe A.I. voice assistants will unlock a new world of user interactions and that the key to leveraging their full value will be thoughtful design to ensure they're as relevant, ethical and useful as possible.

Teaching notes

Examples of voice A.I. technology include Siri, Alexa, Cortana, Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple Home Pod. Kia and Hyundai vehicles will include built-in A.I. assistants with voice capabilities to help answer questions about the weather and manage functions like car temperature and locks on the doors so the driver can remain hands-free.

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What voice A.I. technologies do you currently use? What other applications would you like to see developed?
Does your company currently use voice A.I. technologies? If yes, in what ways? If not, why not? Does your company have a plan for its use in the future?
What are some possible risks in the use of voice A.I. technology?