G.B.C. モックテスト (Second Edition)

The English Farm | GBC Mock Tests course

スピーキングテスト戦略コースで学んだ、流暢な会話の進め方や論理的な話し方 (argumentation)などのスキルをモックテストで試し、実際のG.B.C.テストで発揮しましょう。


  • 認知された話題または、個人の話題
  • ビジネスやあなたの仕事の分野
  • 自国についての話題または、国際問題
  • 抽象的な話題


The English Farm では、約2週間またはそれ以下のテスト準備期間を推奨しております。ご参考までに、こちらのブログ:G.B.C. スコアが上がらない原因と改善点 をご一読ください。


Time to complete


The Plan

Each lesson has a focus (outlined at the bottom of this page). Work through the lessons in order.

If your student has a couple weeks or more before their test, then you can work slowly and focus on gaining vocabulary and phrases, or sharpen their strategies. If the test is in a few days, then minimise your talk time and give plenty of praise to calm the student's nerves.

Each lesson has around 10 questions. You may not finish all of them in your lesson, you can assign the next teacher to pick up where you left off. For example: GBC mock test 3, from question #6.

What not to do: 

  • Do not spend more than a couple weeks or so doing test prep. 
  • Do not allow your students to memorise or prepare full answers. 
  • Do not race through these questions, or spend too long on a single one. 

Tips and advice: 

  • Giving quick model answers can help your student benchmark their ability against that of a native speaker. 
  • Help with strong endings by giving your student another chance to finish, but don't make students repeat too much as it's demotivating. 
  • Refer to Speaking Test Strategies lessons when possible. 
  • Keep the student's latest GBC result open and refer to it while you are giving corrections or advice. 
  • Do not let your students repeat themselves—don't waffle on. 
  • If you can't follow your student then be honest, "I'm a native speaker but I can't really follow your logic. Can you think of another way to say that?"
  • Give praise as well! Specific examples, interesting facts, quick starts, varied tone—it's all important to point out. 


Lesson focus table of contents 

  1. Finish strongly

  2. Show enthusiasm

  3. Avoid saying non-word sounds like “um” and “ah”

  4. Use gestures

  5. Respond to the question immediately

  6. Use specific evidence

  7. Add reasoning to your answer

  8. Pronounce your words clearly

  9. Use natural filler phrases

  10. Use the best of your English