
Construction silhouette



Read the following. Is it claim - evidence - reasoning, or something else?

How do you overcome cultural differences in a business scenario? 

Well, I work for a company that employs people all over the world. For example, we have people from China, Canada, the U.S., Germany, India, Japan, and Australia. During business meetings, I’ve heard of people getting offended because feedback is given too directly. I think in these situations, it’s important to speak up if you’re offended by something, and to listen when someone brings up an issue. Because everyone works in different ways and comes from different cultures, respecting each other is crucial for a smooth working relationship.

In this case, the evidence comes first, then the claim, then reasoning. As long as all three parts are there, the order doesn’t matter! The use of transition words is what’s important. 

Warm Up

Tell your teacher about a time you overcame cultural differences in a business scenario.

Take this as a time to brainstorm with your student. If your student has no answer, let them talk about what they would do IF they had an issue like this.


There are so many different ways to give answers!

  • Start with a response, a claim, then give an example, reasoning, and a conclusion
  • Start with an example, give your claim, then give reasoning and a conclusion
  • Give your reasoning first, then an example, then your claim

The key point is to use your transition words and phrases. Pick one method that you’d like to try with your teacher. 

  •  Now go back to the initial question and put it all together.

How do you overcome cultural differences in a business scenario?

  •  Answer the following questions:
  1. How do cultural stereotypes affect social interaction?
  2. Do you think gender roles have changed in recent years?
  3. What is the danger in a cashless society? Can we avoid it? How?
  4. How do you define workplace equality?