モックテスト 8(Second Edition)

Two women in an office sitting at a table having a friendly conversation

Some interviewers may be quite friendly

G.B.C. テストで役立つ最良の文法、議論、流暢さ、デリバリーを学習します。はっきりした発音で発言しましょう。


In order to simulate a variety of G.B.C. test situations, your teacher will be friendly and clearly show that they understand or agree with what you say. However, continue to speak clearly and give detail, even when your teacher understands—or even agrees with you.

Each test has a different style. This is a warm-type lesson. 
(Not the whole time, just during the practices.)

Student goal:
Focus on adding evidence and reasoning, even after your teacher understands. 

Remember, the goal is to showcase your best English. It's not just to make the test admin understand. In fact, the test admin is known to not be the one who grades the test! 

Teacher style:
Warn your student that you’ll be friendly. You may interrupt with agreement. They should keep on going!

General guidelines

  • No need to try and win an Oscar. Just do your best to change your style.
  • Typically ask 3-5 questions in a burst, then give feedback. There should only be about 3 feedback sessions during a mock-test, unless you see a benefit of more or fewer.
  • Make up your own follow-up questions based on student answers. 
  • During feedback, pay special attention to the goal of the class. 

Ask the questions below; skip the ones you feel don't suit the lesson or the level. 

Remind your student that they need to relax and answer the questions as they would in a business situation. 

Student-specific goal

Ideally, establish a customized goal for your student. View the most recent G.B.C. score sheet and find a low score that you can teach to. Otherwise, you can tell them, "Defend your point with evidence and reasoning, even when the listener agrees." Or, enunciate clearly.

If they need to speak more clearly, you can practice the classic warm-up. 

  • Say, "Unique New York" 5 times quickly. 

Or do a warm-up tongue twister: 

  • L/R = A friendly French lorry driver.
  • TH = I think this and that 
  • V/B = Very berry van ban

Answer the questions your instructor has for you.