モックテスト 5(Second Edition)

Two businesswomen talking at a desk with a tablet in hand

Some interviews ask a lot of follow-up questions

G.B.C. テストで役立つ最良の文法、議論、流暢さ、デリバリーを学習します。質問にはすぐに答えましょう。


In order to simulate a variety of G.B.C. test situations, your teacher will ask a variety of follow-up questions. Do your best to stay focused, even if you are surprised by a follow-up.

Each test has a different style. This is another follow-up-type lesson. (Like Mock Test 1)
(Not the whole time, just during the practices.)

Student goal:
Add enough information.

As a challenge, try to preempt follow-up questions by adding the information in your answer. For example, when relevant, add when, where, why, how. 
(pre-empt = take action in order to prevent something from happening)

Teacher style:
Stay on one topic.

Use the follow-ups provided. Or, play the devil's advocate. Be nice! If your student is stressed, back off. 

Warn your student that you’ll interrupt them once in a while to ask them related follow-ups (clarify when, why or how). 

General guidelines

  • No need to try and win an Oscar. Just do your best to change your style.
  • Typically ask 3-5 questions in a burst, then give feedback. There should only be about 3 feedback sessions during a mock-test, unless you see a benefit of more or fewer.
  • Make up your own follow-up questions based on student answers. 
  • During feedback, pay special attention to the goal of the class. 

Ask the questions below; skip the ones you feel don't suit the lesson or the level. 

Remind your student that they need to relax and answer the questions as they would in a business situation.

Student-specific goal

Ideally, establish a customized goal for your student. View the most recent G.B.C. score sheet and find a low score that you can teach to. Otherwise, you can use the default—responding immediately. 

Responding immediately means: 

  • React right away: "Well, that's a good/ interesting/ tough question" (or a quick yes or no).
  • Use fillers when necessary: "Let me see/think about that/consider that..."

Answer the questions your instructor has for you.