Social media posts (tidbits)

What are tidbits?

Small bite-sized "A vs B? Which should you use?" type posts. A good place for ideas in the future is the quiz from Kevin's grammar round table workshop (the pdf is at the bottom of the page). 

The original template for this is the Try to do or try doing? post.

Image: a simple explanation of the difference/no actual image is necessary (Aki H will take care of these); you will need to put the content of any new post ideas (with no images yet) on the Trello "Description" part of the card shown below. 

Trello card: Description

On the actual post, the image will look like this:

Image overlay: just put "N/A"

The image is the only part that gets shown on Twitter. Students have to click the link to read the content. 

For Facebook & Instagram, the idea is that the part in the red square below will also be in the social media comment:

So the student sees the image, and Mai (the social media comment writer) writes the quiz part on the post. The answer should not be shown. Students should have to click the link to see the full post (and the answers).

Notes on post: below is what you will see between "Image overlay text" and the orange tags once you get rights for this (if you haven't already).

Tags: just like for blogs and discussion posts, please remember to put tags in! Tags should be relevant, commonly used (e.g. no one will ever use a tag like "how to use try" or "try" again, so don't add tags like that).

Common tags are "common mistakes", "grammar", "G.B.C.", etc. Once you start typing a tag in, you'll see that it pops up below if it already exists (←a sign that it's a good tag)