Contributing content

The English Farm aims to be the best place on the Internet to learn English. That means having engaging courses, insightful blogs, interesting discussions and much more.


As you approach creating content for The English Farm, first understand what TEF's voice is.

  • Say exactly what you mean.
  • Get straight to the point.
  • Have a strong opinion.

Please read The English Farm's style guide.

If you write for just one or a few readers, for example, in your lesson records, you can write in your own voice. However, all content for a broad audience must be in our voice. Furthermore, everything posted must align with our learning and organizational philosophies.

Becoming a contributor

We value diverse input. If you have the skills and/or the desire to submit content, here's how.

  1. Read about the content types.
    • Understand the content we have now.
  2. Decide which type of content you would like to contribute.
    • Or, if there should be an additional content type, pitch it.
  3. Contact Cassandra, who is in charge of content.

Please do not create content on spec. You can send some past writing you have done. You can also suggest the type of content you would like to produce.