
Two new courses, and Nadim helps children in Nepal

By Di on January 27 2020

Two new courses available

If you work in the pharmaceutical industry or are preparing for the IELTS exam (or both!), we've got a course for you.

English for the Pharmaceutical Industry covers many aspects of the industry including drug dosage forms, categories of drugs, laboratory safety systems, packaging challenges, and more. You'll learn industry vocabulary, discuss pharmaceutical topics, and review essential language.

The English Farm からのお知らせ : 1月

By Di on January 27 2020



医薬品分野におけるビジネス英語 コースは、医薬品業界でビジネス英語を使う方が包括的に学べます。業界関連用語を学び、薬学のトピックについてのディスカッションを重ね、業界で主要な専門用語を会得しましょう。

IELTS オフィシャル ケンブリッジ ガイド はコースは IELTSテスト対策を、包括的に学べます。IEL​​TSテスト成功へ向けて、経験豊富な The English Farm の講師陣が助力します。文法、ボキャブラリー、自然な英語のフレーズを会得し、IELTS戦略に役立てましょう。

The English Farm からのお知らせ : 12月

By Di on December 30 2019

The English Farm にとって2019年は素晴らしい飛躍の年で、2020年は更なる飛躍の年にします。私たちは生徒様だけでなく人と人との繋がりを大切にし、また地球にとっても良いことに繋がるというミッションに挑戦し続けます。



[お詫び] メール受信障害


New Year's sale!

By Di on December 28 2019

Thank you all for your continuous support and hard work on your English in 2019. It's been a fantastic year for The English Farm, and we are really excited about our plans for 2020.

To celebrate the Year of the Rat, we are offering 15% off all points from December 28, 2019, to midnight January 12, 2020. Just use the coupon code NY2020 when you buy points.

The English Farm would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year. May it bring joy and success to you and yours.

The English Farm からのお知らせ : 11月

By Di on November 25 2019


The English Farm では、常に新しいカリキュラム開発に注力しており、この度「エンジニア職のビジネス英語」がコースに加わりました。現在開発中のコース導入も近日中に予定しています。新コースについては、ぜひ私たちのコースページ一覧からご確認くださいね。





TEFtalk, Instagram, Moving on, and Andrew supports struggling schools

By Di on September 23 2019

TEF News

Work continues on TEFTalk

In testing, the site has been unstable, and there have been some times when it has not worked well in different regions around the world. We are sorry if this has been inconvenient. This month we rolled out changes that will improve things—there should be fewer issues with speed and stability. We'll continue to update you as we fine-tune the site.

The English Farm からのお知らせ: 9月

By Di on September 23 2019

The English Farm からの最新のお知らせです。

TEFtalk について


Instagram で私たちをもっと知ってください

オンラインで仕事をしている人たちは、世界中の同僚と机を並べているわけではありませんので、時々寂しくなる時があります。ですので私たち The English Farm のスタッフ(同地域在住者やその地域へ出かける機会がある人)は、出来るだけ "meet-ups" をしています。普段はコンピューターの画面越しでしか会えない同僚と、実際に会える機会(チャットだけでなく実際に面と向かって話せることは、本当に楽しいです!)を設け  "meet-ups" で撮影した写真を Instagram で一般公開しています。また講師の日常も投稿していますので、是非ご覧ください!

TEFtalk update, Moving on, and Diane supports dementia care

By Di on August 26 2019

Greetings everyone!

August is my favorite month of the summer. Here in Massachusetts, U.S.A., it's still hot in the daytime but starting to get chilly at night. I know it's not like that for everyone around the world—I hope the weather where you are becomes this beautiful soon! 

We have decided to post news once a month now rather than once a week. So here is your first monthly update from The English Farm.

The English Farm からのお知らせ: 8月

By Di on August 26 2019

Greetings everyone!


さて、The English Farm では、ニュースを毎月まとめてお届けすることになりました。今月はその最初の回です。

TEFtalk アップデートについて

6月初めに The English Farm のオリジナルのビデオ通話システムである TEFtalk βバージョンの試用を開始いたしました。ご協力いただきました生徒の皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。

Schedule problems fixed

By Matthew on August 12 2019

Good morning,

Over the weekend, we made a change to the back end of our system. However, this resulted in an issue with the booking system. It would not load. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. The issue has been resolved. You can now make changes to your schedule as before.

If you had problems because of this and need help, please contact support (

I am very sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

I hope you have a fantastic week.


By Matthew on August 12 2019

平素よりThe English Farmをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。




今後、このような事態を発生させることなきよう再発防止に努めてまいりますので、引き続きThe English Farmをどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。皆様のご協力とご理解に心より感謝いたします。

I hope you have a fantastic week.

Kind regards,

Summer sale 2019!

By Di on August 9 2019

Thank you all for your continuous support and hard work on your English so far. 

Since many of our students are going to have their summer break during this time, we are offering 15% off all points purchased from August 10th to 18th, 2019. Just use the coupon code SUMMER2019 when you buy points.

You can use this code as many times as you like during this period, and the points you buy will be valid for 180 days after purchasing them. 

We hope you stay cool despite the summer heat!


By Di on August 9 2019

いつも The English Farm をご愛顧いただき誠にありがとうございます。

割引率 15%Off
ご提供期間 2019年8月10日から18日まで
クーポンコード SUMMER2019



All the very best,
Di & The English Farm team

Aditya contributes to education equality

By Yumi on July 29 2019

Hello everyone,

Our Employee of the Month award* for July goes to a teacher who has taught the most lessons out of all our current teachers at The English Farm—Aditya! He is rock solid and reliable, always willing to put in the time and energy to teach even in our busiest seasons. A constant learner, we never fail to see him at our internal staff meetings and workshops. And whether it is a Skype message, a one-to-one meeting, or a group meeting, Aditya is always pleasant and likeable, showing respect to everyone he talks to.

Employee of the Month Award: Aditya先生

By Yumi on July 29 2019

Hello everyone,

7月の Employee of the Month 賞*は、The English Farm に現在所属する講師の中で最も多くのレッスンを行った Aditya先生に決定いたしました!
