New booking system BETA ready

This is Matthew from The English Farm.

The beta version of the new booking system is now ready. We will soon send you a message to notify you that you have lesson points. The system looks like this:

As a beta, we expect that there will be some parts that are not functioning smoothly, or don't look so pretty. We ask for your patience and understanding with this, and apologise in advance for any inconvenience this causes you.

Over the next few hours and days, we will be making many small improvements and introducing more functions, like notifications, reminders and so on.

New features today

  • reserve lessons by time or by teacher;
  • one-click booking;
  • automatic timezone detection;
  • see your future lessons on MY PAGE;
  • open a Skype chat window from MY PAGE with your teacher (click the Skype icon);  and
  • see your lesson points on MY PAGE.

New cancellation process

There is a small change to the cancellation process. You can cancel a lesson at any time before the class starts, BUT if you do it less than 12 hours before the class, you still lose your point. If you cancel more than 12 hours before the lesson time, you get your lesson point back. When you cancel the lesson, the teacher will be automatically notified in either case. This should make cancellations much easier for you, as you don't need to worry about emailing the teacher.

If you have a last-minute change of plans and are not able to take your lesson, we ask that you please cancel it (even though you will lose a point) as a courtesy to your teacher. Thanks for your co-operation.

We think the system easy to use and understand, so please try it out. Based on your feedback, we'll develop and improve it more.

If you have questions, or find some bugs or problems, you can contact me, email or tell your teacher directly, and they will pass that on to me.

I hope you like the new system. I am looking forward to hearing your feedback!
