The booking system


Once you have set your regular availability and closed off your holidays (previous page), your calendar will be open for booking. We have our own booking system to make scheduling easy for students and teachers. Your login here gives you access to the schedule. Teachers are "Superusers". That means that they have elevated privileges and can manage their own schedules and availability and also see some basic reports.

Each teacher has his/her own calendar. When students want to book a lesson, they have two options:  (1) they can choose a day on the calendar to see which teacher is available and when (2) they can choose a teacher to book specifically with him/her.

To access the calendar, you need to click the blue "SCHEDULE" button on your English Farm homepage.

Your bookings and available slots

Once you click on the blue "SCHEDULE" button at the top of the page, you will automatically be brought to your own personal calendar. Your calendar will obviously look different based on your availability and holidays, but here is an example:


You can look at other teachers' calendars by clicking a different icon up at the top of the page.

Note that the calendar is in your LOCAL TIME!


If you have a lesson booked on a particular day, that day will be yellow. If you have no lessons booked, but are available for booking, the day will be green. If you are not available for any bookings, the day will be blank. Days that have already passed will also be blank.


You will be able to see all your upcoming bookings on the right-hand side in your local time. You can see there is an option to click on the student's profile (note that the students' names have been erased in this example), contact the student via Skype or email and cancel the lesson (please don't do so without contacting the student first—instructions on how to do this are here).


By clicking on a particular slot, you will have the option to close it (it will appear as "downtime"), book yourself for another task (training, content creation, etc.) or book a lesson for a student.