Good times to work

As most of our students tend to be fulltime office workers, the best times for us to work is when they are not.


For students in Japan, peak times tend to be:

  • weekday mornings 6:30am to 8:30am JST;
  • weekday nights 6pm to 1am JST; and
  • weekends mornings 8am to midday and nights after 8pm till very, very late (2am?) JST.

Your mileage may vary. A lot of our students have downtime between projects, and others (usually the more senior people) have more control over their own schedules and often take lessons outside these hours.

Furthermore, student habits differ from company to company. Some firms are more flexible and you will find students taking lessons all through the day.

Also worth knowing is that students will often take classes on public holidays. Make sure you open your schedules up on Japanese public holidays if you can. Make sure you consult a list of public holidays in Japan in order to pick up extra work when it is there. It should also be noted that New Year, Golden Week (late April/early May) and Obon (mid-August) are three times a year that Japanese people get about a week of holiday. We can get busy during those times, too.

This heatmap from April 2021 shows when lessons are most popular (in Japan time). Lesson times are shown on the y-axis over 24 hours and days of the week on the x-axis.

Times are shown in JST. This will help you better plot your office hours. Note that this is partly a function of how many teachers are available at certain times.