Booking a lesson for a student

Most students just book lessons themselves. However, there is the possibility that you will have to book the lesson for the student.

Rebooking with an alternative teacher

When the teacher needs to cancel and another teacher is going to take the lesson in his/her stead, then the following steps need to be taken:

  1. The teacher the lesson was originally booked with should contact the student via Skype and email. He/she should apologise for any inconvenience caused by the need to cancel and ask if the student prefers to reschedule for another day/time or take the lesson with another teacher.
  2. Once the student gives the "okay" for another teacher to do the lesson, then the original teacher needs to cancel the lesson in their calendar. This will refund the student's point for the lesson. Then, after that, the new teacher can book the lesson for the student with him/herself.

To book a lesson for a student, first go to the open slot and click "Edit":

Choose the far-right option, "Add Lesson":


A field to enter the student's name will appear. Start typing in the student's name or username, find the correct student from the list that drops down and click on it:


The student you have chosen will then appear in the field. Make sure it is the right student and then click "Submit":


The lesson will then be booked for the student.