Student attendance & no shows

Our students are very busy and sometimes arrive late or do not attend at all. You must wait in the classroom for the student until the end of the lesson time and then accurately record how much time the student missed on the lesson record. Here are the steps you need to take when the student attends the lesson and when the student does not attend the lesson.

Procedures for when the student attends the lesson

Follow this flow chart to see exactly what you need to do when the student attends the lesson. Note that the procedure is different depending on how long the student attends! If the student attends less than ten minutes, the student is marked absent. 

Here is an example template you can send to the student explaining why they have been marked absent:

Unfortunately your company requires us to be quite strict about attendance. Your improvement depends on our teaching, but if you don't have time for lessons then we have to report it. Our guidelines say that 10 minutes is required. The reason is that it takes time to improve your English. I'm sorry but this means I have to mark you absent, even though you made the effort to call me.    

Procedures for when the student does NOT attend the lesson

Students may cancel classes up to 12 hours before the lesson and get back their point. We send out a reminder 14 hours before the class to give them a chance to do that. If they cancel the lesson in the schedule less than 12 hours before the lesson, they lose their point and you will be paid. The lesson will no longer appear in your calendar, but you will still be paid for it. The system keeps track of your paid no-shows. Students may also informally cancel the lesson by contacting you on Skype or email. The steps you need to take for all scenarios are listed in this flow chart.

Note that you can make an exception and refund the point. We discourage it, since it creates a precedent and people tend to abuse this after a while. Please don't do this unless it is a very exceptional circumstance. Note that if you are refunding the student's point out of the kindness of your heart when otherwise the student would lose their point, you will not get paid. Please indicate this on the lesson record. There is a place for you to do that shown below (right at the bottom of the record - it is only visible if you click "Yes" for the refund field):

You can read more about giving refunds here.