First lesson no-show

Policy regarding first lesson no-shows depends on if the student is corporate or independent.

Corporate student trial lesson no-show

If your corporate student misses their trial lesson, please fill out a lesson record and encourage them to rebook the lesson. Do the following:

  1. Write up a no-show report as usual. Make sure that it is very clear in the next lesson field that the next teacher should do the skills assessment and follow the usual first lesson procedure..
  2. Mark the student absent and do not refund the point.
  3. Write a friendly comment in the lesson record, making it clear that you regret not being able to meet them and that they should to book again.
  4. When possible, reference their profile or needs and tell them how you plan to help them out.

Sample comment: 

Dear Tatsuya,

I am sorry you could not take your first lesson with me today. Thanks for letting me know you were too busy. 

Please reserve another lesson when you can, and we will make your study plan. I see from your profile that you need to prepare for the GBC test. We have a great course that will help you get your best score. I am sure you will enjoy it.

I hope to see you again soon,

Kind regards,


Independent student trial lesson no-show

Do not refund. Send the student a kind and understanding message and direct them to Support.:

Dear Tatsuya, I’m sorry you couldn’t attend our class today. 

I hope to see you next time. 

If you would like help with anything, please contact us: Best regards, Matthew.

If the student still wishes to take a trial, Support can help them with this.

Flow chart