Two new courses, and Ben supports animal welfare

By Di on September 28 2020

New courses: Expert Interviews for Consultants & Business Idioms

We are pleased to offer two new courses. The first, Expert Interviews, is an in-depth look at how to conduct a successful expert interview, with plenty of chances to practice! The second course, Business Idioms, teaches English idioms that you'll hear and use in your work, as well as in the rest of your life. 

September Employee of the Month: Ben

When Ben joined our team in 2019, he brought with him years of experience in both business and linguistics. And he's an excellent teacher, to boot! He has conducted training sessions on the International Phonetic Alphabet, and started a Community of Practice for Pronunciation among our teachers. Thank you for all that you bring to The English Farm, Ben. We're so much better for it.

With his award money, Ben has chosen to support Asociación para la Liberación y el Bienestar Animal (ALBA) because, in his words,

As a dog owner, it's heartbreaking to see pets mistreated or abandoned, and then again when our animal rescue centres struggle to find the resources to help them. I hope this donation will help more animals find the life they deserve.

A big thank you to all our staff and students for a great summer, even in the midst of the pandemic!

Stay safe,
