G.B.C.テスト戦略 :Communication of Information

Taking note of your G.B.C. score

G.B.C.テストの Communication of Information セクションの説明です。当講師とのレッスンや様々なツールを活用し、スコアアップを目指しましょう。

The Communication of Information section is one of the easiest sections to score well on in English—if you already have these skills in your first language. 

However, test takers often lose points here simply because they do not know what they are being tested on. You are tested on the logical flow and strength of your arguments. 

Keep in mind that the G.B.C. scores are phrased in the negative, for example, “Did not produce timely responses.” But you can simply take out the negative language, and just think about the key word. In this case, “Producing timely responses.

Using various types of logic        Be mindful of the logic you use. You can be straightforward, with claim+evidence. You can also use counterarguments—arguing the opposite and showing it's weak. Or evidence-first reasoning—presenting the evidence first and sharing the claim last.
Expanding on a point / Using supporting evidence Expand on your answer. You can talk about the importance of the evidence, you can explain how it relates to a wider argument, and you and use more supporting evidence. For practice, try Speaking Test Strategies lesson 3. 
Clarity and variety of expressions Avoid repeating the same words. A varied vocabulary will make ideas stand out. Use business language you already have. If you overuse some words, ask your teacher for synonyms.
Direct logic Use direct logic. English speakers clearly connect their arguments to their opinions. Don’t assume that the listener will make connections (James’ blog: test admins are dumb as a rock) 
Defending a position effectively Use specific examples to make your points. Avoid broad, sweeping statements. Sometimes examiners will challenge your ideas. In most cases, it is best to directly counter the examiner’s point.
Transitional phrases Use transitional phrases to connect the ideas in different sentences. Some great transitional phrases are however, furthermore, on the whole, all in all, in conclusion, and in a nutshell. For practice, we have an entire course dedicated to transitional phrases.
Producing timely responses Respond to questions as soon as the question is asked. If you need time to think, you can use filler phrases such as, that’s an interesting question and I’ve never thought of this before, let me think about that for a moment. Say these slowly if you need more time to think. For practice, try Speaking Test Strategies lesson 6.
Incohesive discourse Each idea should stem from your overall opinion and each idea should lead logically to the next. Avoid rambling and jumping between ideas. Examiners are looking for logical delivery.

Pick an aspect of the Communication of Information section that you find difficult and discuss it with your teacher. They will give you many tips for improvement. 

If you can improve the logic and strength of your answers, then not only will your G.B.C. score go up, but you will also become a more powerful speaker in general.