Hong Kong O-Pod 'tube homes'

By Betty on 7月 23 2018

Hong Kong has one of the worst housing crises in the world, and has been ranked the least affordable city for housing for the last eight years.

Hong Kong architect James Law has designed a low-cost solution to the problem: stackable, retro-fitted water pipe "tube homes" called "O-Pods" that could be rented cheaply to young people.

"If we can work with governments, and even private landowners and manufacturers, we could very cheaply build the O-Pods, and we could rent them out very cheaply to young people who are struggling to afford housing."

Law sees the design as an "open-source" solution for housing crises around the world.

The first O-Pod development is being built in Shenzhen, China and due to open in July.

Teacher Rating
What problem does the O-Pod aim to solve?
How does the housing situation in Hong Kong compare with that of your city?
What innovations in the housing and infrastructure sector are you aware of?