Transitions 16 復習 5



As mentioned earlier, this course uses spaced review, meaning you don't review what you just learned. Rather, you review what you learned a few lessons ago. 

Warm Up

Without looking back in your notes, try to remember a few phrases from units 12, 14, and 15 in this course.

  • Unit 12 was about expressing softer opinions.
  • Unit 14 was about expressing contrast.
  • Unit 15 was about describing purpose.

If you need help, your instructor can guide you.

Make sure to select the phrases you want to use, then keep practicing them until you are absolutely confident.

It is not necessary for students to remember all the points in each unit, but they should remember at least two or three. 

Everyone has words and phrases they enjoy using. Make sure your student's favorite phrases are not just things they learned in high school, but are sophisticated phrases that leave a good impression. 

It is recommended to choose only a few phrases in total to add to the student's active vocabulary. Practicing a few phrases many times will ensure they can use the phrases under pressure. 

Transitions 12 Expressing soft opinions

    1. I tend to think that... — Used for a soft opinion.
    2. I suppose that... — Used for a soft opinion.
    3. I would say that... — Used for a soft opinion.
    4. My feeling would be that... — Used for a soft opinion.
    5. It seems to me that... — Used for a soft opinion.
    6. To tell you the truth, I think/don't think... — This is used to introduce a negative opinion or an unusual/controversial opinion.

    Transitions 14 Expressing contrast

    1. Having said that/That (being) said... — This means "however" or similar but is used for more complex topics.
    2. At the same time... — This is used for an equal but opposite claim or piece of evidence.
    3. Despite the fact that... — This is used when a piece of evidence is contrary to your claim but doesn't change your opinion.  
    4. Contrary to popular belief/what most people think... — This is used when your information seems opposite to popular opinion. 
    5. Conversely... — This is used for a somewhat surprising opposite. 
    6. But then again... — This means "however" or similar. 

    Transitions 15 Describing purpose

    1. [Full sentence], in the hope that (or in hopes that) [full sentence].  — A hope or something you want to happen.
    2. [Full sentence], for the purpose of [verb-ing + noun]. — In order to.
    3. [Full sentence]. To this/that end, [full sentence]. — In order to achieve this goal​.
    4. [Full sentence]. With this in mind [full sentence]. — Hoping to achieve this goal.
    5. [Full sentence], in case [full sentence].  — Because of a possibility of something happening; seems neutral or negative. *Note: Use a present tense after "in case". Do not use will.
    6. [Full sentence] for fear that [full sentence]. — To avoid the risk of something happening.

    Choose a few phrases from units 12, 14, and 15 and practice those phrases.

    Your instructor has some questions for you.