STS 10 流暢さの復習

desert mountain seen in car rearview mirror

Take a look back.



Review is very important. Take time with this lesson and keep practicing until you are confident about moving forward. 

Warm Up

What are the key points to achieving fluency? Which ones do you feel confident about? Which are weak points for you?

Go through the main points from previous lessons. If the student can't remember them all, remind them that that's what review is for.

From the previous lessons: 

STS 6: Here are five simple strategies to improve fluency:

  1. respond immediately;
  2. confirm the question;
  3. use fillers;
  4. slow down; and
  5. say what you can.

STS 7: Don't use non-word sounds; instead, say nothing by pausing effectively. 

STS 8: Stretch and shorten words with natural English rhythm. Do this especially with key phrases. 

STS 9: Show enthusiasm with: 

  1. word stress/intonation;
  2. word choice;
  3. eye contact; and
  4. gestures.

Now practice giving fluent answers to tough speaking test questions. Don't forget to use a strong answer structure with a clear beginning, plenty of evidence, strong reasoning and a powerful ending.