Strong connections are vital to a strong argument.
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このレッスンでは argument に欠かせない理論を英語で述べる練習をします。理論をはっきりと述べる事によって、より筋の通った話し方が出来ます。わざわざ当たり前の様に思う理論までも口にしないといけない事に抵抗を感じるかもしれませんが、英語の argument では、このスキルが無いと基本的な部分が欠けてると見なされ、説得力が大幅にダウンします。有力な基本回答の仕上げ部分です。
What is the role of reasoning in an argument?
Warm Up
Is this a strong answer? Why or why not?
Tokyo is the best city in the world! It's very convenient. There are hundreds of train stations and convenience stores. Also, the food is amazing. Tokyo is the city with the most Michelin stars. So it's convenient and the food is great.
Try adding reasoning to these claims and pieces of evidence:
- I’m positive about the economy in India. Other countries continue to outsource more labor there.
- I’m negative about the economy in Italy. The population is decreasing.
Now that you understand how to make a strong argument with reasoning, give good reasoning in your answers to some questions.