オリエンテーション 初級から初中級 1:アクティブラーニング



What is your first language? You are a native speaker of that language. 

How did you become a native speaker? Did you practice a lot in school? What did you do?

Ask your student to reflect on their first language. Most likely, they’ll say they learned their first language naturally without a lot of practice. That’s because they learned actively, with a lot of listening, speaking, writing and reading practice in different natural settings. That’s what we’re trying to duplicate here—we can guide them, but they have to do the work, too! 

Warm Up

People learn new things through active learning and a lot of practice. Active learning means you do something interesting, like solving problems, having discussions, or asking questions.

A. What are some ways you can learn English actively?

B. What are some ways you can get a lot of practice?

You can learn anything through active learning and a lot of practice! 

If your student seems uncertain, ask, “Do you have a hobby?” Then ask, “How did you learn [that hobby]?” Ask them to tell you how they practiced—was it mere repetition, or did they challenge themselves? How did they get from easy to more challenging things? Most likely, it was through active learning, not just rote memorization. 

Then bring it back to English.

A. Ask the student, "What are some ways you can learn English actively?" or “How can you learn English actively?”

  • If they don’t seem to get it, you can also ask, “How can you make English learning fun/interesting?”

B. Ask the student, "What are some ways you can get a lot of practice?" or "How can you get a lot of practice?"

Possible methods include:

  • asking questions and participating in discussions during class;
  • listening to English-learning podcasts (some good ones are here);
    • higher-level students can choose any podcast that interests them, but lower-level students should start with ones that are geared towards language learning (based on the article linked above);
  • writing down new vocabulary and grammar notes (taking notes in class);
  • watching videos, TV shows or movies in English with English subtitles;
  • reading one newspaper article a day in English; and/or
  • speaking English with their family for 10 minutes a day.

A. Tell your teacher about your job. What do you do? Your teacher will write it down. 

B. When you learn something new, you should: 

  1. Choose a point. 
  2. Understand it. 
    • Learn the rule.
    • Read/hear many examples.
    • Ask questions.
  3. Practice. Use it with feedback. 
    • Make easy sentences.
    • Make longer sentences. 
  4. Use it naturally.

C. With your teacher, learn something new from one of our textbooks.

A. Transcribe your student’s answer. Take note of their grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary errors. Send your transcription to the student over the chat, and go over any errors that you noted.

  • This is the student's starting level. Fill out their proficiency levels (1–10 leaves) on their profile page. The levels can be changed as the student progresses.

B. Have your student read through this section. This is how we get from new knowledge input to confident output.

C. Your goal is to model this to the student by picking a grammar, pronunciation, or communication point below, and doing a 10-minute lesson on it. 

Here are a few relevant pages from our textbooks. This should introduce your student to some of our courses, while also learning how to fix an error.

[Links are to the sample pages for each course. Show the student how to find them on each course page at "Look inside" under the textbook picture.]


A. Tell your teacher about your job. Can you apply what you learned today? 

B. There are different ways to practice what you learned today.

  • If you learned something new about pronunciation, you can listen to something simple in English (your teacher can give you suggestions) and practice shadowing.
  • If you learned a new grammar or vocabulary point, write three example sentences using that point for homework. 

C. As always, remember to do your homework and book another lesson!

This is your next lesson: Orientation Beginner to Pre-Intermediate 2: Study plan