All the parts come together
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This is a review of the previous three lessons on argumentation. It will give you a chance to practice making a full, well-reasoned argument.
This course has a lot of strategies that may be easy to understand but hard to produce, especially when you are under pressure. If you can't use these strategies when it counts—in meetings, Q&A, brainstorming and discussion—then you need to keep practicing them until they come naturally to you. You can always go back and review a lesson you aren't confident of whenever you need to. There's no time limit on this course!
Warm Up
What does a basic answer structure look like? Discuss:
- the beginning;
- the middle; and
- the end.
- Your teacher will give you an answer to the question, "What's the best way to learn a language?" Analyze their answer and give them advice on how to improve it.
- Now, practice answering some common questions, using all the elements of a strong argument you've learned so far.