My Page

The main page or "MY PAGE" is what you will see when you log on to the site. This Help page is going to go through the whole "MY PAGE" in detail. You can always get back to this page from anywhere on the website by clicking The English Farm icon or "MY PAGE":

My points, news and discussion topics

You can see how many lessons you have taught and how many homework assignments you have checked under "My points." This is a running list. The "News" section is directed towards students. "Staff News" is news for teachers. Any time admin have posted in the forum, it will appear under this heading. "Discuss this" includes a list of discussion topics. These are meant for you to use in class with the students (if you would like). Students may also use them for homework.

My future lessons

The next section that appears on the main page is your future lessons list. This updates itself as time goes on. This is in your local time! You can get to the student's profile, contact the student on Skype and create a lesson record. Click here to read more about lesson records. Your list will look something like this:

My past lessons

This section is constantly being updated with your past lessons. You can reach the student's profile, contact the student on Skype or create or edit a lesson record. If you have not created a lesson record for the lesson, a blank one will appear. If you have already created one, it will take you to the lesson record so you can edit it. Your list will look something like this:

To be checked

Only homework that has been submitted to you is listed here. You will get an email any time a student submits something specifically for you. When you get an email, you can click the link in the email to check it or you can log on to MY PAGE and scroll down to the "To be checked" section and click the title of the assignment. Learn how to check homework in more detail here.

Content drafts

The next section is the content drafts section. All drafts that are currently being worked on are listed here. If you are working on any drafts, they will be at the bottom of the page under "My drafts". See how to contribute content to The English Farm here.

Checked homework

You can see all the homework that has been checked (by you and other teachers) at the bottom of the page.

Social media, blogs, etc.

At the very bottom of the page, you can keep up to date with what The English Farm is posting on Twitter and Facebook. You can also go through past blogs down below.