
Blog posts are written for independent reading. There are three main audiences in mind.

  1. Potential students:
    • Blogs answer questions learners have about English: tests, goals, high-pressure situations, grammar, study strategies, and much more. Such posts reach new students through search results, social media, and word of mouth.
  2. Current students:
    • Address topics that consistently come up in class.
    • Give students useful, interesting reading material.
  3. Teachers
    • Give a tool to solve common student issues.
    • Represent The English Farm's diversity.
    • Have a transparent submission, editing and publishing process.
  4. Client HR:
    • We must represent The English Farm's best-practice learning approach in everything we do.

Blogs should be easy to pitch. It should be clear what a good pitch is.

Pitching & writing

This is the process in a nutshell.

First, read the blog. Get a sense of the existing style and substance.

  1. Craft an elevator pitch of a few sentences. Send it to the Content & Curriculum head.
  2. Get feedback on the pitch and write the first draft. 
  3. Get feedback on the draft. Make edits. Repeat as necessary. 
  4. When the post is perfect, it will be published.

If this sounds like something you’d like to write, then please read the detailed guide to writing a blog post.