TEFtalk upgrade today

By Matthew on October 25 2021

Hi everyone,

Today we successfully upgraded TEFtalk, our lesson platform. From today, we will be using TEFtalk for all lessons. You don't need extra software. It works safely in your browser. You can use any device (PC, mobile, Android or Apple). All you need to do is log in to our site, and go to the TEFtalk page.

If you have never used TEFtalk before, please test your device. Talk to your teacher, or contact support if you have questions. You can read more about TEFtalk or jump straight in and try it out from the TEFtalk contacts page.

If you have used TEFtalk before, please note that your teacher will not call you like before. Instead, you should both join the lesson on TEFtalk like you might do with Zoom or Teams.

To chat with teachers on The English Farm site and join your lesson, look for the TEFtalk icon. You will also see TEFtalk links in lesson reminders and reservation messages from today. 

We are working hard to make our platform as easy and reliable as possible. If you have feedback, please contact support.

Thank you very much for all your patience and support. 

Best wishes,