Pamela helps preserve our planet

By Yumi on June 24 2019

Hello everyone,

This month's Employee of the Month award* goes to one of our newer teachers who has been making a huge impact on The English Farm—Pamela! A true team player, Pamela is always engaged and proactive in our internal meetings and workshops. She is incredibly tactful, transparent, and generous about sharing her knowledge and experience in the business world, and she is always curious to learn more from her peers as well. 

Pamela is also a skillful writer who has written blog posts about when to use "going to" or "will" or how to use "a", "an", and "the". She has also been in charge of writing about useful and natural idioms like "the big picture" and "kill two birds with one stone" for our social media posts. They go out on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram every Monday. You should check out some of her awesome photos on our Instagram page, too!

Pamela has chosen to donate to Nature Conservancy Canada.

From Pamela:

I've decided to make my donation to Nature Conservancy Canada because I would like to protect this beautiful world of ours. NCC is a non-profit organization that helps protect Canada’s land, plants and wildlife. As of 2018, the NCC has helped conserve 2.8 million acres of land across Canada. Land and wildlife conservation is critical for the continued health of our planet and for a happy sustainable future for everyone/everything that has the pleasure of living on it.

Thank you for being such a pleasure and inspiration to work with, Pamela. And thank you for supporting Nature Conservancy Canada!

Warm regards,

*Note: For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.