Kahu helps Auckland

By Yumi on November 30 2018

Hi everyone,

November’s Employee of the Month award goes to someone who is loved by both students and teachers alike—Kahu.

To his many loyal regular students, he’s the friendly teacher who’s helped them increase their GBC scores by teaching them how to use natural idioms and improve their delivery. To the teachers, he is an integral part of the international community that we have. In our monthly staff meetings, teacher workshops and group chat rooms, he helps create a warm and welcoming environment at The English Farm so teachers and staff can feel free to laugh together, share bits from our lives with each other, and ask each other for help when we need it. Not only that, but we owe many of the tweaks and fine-tuning that have been done on the site to him because he is always coming to Matt with fantastic ideas for system and service improvements. Kahu’s professionalism and initiative are things we both respect and appreciate—he is happy to help others when he can, asks for help in order to improve his skills, and contributes to the enhancement of our services.

Kahu has chosen to donate to Auckland City Mission—an organization that helps Aucklanders in desperate need by providing excellent integrated services and effective advocacy.

Thanks so much for all you do for us, Kahu! And thank you for supporting Auckland City Mission!

Warm regards,