Invest in your English during the Reiwa era

By Yumi on May 4 2019

Want a fresh new start for the new era? Now is the perfect time to try our new intensive courses: our 7-day plan and our 30-day plan. 

These short courses are designed to be like a stay-at-home study abroad program.

Our 7-day plan gives you 10 lessons in one week. That's 2,195 yen per lesson (about 12% off from your regular 10-point package for 180 days).

Our 30-day plan gives you 30 lessons in about one month. That's roughly 1,998 yen per lesson (about 19% off from your regular 20-point package for 180 days). 

If you already have points in your account, both your 7-day and 30-day plan points will be used first.

So, if you have some time off from work or school, now's your chance to use these short courses to get an intensive English workout! You can purchase them from our store, and don't worry. You can buy each plan as many times as you'd like. 

Please contact us at if you have any questions. 

Kind regards,