Akiko helps create change for kids in New Zealand

By Yumi on May 20 2019

Hello everyone,

This month's Employee of the Month award* goes to one of our first and main members of our support and admin staff, Akiko Hori. You may know her if you've gotten an email from our Support team. 

Besides being a reliable point of contact for the students and HR staff who choose our lessons, Akiko is involved in making sure our blogs and news posts are scheduled accordingly. She is also responsible for posting them on our social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook), and her incredible attention to detail has helped tremendously with creating and editing localized content on our site. As a former graphic designer, Akiko makes The English Farm images for our social media idiom posts like "game-changer" and is currently contributing art for us under the supervision of our art director, Skye. She also helps train new staff and basically does what she needs to do to help the Japanese side of The English Farm run in an organized manner. 

Akiko has chosen to donate to KidsCan—a charity that is designed to help New Zealand's most vulnerable kids get a great start to their education.

From Akiko:

It was really hard to choose one organization out of all the charities out there, but I chose to support the future of our children. Even though New Zealand is a developed country, there are many children who don't have the financial support to get a good education or have enough to eat. I really appreciate The English Farm for giving me the opportunity to show them my support.

Thank you so much for everything you do for us, Akiko. And thank you for supporting KidsCan!

Kind regards,

*Note: For those of you who are newer to The English Farm, our Employee of the Month award goes to the teacher or staff member who consistently goes above and beyond. The winner of the award chooses a charity that The English Farm donates to on their behalf.