Cut back

When you cut back on something, you reduce the amount of money, time or energy that you spend on it. If you decide to cut back on an activity, it’s likely because it was being done in excess.

We usually use "cut back" with “on” and then a description of the activity. It can also be used without “on,” especially if the expression is placed at the end of a sentence. 

It is most commonly used to express a desire to improve money management or limit an unhealthy habit. The verb “cut” can be conjugated in the past, present, and future. For example:

  • Our travel budget was too high this year. We need to cut back on unnecessary expenses, like hotel room service.
  • We were using too much electricity at home so we cut back and now our bill is much lower.

A. I really need to quit smoking. The habit is taking a toll on my lungs. 
B. I agree. You should try to cut back.

Did you know? Some people say “cut down” instead of “cut back.” In general, both options are correct.

In excess: too much of something, an overindulgence.