Visuals: Kids and vaccines


システム移行・更新に伴い、The English Farm の既存サイトは 、日本時間 9月23日(月)17時〜 25日(水)5時)*の期間、オフラインとなります。


Vaccines can be a controversial issue in some cultures. For instance, according to the Washington Post, in the United States, 9 per cent of adults oppose vaccinating children against measles. Also, many people believe that the coronavirus vaccines are not safe.

Countries have different policies regarding whether it should be mandatory to vaccinate children. Have a look at the map below and discuss what you see with your teacher.

Please present the map to your teacher. Do Homework
What is your opinion of mandatory vaccination of children? How about adults? Do Homework
Is vaccination an issue of personal choice or public health? Do Homework
What are some challenges that your government is facing in vaccinating the population against Coivd-19? Do Homework