Aeon aims to attract older shoppers

By Betty on 1月 15 2018

Retail giant Aeon Co. has renovated 13 outlets across the country to cater to seniors, offering earlier opening hours and services that encourage asatomo (morning friends) get-togethers.

Kohei Nakahara, a store manager, canvassed elderly people who frequent nearby parks to better understand their needs. “We brought what they want to do into our store, and it resulted in them staying longer. We want to make the store a place like a community hall for neighbors,” he said.

Aeon Retail positioned one store each in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka as model outlets for seniors. Aeon Kasai, the first newly-renovated store to open since 2013, has tried to attract seniors by offering various services from health checkups to a shop that sells fashionable canes.

Teaching notes

Japan's aging population means that retailers are shifting their attention to the older age groups which predominate in society and make up the larger group of consumers and holders of wealth. Aeon is a large retailer which is adapting stores around the country to grow as their customer base ages and their needs change. They aim to turn stores into community centres and encourage shoppers to stay for longer with fitness activities, health services, and product ranges to reflect the lifestyles of older shoppers.
The discussion could encourage the student to consider the impact of having an aging population on retail and marketing strategy. Ask the student if he/she can come up with any personal experiences or examples to suggest that retailers are preparing to accommodate older people's consumer tastes and requirements.

Teacher Rating
Please summarise the marketing strategy of Aeon. What is the main objective?
Why is it important for retailers to focus their attention on the older generations?
Do you think the program will be a success? Why or why not?
Can you think of any examples of retail strategies aimed at a particular type of people?