Transitions 6 <テクノロジー> 結果の説明

Business man pointing to graphs and symbols

このレッスンでは、Transitions 4 の「原因の説明」とは真逆の結果を説明をすることに焦点を当てて、様々な表現を駆使します。答えを締める際に便利なフレーズです。トピックはテクノロジーです。


There are many occasions when we have to explain the results of an event or situation. This lesson will help you to do this effectively.

The lesson is based on the topic of technology, something about which most of our students seem to have some knowledge. If you find a student struggling with the language due to the nature of the topic (rather than the language itself), you can introduce a topic that is more suited to their knowledge or interests. 

In the Language section, the student should give a short answer to each question. Only focus on the transitions at hand. Don't move too quickly; make sure the student is confident with each one before moving on. 

Warm Up

If you could invent something new, what would it be?

This is a rather general GBC-style question, so if students are struggling to come up with something, aim them towards a more specific direction: "What could you invent that would make your workspace more comfortable/your house more user-friendly/travel more convenient?" etc.

This is a question that can lead to much discussion, so limit this part of the lesson to around 2–3 minutes. 


Please consider each transition word or phrase. Your instructor has an example and a question regarding each one, so please practice them. 

  1.  As a result…— Because of what I have just mentioned​...
  2.  For this reason…— Because of what I have just mentioned...
  3.  In consequence…— Because of what I have just mentioned...
  4.  Hence…— For the reason I just mentioned... 
  5.  Given these circumstances…— Because of the circumstances I previously described... 
  6.  Accordingly…— Because of what I have just mentioned... 

Key point: Every word or phrase in this lesson can be replaced with "so". The reason we'd want more sophisticated transitions than just "so" is that it doesn't tell the listener much about how big the topic is. For simple topics, use "so", but for heavier topics, use a heavier transition. 

Spend as long or as short a time as necessary on each transition, but make sure the student can use it smoothly before moving on.

Side note: For struggling students, elicit the adjectives/sentences from the student before adding the transition. For higher levels, you may be able to skip right to the question. 

Point out that these transitions are all very similar in meaning, but the important thing is for students to use a variety of them. This gives their language skills vital flexibility. Also mention that the transitions start easy and then get more sophisticated towards the end.

1. As a result… 
E.g.: Mobile phones have advanced incredibly. As a result, it's possible to carry out banking transactions on the move. 
Practice: "What's one result of having smartphones?"
E.g.: As a result, we can check our email in bed. It's actually pretty stressful.
Question: What is your favourite technological invention? What can you do as a result of using it?

2. For this reason
E.g.: Global warming is a huge threat to our environment. For this reason, we need to find ways to use fewer fossil fuels.
Practice: "What's one more result of the above sentence?"
E.g.: So/for this reason, we should put more resources into developing other technologies.
Question: What is your opinion of nuclear power?

3. In consequence
E.g.: In the future, robots will probably take over many jobs presently done by humans. In consequence, companies will make huge savings on their labour costs.
Practice: "What's one more result of the above sentence?"
E.g.: So/In consequence, universal basic income may be necessary.
Question: Do you think AI will ever replace teachers in schools?

4. Hence
E.g.: Technology is developing at great speed. Hence, members of the older generation have problems using the latest innovations.
Practice: "What's one more result of the above sentence?"
E.g.: Hence/So, my iPhone is now about 3 years out-of-date.
Question: How can we help developing countries keep up with changes in technology?

5. Given these circumstances…—an emphasis on the macro/big picture view
E.g.: Autonomous technology means that we will soon have driverless cars on our roads. Given these circumstances, we must make sure that these vehicles are totally safe.
Practice: "What's one more result of the above sentence?"
E.g.: Given these circumstances, more people will be able to use cars, like the elderly and disabled people.
Question: What are some of the benefits of autonomous vehicles?

6. Accordingly
E.g.: Cybercriminals are becoming more and more sophisticated in their hacking techniques. Accordinglycompanies are forced to develop better security measures.
Practice: "What's one more result of the above sentence?"
E.g.: Accordingly, the opportunity to provide security to these companies is also increasing.
Question: How can you keep your identity safe when using Internet services?

If students get through these transitions quickly, you could offer a few more:

  • Therefore… (very common, so they probably already use it a lot—you can just mention it if it hasn't come up yet)
  • Under these circumstances
  • Consequently
  • Thus
  • And that is why

Now that you've had some practice using these transitions, try to answer some more questions. Use as many of the above words and phrases as you can.