オリエンテーション 中級以上 4: 習得とボキャブラリー



Let's think about a simple word.

The word is, "egg."

  1. What does "egg" mean?
  2. Can you use "egg"?
  3. Have you mastered the word "egg"?
Warm Up

To master a word, you need plenty of rich, focused language. What is that?

Speaker A

Build your vocabulary like this.

  1. Read about an interesting topic. It must be at the right level of understanding.
  2. Make a note of new words.
  3. Study useful words. 
  4. Repeat.

Study words like this. 

  1. Choose a word.
  2. Understand it. 
    • Read or hear examples. 
    • Ask questions. 
  3. Use it with feedback. 
    • First, make easy sentences.
    • Then, make interesting sentences.
  4. Use it naturally.

After understanding and practicing, you need to continue gathering information about language to master it. 

Mastering language 

Look back at your previous lessons. Find 2–3 words you want to use naturally. Your teacher can help you.

How can you practice them? Work with your teacher. 


  • How large is the vocabulary that you can understand?
  • How large is the vocabulary that you can use naturally?
  • Do you need a bigger vocabulary?


  • Find the 2-3 words from past lessons. 
  • Write them in your notebook.
  • On The English Farm's homework service, write one example sentence with each.
  • After the examples are corrected, add them to your notebook.