G.B.C. 14 流れる様に話せる様に聞こえる方法

It's all just smoke and mirrors

G.B.C. アセスメント の得点の約15%は、流れるように話せるかどうか、が評価対象になっています。英語の流暢さは長い時間をかけて取得するものですが、そのように聞こえる方法がいくつかあります。ここでは、その方法を学びます。


What is fluency anyway? Discuss it with your teacher.

Warm Up

Have a go at a couple of G.B.C. questions, and try to answer fluently. (Don't worry about anything else.)


Your teacher will demonstrate and explain the five ways you can immediately speak more fluently:

  1. respond immediately;
  2. confirm;
  3. use fillers;
  4. slow down; and
  5. say what you can.

Now let's practice! Let's go through some more questions and see if you can fake fluency.