Review all the angles.
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基本の argument の作り方ばかり忠実に使っていると、どうしてもワンバターンになりがちです。このレッスンでは少し変わった回答(16~19)の復習です。様々な受け答えのポイントに取り組みましょう。
The previous four lessons have shown you ways to rethink the beginning, middle and ending of your answer. This lesson will give you a chance to practice all the strategies together.
Warm Up
Recall the last four lessons:
- Confirming questions.
- Using alternative structures.
- Adding roll-on effects.
- Finishing powerfully.
Which lessons were easy for you, and which were more challenging?
Your instructor will ask you a variety of questions. Use as many of the above-mentioned strategies as possible in each of your answers.