STS 15 論理的な話し方・応用編の復習

man walking down cobblestone street looking back at silhouette figure of girl on wall

Take a look back.

論理的話し方・応用編(11~14)の復習です。戦略を駆使した argument 作りを試しましょう。


We are going to take a look back at the previous four units. You will get a chance to practice using counterarguments, vivid examples, layered reasoning and compelling facts. 

Don't be afraid to spend time on this lesson and ask additional questions from the Questions master list. If your student can't remember a strategy, then take time to perfect it.


  • If your student has a test coming up soon, practice only the techniques they're fairly good at. It's best to build their confidence in using those techniques than to push them to use them all.
  • If they don't have a test coming up, or after the test is over, spend as much time as needed to strengthen all the skills.
Warm Up

Recall the previous four lessons. Which was the easiest? Which was the most difficult? 

Here's an overview of the last four lessons: 

  • STS 11: Give balanced answers/counterarguments.
  • STS 12: Use vivid examples and anecdotes (using strong adjectives or verbs). 
  • STS 13: Add layered reasoning.
  • STS 14: Use facts and data.

Use the student's attitude to gauge their confidence. Some students may feel that every lesson was difficult, while others may feel that they were all easy.

  • If they seem under-confident, then encourage them to use what they can, and scaffold the practice section.
  • If they seem over-confident, remind them:

There is a big difference between understanding the strategy and using it. All speaking tests are about output, so it's necessary to use these strategies well. 

NOTE: If a lesson was difficult for them, you can return to it for more practice. 


The term scaffolding refers to a process of teaching. There are 3 steps in the scaffolding process:

  1. The teacher models and/or demonstrates how to solve a problem for their student.
  2. The teacher lets the student try to solve the problem themselves by taking a step back and only giving support when needed.
  3. The student is able to solve the problem on their own.

Scaffolding is sometimes described as, "I do. We do. You do."


We will review each of the skills you practiced. 

  1. Please give a balanced answer with a counterargument:

Should young children be required to learn English? If so, from what age?


  1. Please give an answer with a vivid example or anecdote

What (besides good food) makes a restaurant great?


  1. Please give an answer with deep reasoning

Do you need empathy in your job? Why or why not? 


  1. Please give an answer with compelling facts

What is the biggest problem your country will face in the future?