説得力のある argument 作りには、例えや経験談を上手く使う事も大事です。このレッスンでは、より印象的に例えや経験談を語るための明確な言い回しを使う事に取り組みます。
A good example should paint a clear picture for the listener. It should be specific, and it should give details.
- What's happening in the picture above?
- Can you think of a time when you went to an amusement park, and describe it in detail?
What's the problem with this example? Can you make it stronger?
Tokyo has great food. For example, sushi and ramen.
A. The key to giving powerful examples and anecdotes is to use high-level verbs and adjectives. You probably have a rich vocabulary already, so practice using it now. Read the example answer below. Which words or phrases make it vivid? What information paints a clear picture?
Describe your colleagues.
My colleagues are fantastic. They always help me. For example, when I was new, I had a tough client who demanded so much! I had to stay at the office every night until 2 or 3am, but my team members gave me great support. They'd finish their own work and then come by to check on me and give me a hand.
B. Now describe these topics using vivid language.
- Your best vacation.
- Your boss.
- Your favorite kind of clothes to wear.
- A food you hate.
Now choose a question from below, and answer it with detailed examples:
- What are some important factors for many people when choosing a new place to live?
- How would you describe your personality?
- Do you think there are cultural differences in fashion?
- What is your favorite food? Can you explain how to make it?